Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I see by the international propaganda machine of the leftists that they staged an Obama picture lynching in Tehran outside the Swiss Embassy, invited the press like Obama man boob photo ops and Yahoo kindly splashed for them cars driving over Obama's face, people linking Obama to child murder in Gaza and some really high production Obama photos going up in flames.

Apparently in demonic turf wars, this is what one gets in jealousy as the Indian monkey demon, hanuman, who Obama carries in his pants for luck is not that popular with the other old order of Persian princely demons who actually ran an empire, while the Indian demons, just.......sweat.

I purposely do not invest a great deal of time in explaining things about the demonic nor Spiritual forces, including human will, because most children would only harm themselves by attempting to utilize them. It is for the most part better that Churches and parents just tell people to pray to God and leave it at that as they get into enough trouble in those prayers any way.
In this though, one must clarify to educate what is happening now with hanuman Obama. The entire realm of the Spiritual and spiritual is one of power, but people have no idea how that power even operates or what it is as it is not physical power. That realm operates on God is Love. The mathematics of it are simple. It is will of thought enhanced by emotional energy.
That is the science of photonic physics which I created and revealed as God has shown me. It is Light or light energy in Thought or thought, initiated by Will or will, enhanced by Love or hate and the formula then equals an action.

God's power is free as long as one obeys His Laws. One gets into great trouble under his cover named Jesus operating there, and then as many do, return to the darkness, which immediately shows up in God's realm as this black spot which His Consuming Flame of Light rectifies and in this physical world all kinds of cancellation occurs in a person's life God gave them.

For those who operate in the physical reflection or the demonic reflection, there is the Newtonian principles he was shown in every action, there will be an opposite and equal reaction.

light a flame in the world by hanuman's fire for Birdie Obama and while your principality absorbs that emotional action of adoration, an equal inferno of fury will start in reaction in another realm.
Chris Matthews tingles down his leg and Peggy Noonan tingles up her legs in America and soon enough one has people in the Middle East in fury opposite driving over and burning up Birdie Obama's photographs.
The blood moon rising from the wolf moon in January as this blog pointed out is but an omen of the manifestation of Birdie Obama burned in effigy releasing Molech, the fire demon, a very nasty sort which reeked havoc in ancient Israel where they were sacrificing their first born children to it and burning them in fire.
A few years ago I saw one of these massive graveyards in the Israeli state of all these little skulls buried of children murdered to a demon force. I have warned repeatedly and often enough that making wishes on candles is a spell cast to the fire demon and there is no difference between a baby slaughtered by aborticide to a sex demon to a baby slaughtered to Molech. They are all power sources and are used in the emotional flame to empower the forces in opposite and equal reactions.

Mr. Obama has a massive problem in he has sodomite demons, sexual demons, drug related demons, infanticide demons as ancient as Lilith and his familiar monkey demon, hanuman, which he is taking luck from. God is a Creative Force. The earth sphere is both Creative and consumptive. The demonic is consumptive. Mr. Obama in his monkey has taken things from the initiator and other demons. demons are in example like loan sharks. Once you take something from them, they always demand more back and the interest keeps rising as the flame must be fed. Just like the first hit of coke is "wonderful" for some people and in the end they need a couple of hits an hour just to obtain the same effect.

I have explained that Mr. Obama was utilized by the order to re ignite the European oracles whose power had been snuffed out by Christians and the Americans. They used the artificial force of hanuman which created this bizarre condescending euphoria which engulfed the United States and the world that somehow electing a black person meant you were no longer evil.
This bizarre Indians demon sect is for lack of a better word, girly men. Their entities are both male and female in appearance and that in essence has been the Obama which has been photographed in having breasts like a woman and this enhanced virile body which mirrors the hanuman type in Indian art.
While meaning no slight at Indians, they simply without the Aria have never amounted to anything as they are Hamite in decent and the drive of conquest and advancement is not in them and that is why the Aria conquered them and why China slaps them around. It is not in their driven human form nor demonic force in them to win wars.
This girly man demon has been enhancing void Americans and Europeans who have no idea what they are dealing with. The people of the Middle East recognize the force though and I really want people to get this point, so in a new paragraph I will take it slow and simply.

The entity allah is the moon force. It is a natural lesser entity of the sun demon sect and is frustrated as the devil is in being inferior to God. That is the third world reaction played out time and again in the American God moving the moon demonic entity back. These people are volatile in nature and they are always burning effigy of something. I want people to notice something though that is coming through loud and clear. Zawahiri is focused on Obama. Islamocommunists in Persia are burning Obama.
These peoples know the demons they possess and which influence them. They do not like George Bush, because of the success God gives, but they deep down respect where his power originates from because the demons know the source is God.

Now behold the target reaction sweeping the Middle East concerning Mr. Obama. These demons know full well a demonic force in hanuman out of India has inflamed America, inflamed Europe and is attempting to dislocate them from their ancient order by swaying the masses to worship their servant Obama. This agitates demons and the people in their sphere soon enough get agitated too. The net result is one of the power centers burning Mr. Obama unleashing the consumptive forces.

Mr. Obama should be running to Jesus, on his knees confessing his rebellion and in public divesting himself of his entire entourage of everything from infanticide to sodomite power sources. The reason being a spiritual forest fire is erupting among the billions of human trees in Eurasia. That fire is going to engulf the world and there is one in Europe who is coming who will be the inferno who mahdi Obama assisted in generating, because once people reject Obama they will flow to this European.

None of this is good, it is complicated and it very much should be a warning to every person to not ever get involved in these situations, because it just keeps engulfing.

This is a spiritual covenant now of the demonic order and it will not be put out until it inflames the entire world, and, the only Being Who will put it out is Jesus the Son of God at Armageddon which is a few years down the road. It will only be when the archangel Michael, chains satan and delivers him into the pit for a thousand years of Christ's rule, that the remaining people will actually be able to live without the influence and possession of all of these demonic forces.

This great spiritual hemorrhage though must first be worked out as human will being influenced has set this spiritual bloodletting loose in the world.

I would repeat the counsel of before to real Christians in telling them to "duck". Your purpose is about to unfold as this period while others have been whoring to the world, you have been attempting to attend school, and, it will be necessary in being servants to teach the people who are looking for thee answers.
It will be the Spiritual the called with seek and it will be those who are given God inspired understanding who will have the real service for the world.

May God bless

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