Monday, January 12, 2009

lune bleue à la lune de sang à la lune de loup dans le sang

On January 12th, an event occurred which could not have occurred under natural circumstances and yet that event took place. Most people have seen in Autumn, the Harvest Moon which is known in northern cultures as the Hunter's Moon or the Blood Moon, due to the bright light it gives along with the orange to red color it possesses unique to that time of year upon rising as the winds of autumn kick up dust into the upper atmosphere, which in turn refracts light to color the normal moon on the horizon, blood colored.

In January, the Ojibwa, of the northern tribes have a moon which has now been incorporated into American culture which is called the Wolf Moon. This moon which is the one which should be occurring now in pale bright form like a corpse signals the howling wolves which ran ravenous over the ice sheets called snow in that area of the world, prowling villages for dogs to snatch and food scraps, and, then progressing to run moose, horses, buffalo, elk or deer and hamstring them in the night hunts.

The Wolf Moon should have happened, instead on lunar rising, a Blood Moon arose in January.

This blog has noted the strange signs which have been prevalent in this election cycle from Barack Obama's August nomination starting out with dark moons and blue moons, to the John McCain nomination linked to a hurricane storm, to the Blood Moon which happened before the election and now before Barack Obama ascends to the White House, the Wolf Moon has now become covered in blood, for a Blood Moon.

This is le mystère of folklore as the French would say inhabiting Quebec in the long ago sagas. This Wolf Moon was preceded by a blizzard on the northern states, leaving the west untouched, but will plunge east and into the south. Deep snows cover the area and there is no harvest dust nor dust from frozen ground which can account for the atmospheric conditions for a Blood Moon rising.
So it can not be and yet it was.

The heavens and the storms continue to portend something which is not good for the United States of America in connection with Mr. Obama.

The moon of ravenous famine has become covered with blood.

Time will tell the story of these most interesting times we live. Global Warming scams being brutally frozen to record below zero temperatures, storms from Seattle to France to Siberia to Alaska. A great many messages are being sent in the signs which are very remarkable.

The blue moon, the blood moon and the wolf moon become blood. The signs are not good in what the Spiritual is revealing.

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