Monday, January 12, 2009

Mission Obama

In looking at the overnights for the weekend television ratings a rather amusing situation is playing out again which liberals and socialists never quite figure out to their doom.

The right wing program 24 which ruled the air for years is into a plunge in first loosing 36% of it's audience when Keifer Sutherland turned into his liberal dad who abandoned him, Donald, mouthed off about global warming and got drunk.
The lost audience in November wanted no part of some psychotic liberal catharsis of Jack Bauer "saving" black people from themselves in Africa as some kind of "Redemption". What a wonderful liberal message in black Africans can't save themselves and the only way a white can gain redemption is saving the black savages.

24 dawned though with a lost 31% of their American audience who will never return. I would guess this is it for 24 as a last season, because those kinds of dips might get it canceled before May sweeps.
The other big looser was the Globe Awards of liberal Hollywood honoring itself.

The big winner was American football which helped CBS actually win Sunday night in the Steelers Chargers game going right up into the 7 o'clock hour.

Amusing in this, the ABC skank show, Desperate Housewives actually did well. Amusing, because there sit frumpy women in their homes thinking they finally get quality time with their football watching husbands and boyfriends, only to never figure out the guys are watching the skanky milfs thinking about them and not the frumpy gal on the sofa.

None of this really matters, except for the larger picture of America which these ratings actually mean. Richard Nixon often spoke of the Silent Majority in America. While beat to a red color, they do indeed still exist. Richard Nixon even with his socialist price controls never lost Americans supporting him no matter how long the deluge of liberal hate dripped on him. That is why astonished liberals who were going to have a Nixon hate fest at his funeral were astounded when people lined up for blocks for hours when Richard Nixon died to pay him honor, because Nixon never abandoned the American cause and he never once ever insulted them.

This is what Keifer Sutherland and the 24 producers have done in abandoning America once they made it big. Hollywood suffers from the same American hatred.
One can look at Ronald Reagan, the greatest of Presidents, who the "right" still hold up in their annunciations, but the real Conservatives never once forgot and still make mention that Ronald Reagan screwed America over in gun control when in guilt he passed that Brady nonsense because Sarah and Jim Brady played on the good will of the Reagans.
Those actions by the Reagans with Nancy opting for cannibalism in stem cell are just the type of erosion which these people never recover from. Conservatives willingly extol the virtues of Ronald Reagan, but they real Conservatives never forget the reality either.

Roseanne Barr learned that hard lesson when grabbing her crotch while singing the National Anthem. It was that one event which was the start of her plunge into the abyss she has never recovered from. When you are at a high television rating, and you loose like Rosenanne did 8 percent in your audience, the network execs who took your garbage start to smile and know your time is coming when they will take their revenge.
Roseanne Barr is suffering from that 8% who will never ever watch her or support her ever again. That is the reality life and the huge reality of 24 as that show has lost not 8 percent but over 30 percent.

George Bush was buoyed throughout his 7 years of the presidency by that Silent American majority. It saw him through the 9 11 attacks, the Iraq and Afghanistan war, economic problems, personal attacks, Plamegate and Rathergate coup attempts, but when George W. Bush tried to put Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court it was bloggers like this who called for him to be spanked in house and he was. At that point though, George W. Bush had started his Roseanne Barr slide as the liberals were already hate filled over the Mission Accomplished banner and were never going to support him.
When a President looses Americans, he become a Jimmy Carter lost in oblivion.

Conservatives will be loyal beyond compare, but if you ever break that trust, one will never recover from this. James Dobson in his Harriet Mier wanderings and other things got caught in this trap and he lost a base which has lost him his voice.

This is thee problem for Barack Obama and in complete refutation of President Bush in his stating the biggest challenge Mr. Obama will face in the presidency in a terror attack. The problem for Mr. Obama is he has 60 million Americans who will never support him. He has an equal adult share who could care less as long as the potato chips and Oprah do not run out. He has a fragmented group of liberals he has been slapping around in dumping minorities to the curb and not moving forward with a liberal agenda, but fast showing Mr. Obama the Marxist is a Henry Kissinger globalist.
Once liberals find out Mr. Obama is Mr. Kissinger, it is at that point of humiliation like when Jimmy Carter was shown to be an absolute coward over the Iranian hostage crisis, that Mr. Obama will have numbers which will really be what George W. Bush is said to be experiencing.

Instinct tells me one thing, the day is going to come sooner than later when Americans on all spectrums will be longing for George W. Bush in the leadership he made look so easy, even as David Letterman in his sadistic racism and pedocide with political rape of Sarah Palin and her family smeared them, he equally smeared and hindered President Bush.

Why would that be stated? It is for the reality that Barack Obama reached his peak numbers in the polls on election day. That was it and is it. From that point on his ratings have eroded and been on a continuous slide.
At twelve noon, eastern standard time, on January 20th, George W. Bush with God's help and some very adept law enforcement have kept the United States from experiencing any mass terror attacks. That record is why George W. Bush is a success.

That record is why Barack Hussein Obama will be an utter failure.

President Bush warned of this today in a coming attack. He knows they are in the works by the intelligence and he knows they are planned for 2009. With the ramped up rhetoric concerning Iranian Islamocommunists, it is certain the financiers are going to push for Mr. Obama to strike the Persians.
Indian type terror events are manageable, but when these people strike Persian communists armed with nuclear warheads, the Persians will vaporize an American city.

Unlike when President Bush garnered 75 plus percent after 9 11 in approval, Prime Minister Obama will instead be blamed by the right, wondered over in being inept by the Oprah crowd and frankly the liberal Marxist left will cheer the terrorists again in stating America deserved it.
That is the reality for Birdie Obama, because he is on public record in dealing with Islamocommunist terrorists in Hamas and soon to be the Persians of Iran. He will utterly fail, because all these people want is Christians under the Muslim sword and Jews vaporized to appease their negotiating points. This is what Birdie has jumped into bed with and the oasis is not going to last for him as the sands erode all his tent ropes to have him soon flapping in the breeze.

Mr. Obama can keep Robert Gates at Defense. He can offer up huge tax deductions to get the GOP on board. He can pose with more flags than Betsy Ross. He can take the oath on the Lincoln Bible, but he will never gain the support of the Alamo crowd which George Bush squandered as much as 24 did.
Mr. Obama has no understanding in the least how to deal with these people or how to communicate with them.

Birdie Obama is destined for thee worst tenure in office in the history of the United States. His policies will burden Americans further. He has stated he will draft their children. He has told the people they must suffer. He has informed the Silent Majority that Jeanine Garofalo has been hired to star on the 24 of his administration.

Mr. Obama can not even with a super majority of Democrats in Congress pass a cronie payoff bill for him to sign on January 20th for publicity. They have had 3 months almost to do this and can not get it done.
That is the surest sign of absolute erosion. Birdie the usurper is going to be sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as the loneliest cage Tweetie in the world as all occupants of the Oval Office are. It only goes down hill after November elections and it only gets worse after January 20th. There are no commercial breaks in this as Mr. Bush found out and there are no David Lettermans handy to bash Bush 43 for ratings when you, hisself, is the occupant of the Oval Office.
The jokes will be on him. The dead Muslims will be on his schedule and the terrorist clock will be ticking for the day the major event occurs and Americans will be furious at terrorists, but remember that George W. Bush kept them safe for over 7 years and Mr. Obama instead talked with the animals who then murdered Americans.

Make a joke of that David Letterman as this is your policy with Peggy Noonan, Noel Sheppard, David Brooks, Chris Matthews, Charlie Gibson and the entire cast who assisted in the defeat of socialist John McCain, so Barack Obama could accomplish all this coming mayhem.
Take your bows people and enjoy your profits as judgment day is coming.

Remember Americans never forget who pushed them off into the abyss.
