Saturday, January 17, 2009

Obama Welcomes You

Isn't it just a wonderful day now that the Obama Express Train is rolling back into Washington. I'm just all French goose bump excited!
It has been a difficult few months in pondering just what job I will be getting from Birdie Obama and crew, as it was noted he will be hiring 600,000 new government employees at around $40,000 dollars a year for a perpetual cost of I think 24 billion dollars or $24,000,000,000.

Eureka, we has hit it rich with hisself!

Now I know I could be like numbers of Obama supporters who think after the January 20th party I can just stop working and go on vacation as I will automatically be like Oprah, but I want to earn my 70% taxed income fair and square to fund all them new Obama programs.

So as a public service, Lame Cherry will head the White House Vacation Retreat Plan for all Obama supporters, with protocols sent down from hisself, Mr. Prime Minister, hisself, Barack Obama, and overseen by his lovely wife, Michelle, while Gramama Robinson watches the kids.

Please note if you are an Obama donor or some other party, Birdie has his hand out and welcomes all of you to the White House.
You are reminded though to please read the following protocols before attempting a stay at the White House in requesting forms as if you just show up, security will administer a lead shot remedy which is not healthy for those crawling over the fence.

So while I await my new Obama job, created just for me, your reading literature is below.

Hope to see you soon!

If you are black, please be defined as black as there are now different "blacks" as of the November elections. If your are Obama black, please note that (50% Caucasian, 38% Arab and 12% Black) liberal Washington has one of you already, hanging as a picture by the wall with their donation and you will not be invited into their homes.
If your are Peggy Noonan black, then you may only appear in her dreams with a raincoat and if you are Noel Sheppard black then you only qualify as the debate point in "I have black friends too".
All other blacks please leave your luggage by the curb where you have been tossed as Mr. Obama, already has a whopping 2 of you at the United Nations and Attorney General while you make up 1/3rd of the population.

For Hispanics, please see the Bill Richardson protocol as stabbing the Clinton's in the back, then being branded a criminal, leaves you not in the White House, but a sunny vista on a fresh lawn, for summer strolls, attached to a lawnmower for your White House stay.

For Asians, please see Michelle Malking for White House contact information as you have as much chance as appearing at the White House as Hirohito did in World War II.

Jewish voters please note Appendage IBM. Dining, sleep accommodations are available, but during nuclear air raids, please take the elevator to the roof where your Obama nuclear umbrella is protecting you. Thereby await to be vaporized whereby Mr. Obama will retaliate making your stay at the White House secure and complete.

Arabs please see the Gaza plan.

Persians, Mr. Obama has special White House apartments designed specifically for Islamocommunists inside the reactor at 3 Mile Island with special air rides strapped to Tomahawk nuclear cruise missiles.

Europeans, Mr. Obama apologizes again for the lack of accommodations from America.

Indonesians, please leave all credit cards, travelers cheques and cash at the White House front gate and wait for your Stanley Ann Dunham microfinace profits to start rolling in.

Africans, please leave all jewelry, diamonds, gold, silver, copper and land at the White House security desk or at the Office of United Nations Ambassador acting as Secretary of State, Susan Rice, and await for your Obama windfall like Grandma Odinga living in her rural hut.

South Americans, please review the Chavez plan to the Castro plan. Please note the difference in each Marxist plan to make your stay all you hope it to be. The Chavez plan is highlighted by being beaten and robbed by masked bandits who look like the police, who then hold you for ransom, and the Castro plan is highlighted by unmasked bandits who look like the police beating and robbing you, who then imprison you.

Mexicans please see Tony Rezko, Chicago Federal Correctional System for accommodations, and, your check is in the Nancy Pelosi "stimulus plan". Please note your 12 dollar an hour wages listed are 6 dollars an hour, with the difference going directly into Obama donors offshore bank accounts.

Self made white women, please see the David Letterman plan where he and a host of others like Cynthia McFadden will politically rape you from outside the White House, put your pregnant teenage daughter in danger and verbally beat up your mentally retarded child.

RHINO supporters, please note the Charles Hagel White House accommodations in sand pit Nebraska with the lively entertainment of Noel Sheppard from his perch in "parrot talk chat".

Veterans, please see the Arlington plan with it's pretty lawns and ornately decorated rock sculptures in rows.

AARP members, please see the Bethesda mortuary for accommodations.

Rich American donors earning under 150,000 dollars and having made 5 dollar donations, Mr. Birdie Obama welcomes you all at the White House special branches. Please be advised that fetus' are welcomed at Planned Parenthood clinics for a nice salt bath, metal scraping, vacuum job and in special occasions, a partial forced birth by clamps on your head where your brain will be sucked out.
Vacated mothers will then be given a 3 by 5 photo of Democrat Stephanie Herseth's new baby suitable for framing as you must abort your children while Democratic elite have their fetus to cuddle.

Poor people, please see your welfare office for recommendations on the economy plan for staying at the White House, which is sometimes labeled the "White House Tour".

Children, please fill out form XYZ, as your parents have sold you to the state, whereby you have volunteered for Rahm Emanuel forced service in your community, followed by Birdie Obama forced mandatory service in the military or your choice of serving overseas without a gun doing forced manual labor where you will be kidnapped, raped and ransomed, whereby, a funeral will be given for you with a nice White House stationary note signed from Michelle and Barack Obama, thank you for your service, while their children were found exempt.

People in ill health, please see the Arlington plan, Bethesda Plan, Planned Parenthood Plan, on your accommodations form, and just scratch out any of the above and write in, "To the attention of Health Minister Tom Daschle ASAP, DOA"

We at the Obama White House hope to welcome all world subjects soon to our retreat away from reality, where all little children can grow up to usurp an entire nation, if mummy just embezzles enough cash from the Ford Foundation to kick it all off.

We thank you for your consideration in choosing the Obama House for your stay, but please note the Lincoln Bedroom is only available for George Orwell pigs and the rest of you animals can look through the window, pondering how this is not what you were told you were voting for.

Obama's blessings and blessings Obama.
