Saturday, January 17, 2009

Rahm Emanuel, Obama's amoral Soul

Rahm Israel Emanuel gets allot of press about being a Rahmbo, but in reality he is Rodin's Thinker in the infamous sculpture chiseled in stone. He is strangely a prophetical verse in his namesake, in Jacob who was renamed Israel, was first called the Usurper or Grabber as Jacob, much like his boss, Birdie Obama, whom he serves, and later, Jacob was renamed to Isra El, which means "one who contends with God".
Perhaps Mr. Emanuel should change his name to Rham Israobama Emanuel, as that is who he voted for in his messiah, and, Mr. Emanuel contends with all who cross his path.

The following is not an attack on Mr. Emanuel, but is a profile of the man who will be the shepherd to Obama's sheep for the next cycle America is entering into. People need to understand who this man is and perhaps he might have this dropped into his mailbox to reveal a few things about himself, so he becomes a more complete soul, as America needs Rahm Emanuel in the position he is in to be President of the United States.
For all the drama of Rham Emanuel, I would feel much more at ease if he was President, than anyone who is available now in the Democratic party, and, that goes for John McCain too.

The best analogy to explain what Rahm Emanuel is, is simply, a surprise for those who meet him and study the man as he smiles graciously assessing you. Mr. Emanuel one notes does not have half of his middle finger on his right hand.
As a teenager working with a meat cutter, he cut himself. There are two things one knows in the meat business and that is you always keep your fingers tucked back and if you ever get cut you disinfect it thoroughly or you will get a horrid infection.

Teenager Rahm, got his infection, and for some reason his mother and father, Ben and Martha, let the little tyrant rule as he refused his mother telling him to go to the doctor, at which point his finger became infected and doctors had to amputate the end of it.
That is poor parenting and it set the stage for Mr. Emanuel to bully, push through and not act at all like Tony Snow in being humble in suffering through cancer knowing your time on earth is short.
Charlie Rose where Mr. Emanuel appeared recently was all school girl grinning and giggling over having nasty boy Rahm in the studio, but the reality is those people who allow such antics which Mr. Emanuel will sometimes express do him no favors as it only wastes his real talents.

Mr. Emanuel is a very talented and beneficial American. His problem is he is like Mossad trained agents in murder happens at the office, but you go home and care about your family and are a good neighbor. There are vocations where that is a part of the job, but when he sat there and allowed Bill Clinton to attack Kathleen Willey and allowed Hillary Clinton to steal FBI files to blackmail people, it did them nor America no good.
Mr. Emanuel should have kicked Bill in the nuts, jumped on him, grabbed them and pulled them hard and yelled in Bill's ear, "You ever touch any woman like that again, I'm going to cut your balls off and nail them to this Oval Office desk".

Bill Clinton would have understood that, behaved and this nation would have been a great deal better off and Hillary Clinton having a husband who behaved, would not have had to try to so hard in being par dux President, so people would have liked her more.

This is the problem of Rahm Emanuel in he has an amoral soul in compartments. The same gentleman who will sit and genuinely speak of health care for children and bi partisan votes to get the economy moving for middle income people, will at the same time ignore all the criminality of Barack Obama.
This trait has already cost Mr. Emanuel in the worst way in he rushed in at Barack Obama's instigation to buy that Illinois Senate seat which Birdie just had to have, and who got caught, but Rahm Emanuel.

I will be blunt for Mr. Emanuel. That kind of antics did not serve the German high command well when they had a person in charge who would play with little Jewish girls, making them with his own hands cards with pasted real flowers while employing Himler and Goebbels who are calling Jews rats and shipping them out to work to death camps.
Mr. Emanuel has sworn to serve his President, in Barack Obama, but Mr. Emanuel in his zeal neglects that Rashid Khalidi, a terrorist is Birdie Obama's buddy spewing the same type of propaganda coming out of Nazi Germany.

I actually admire Mr. Emanuel in his ability and his loud mouth, but also know he has never been on his knees in life for years at a time like John McCain or as I mentioned Tony Snow. His time will come, but his time is now America's time, and, this nation needs him not to be Obama's amoral soul, but Birdie Obama's Presidential Seal of Morality.

Mr. Emanuel has many shortcomings which have nothing to do with lack of character. He will speak of the need to restore the middle class in producing as that is where the economy always produces a prosperous nation. He though then will revert to Keynesian communist type economics which stifle all growth and then busily work in Congress for a "stimulus" package which is nothing but kickbacks to cronies.
Mr. Emanuel it appears, in he believes it, that by rebuilding all of these old asbestos ridden schools, that somehow that good deed will spur the economy to revitalization. Nothing can be farther from reality. It is a narrow construction, communications and internet venue which will be rewarded in that. It will employ select union overseers and Mexican slave labor.

Does any of that help blacks, suburban whites or Asians, farmers, ranchers, truckers, carpenters, oil workers, bankers, hamburger flippers to Walmart greeters etc...? The answer is not in the least.
Mr. Emanuel has to know this is a kickback to cronies of Obama and Democrats, but has deluded himself into thinking like the Clintons, that if you put on the phrase, "for the children", that somehow the fairy wand makes it all work out fine happily ever after.

I have noted here several trillion dollar projects which America could invest in from a high speed rail system to a grant system to all homeowners to build and stock survival shelters, all of which would recycle that money in high paying jobs in all sectors. If one did this, the government would get the funding back in taxes and then could upgrade these schools with that money.
No one has yet though pointed out some facts on the Obama school upgrades in I know for certain there are states who have already accomplished all of these upgrades almost a decade ago.
Some took the tobacco settlement and some used prison labor to rewire schools for high speed internet. No one though has yet looked at the situation in the hundreds of billions of dollars dumped into education each year for a failing system, in just which big city Democratic schools have been squandering money instead of investing it on the schools.

These are the flaws of Rahm Emanuel which at source appear like he is only one degree off. I will point out that just try that in your car sometime by just turning the wheel one degree. That one degree will have you off the road in less than a mile and if you are driving to New Orleans from Chicago, you will end up in just one degree, in Taos, New Mexico.
That is the entire problem in the source of Rahm Emanuel. He has good intentions, but his entire input is flawed much like a computer tapped into history and using Wikipedia as a historical fact when that is a site of historical flaw.

I really want Rahm Emanuel to succeed. If he did, a bushel of people in the Middle East would not die very soon, but then he is for aborticide, homosexuals killing themselves, imported slave labor, lie to yourself religion, which all are an Obama base that does not do anything but destroy people.

There is no way to fix the information plugged into Mr. Emanuel nor for his desire to serve a President in usurper, Mr. Obama. Jesus would correct Mr. Emanuel and God's Spirit would train Mr. Emanuel too just as Saul became Paul, Rahm Emanuel is that same type of brilliant and driven person, who just happens to be wrong on policy.

I doubt Mr. Emanuel would appreciate most of what goes on here, but he does need someone with the facts to align him to the reality he is walking into, for his reality is an abyss which while his intentions are good, are going to great harm to his people.
He needs to be a Daniel and he needs to be an Esther to quote Judeaen roots in a person God can work through. Otherwise, he like a number of skilled people are going to be destroyed in the Obama tenure just like they were under Jimmy Carter's ill chosen bumbling.

Allot of people who were amoral in the Clinton White House are going to have to step up and be moral compasses in the Obama White House or all those little slights of "investigating myself and declaring myself innocent" are going to land them in prison.

Rahm Emanuel needs to step up or the next step he takes in where Birdie Obama is leading this with Nancy Pelosi is going to be a Grand Canyon sized abyss for him, the Democratic party, the United States and billions in the world.
