Thursday, January 15, 2009

One word worth a 1000 Obama's

In a continuing work exclusive in noting trends of how liberals see Birdie Obama, it is interesting where New York advertising which would only pepper black people into commercials has now gone ga ga for black people, in thinking that since Americans voted for Birdie, putting light skinned "black" people into the majority of ads will sell product.
This train of thought had me laughing a few days ago in seeing a black woman selling a gloss lipstick which would only look good on people who are of her skin tone, but the company thought that now all white people too want to be black.
Apparently now all white people want to 1970's black disco, according to AT&T get our groove on.

I place before the reader the most interesting Birdie of voting blocks in AARP. Somewhere in the deep recesses of liberal minds there is a fascination manifestation cropping up in monkeys are on people's back, since Birdie has come on the national stage.
No comment is necessary in the deep racial roots in this coming from liberals in all the horrid historical racial hate associated with it.
This blog did not touch the above ads and has left them as they are, but the network ads on the Inauguration below were touched for effect of red for our Marxist Prime Minister, but the networks are quite bizarre in their featuring Birdie too.

CBS is a close second to ABC for Obamazoid coverage. The Countdown to 44 is the theme espoused by Obamanation in their thinking it means something.
Apparently CBS is going to assist in the propaganda push so Obama can pass his Marxism and cronyism paybacks in the first 100 days.
The most telling though was Perky Couric in an Obama interview breaching the subject of the assassination of Sheik bin Laden. I don't seem to recall any person about to occupy the White House in saying one of the first things they intend to do is kill someone.

Completely in bad taste and from Obama's featured expression he looks like he has a headache and needs a happy pill.

ABC is the first propaganda wing up with the lunacy of thinking people are going to watch 24 hour coverage of this Prime Minister event. I might if I'm not out doing something tune in for Bush 43's speech to see what he warns America about and see how things go with Birdie, but come Tuesday the 20th John Wayne with Cappucine will be playing in North to Alaska as I have had enough Birdie and 4 more years of him will have to be rationed out.
Maybe Brian Williams has Obamaphobia.

NBC frankly surprised me as all they had on was this little thinger. The only President on the site seemed to be Ronald Reagan.
Who would have ever thought in the land of tingler Chris Matthews that no pictures, no mention and no Birdie would be involved with the great 20th Obama Day.

Fox is amusing in still spouting the Rupert Murdoch backing of Birdie, or there are so many racists who were beating on blacks in their college days that they are all in the tank for Obama making amends.
What was interesting as Fox had a poll in the "majority" favored Obama and thought he was doing well.

Doing well? He hasn't done a thing.

But Fox trumpets that 53% are pleased with Obama, which means 47% are displeased with the Obama wonder.
Those are not good numbers going in as the savior of all the world, especially when blacks will have to go back to work on the 21st to the same crappy jobs, go home to the same slum apartments and have all the same problems as before, except now Mexicans will be the catered vote in the Democratic Party.

It is fascinating though how liberals and all these globalists hiding in the Conservative wing are staging this.
One wonders if it is racist in NBC not having any black people on it's site or if ABC featuring John and Jackie Kennedy, instead of black leaders who paved the way like Condi Rice is not a bit racist too.

Blacks everywhere in advertising, liberals complaining in ads to get the monkey off your back, and Barack Obama talking about killing other folks while NBC ignores him and FOX says, "Let them eat ho ho's" as the world spirals on.

Pictures are worth a thousand words and one word is worth a thousand Obama's.

May God bless you Mr. Prime Minister Obama, usurper to the American presidency.
