Thursday, January 15, 2009


As Time magazine is featuring hisselfness for the 13th time on it's cover, it is time to wage a protest which Newsbusters was not man enough to take the advice on and using the Obama photograph on the left.
That is Barack Obama and I can prove it.

Does Barack Obama not appear in public showing his man boobs off?

Does not the person on left work for Rupert Murdoch as a Page 3 girl and does not Barack Obama work for Rupert Murdoch as a Page 1 boy?

Is not Rhiana of Page 3 a British subject with legal British mum and pop and does not British subject Birdie Obama have a legal British mum and pop?

Does not Birdie have nothing but glamour photos posted all over the internet by the press staging pictures and stories?

Well, that proves the blonde is Birdie Obama as there is no difference under British subject law in there is only one Queen, one Prince in waiting and a herd of sheep just bleating, because they are not being sheered fast enough.

Murdoch knows how to sheer people and started Page 3 to entice people to buy his Sun paper. He tried to do the same thing in New York, but his wife said no. He traded her in though for a young oriental gal who apparently said yes more often.
That reminds me of an associate who worked for Air America in Indochina in that long ago war of Vietnam. He had a friend from that vocation who was an interesting person who was said came back to America and could disappear in a room as no one would notice him. His choice in training was to assist people to assume room temperature before their time.
This associate seemed to confirm what Rupert Murdoch has latched onto, as he would be chatting on about some operation he was engaged in and then wax off to a far away time in remembering all that a south Asian woman could do to a man like no other woman could.

I digress, but perhaps it is not as once there was Vietnam, now there is an expanded war in south Asia of Afghanistan. There was the draft and Charlie Rangel is going to try his draft again, with Mr. Obama having told the world he is going to draft United States children for his wars.

America is freezing in record cold. My compatriots last evening were indulging in 42 degrees below zero where it will be 110 in the summer, yet Henry Waxman will be pushing through more Democrat taxes on ruining certain businesses like he did to the tobacco industry in extorting money from them.

The television industry which helped Birdie Obama steal the United States presidency will not get another 650 million dollars for that digital nonsense which they say will spy on people easier with those converters and of course no one is asking who got those channels for free the television stations used to broadcast on worth billions.
Nobody asks the questions found here in how Americans are being gouged again.

Iran is telling Birdie Obama how to conduct policy. North Korea is telling Birdie how to conduct policy. Russia is telling Birdie how to conduct policy and China is being funded by Obama supporters who are for China telling Birdie how to conduct policy.

It seems there are certains in this Obama world. For example if you are white skinned Mexican, Gov. Bill Richardson taking kickbacks gets kicked to the curb, white Slavic Governor Rod Blagojevich gets indicted for selling Birdie the Illinois seat which Birdie thought was his, yet, Rahm Emanuel a white Ashkenaz gets a pass for buying that seat, Timothy Geithner a white Ashkenaz, soon Sec. of State, deliberately did not pay his income tax after repeatedly warned gets a pass without fines or prison and get to be Sec. of State.

Interestingly, a pariah like Hillary Clinton to so many, now all of a sudden doesn't look like such a bad piranha to have in the pool, considering all the Tom Daschles splashing about who have no idea about medical care to security like Leon Panetta and his traveling troop.
The doppelganger of Robert McNamara seems to be hosting his own coffee chat as even dusty old Henry Kissinger beams with delight over his boy Obama with his old Chinese friends.

We have not had one day of a Prime Minister and yet I witnessed today some cutie coming up with PEOTUS or President Elect of the United States for Birdie. I suppose never mind it sounds more like PEON, which stands for peon in a not too intelligent third world type which Mr. Obama has volumes of heritage to access.
Of course, PUSSA, is probably more correct in Birdie being Prime minister Usurping the Soviet States of Amerika.

Who knows PUSSA might be the formal title for our beloved Prime Minister which might transform from this site to engage the world as 47% of Americans are not that impressed already with PUSSA Obama.

With that it is time to put up links, contemplate the future which will care for itself and ponder nothing at all.

I have though always wondered why white people get black ink in tattoos as the above Page 3 girl has and black people get black ink which makes it difficult to notice them. Why do not black people get white ink tattoos? Perhaps I should not have mentioned this as it might start another trend and the world will have to look at more ghastly sights, which is why Rhiana being exploited by Rupert Murdoch is featured here, as she is more pleasant to contemplate than Birdie Obama in man boobs, Joy Behar in that cleavage and whatever other images this nation will be stuck with for the next 4 years concerning PUSSA Obama.


Bedtime for Obamzo cost 650 million

Pignose Waxman oinks for more extortion money for liberals

Islamocommunists say Oh No, B H O

Don't pay taxes get a job to head Treasury

Rangel wrangles Obama draft