Friday, January 16, 2009

Some things which need stating

There is a jigsaw of events which is forming into a puzzle which appears sometime in early 2008 that a fix was in in conjunction with the Bush patrician socialists melding with the Obama Marxist globalists.

To make the neat terms story short, the projection was to bomb the Iranian state. I have noted 4 major planted stories pointing to the Islamocommunists of Persia as a nuclear problem which will have to be dealt with in a massive strike in 2009.
It seems Iran is to be Birdie Obama's, Joe Biden prophesy of a nuclear confrontation testing him within 6 months of taking office.

Lindsey Williams the sometimes silent and oft times vocal feed for the globalists who sometimes gets things correct in the price of oil and sometimes gets things wrong in stating McCain was their man, also noted that one nation these capital globalists have a problem with is Iran.

Iran is to be Barack Obama's bona fides on the world stage in blowing them off the map.

It is a most strange mix Birdie has assembled and jumped into bed with. On one hand Rashi Khalidi, Obama's favorite terrorist was featured recently on the Charlie Rose program spewing hate propaganda against Jews in dealing with Gaza.
Khalidi was sadistically amusing in noting the 1000 Gaza dead were somehow children which Rose allowed to go unchallenged. Yet, no one seemed to note that Barack Obama is part of a system pulling babies out of mothers, sucking their brains out and calling them tissue to the numbers of 6 plus million butchered in aborticide.

That of course in American babies does not phase Khalidi, but Khalidi, Charlie Rose, a self loathing Cohen of the New York Times on his Jew bash were all were quite phased by dead Philistines who were firing missiles at Judeaens for years, or, they were anti semites concerning Jewish aggression and comfortable with Jews being dead in acceptable terror numbers.

Why Gaza matters in this in the Marxist Jews using this as a means as an election operation to get themselves re elected as Hamas has simply run away and hid, is the fact, that Gaza was removing one of 4 fronts against the Jewish state. The others being Hezbollah, Syria and Iran when a war escalation occurs.

Daniel Pipes attempted earlier in 2008 to claim that Bush would attack Iran if Obama would win, but punt and allow McCain to deal with Iran if McCain would win. Mr. Pipes has now been exposed as ignorant as he never factored in a deal was worked out with McCain and Obama that each of them would be given the glory of blowing up Persia.

No one seems to comprehend that Zbigniew Brzezinski on a summer mission to Syria sponsored by the Rand Corporation was setting the stage for the 2009 actions.

Sheik Assad of Syria, I know he is called a President, but he is not one and as he is not a complete dictator, but more like a sheik killing who he pleases and running his desert like a harem oasis, the term sheik is more correct and respectful.
In noting how brutal Assad can be, one can still admire him a being the 3rd most astute leader in the Middle East. He even invited in the BBC to do a propaganda piece extolling the evil of the Jews hammering Gaza as it would bring more support to al Qaeda.
Bashir Assad was noted by the BBC in his wife did not cover her head like Muslim women, so therefore all what he was saying was bona fide.

Interestingly, Cohen of the New York Times on Charlie Rose was espousing the same propaganda as Sheik Assad about the Jews hammering Hamas would only bring greater turmoil and support, but in his propaganda it would be Hamas the victor.

This is the leftist Letterman cocktail crowd of supporters which are going to receive an astonished awakening when they find out what their mahdi has agreed to carry out in the grand plan.
Rashid Khalidi and Rahm Emanuel locked in the same room and both expecting their own promised absolutes from Barack Obama. Does this create an inkling of the disaster in paradise which is building?

If not, the explanation is in the sands of the Middle East in Birdie has agreed to a stage where a great deal of nasty things have been occurring. It was this blog which exposed that it would be in the interest of the Russian Bolsheviks and Chinese communists to stage a nuclear pollution of the Middle East which would remove America from the region.
Perfectly, the point was made that Nancy Pelosi would be screeching for American troops to be removed from such glowing sand danger, and not by coincidence Madam Speaker now is the guns controlling the entire wacko policy about to engulf the United States.

In noting this, there is Mr. Brzezinski, a man who has a fixation on Russia and a heritage need to protect his native Poland from Russian nuclear warfare. As noted here, Brzezinski instituted the Caspian Gambit, not ever for America to get Caspian oil, but as a means to draw Russia to a front along with China that in the event of an Eurasian World War, they would be exposed to massive western firepower to pollute southwest Asia instead of Poland.
A war is coming and currently the board is being staged to attempt to get it fought in the wastes instead of green Poland.
Brzezinski knows a good plan in nuclear pollution and it would be in his mode to turn that plan back upon those instigating it. In that the hypothesis follows:

Birdie Obama will dump 30,000 American targets into Afghanistan where it was pointed out here that a few thousand men on point, 50 caliber sniper rifles, trail sensors and Predators with a very lovely Marine gun site of the region to reach out and touch someone with howitzers cheaply would settle the Taliban issue effectively without putting Americans in jeopardy.

So why put Americans in harms way, but to draw fire, and that is the answer in an escalation.

No coincidence someone tried to get Pakistan and Indian to nuke each other. No coincidence that Birdie chose Pakistan to nuke and it is no excuse feature three in this shift is to include Iran who when bombed would release unlovely radioactive clouds which would drift in the right attack into China causing a complete meltdown of their regime.
3 nuclear lines of fire being mounted in the past months is fact and 3 is reason to deduct it is deliberate.

While this scenario will certainly take a great deal of advanced warfare from the communist Chinese where in a Eurasian war weapons of mass death would be the only recourse in dealing with a 200 million person military on the march, it equally as pointed out can spiral out of control in American withdrawals in central Europe flexing it's muscles grabbing land and resources in competition with Egypt and Libya, with the added problem of the Persian communists will most certainly vaporize New York City in a retaliatory "terrorist" event.
That of course is best case scenario in America only experiencing one nuclear holocaust of a city. The worst course is 20 select cities vaporized in bin Laden style American Hiroshima which was all the chatter a year ago until new subjects were more profit making.

There are indications that now that the Jewish Marxists have gotten good public opinion in beating up on Philistines, that now Hezbollah will out of deference to Mr. Obama wait until after his installation and then rain missiles on Jews for a new round of fighting.

These rounds though only bring about the worst of situations as in Hezbollah, there is Lebanon, which the northern part has been annexed by Syria, who just happens to have the glory of having the Black Sea Fleet stationed in it's port.

All of these trip wires are there and laid by Barack Obama's globalist advisers. Birdie has Brzezinski and Kissinger both petting him as their dove. This global order is their benefactors script in the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. The events are there to move this to fruition.

A report in Wall Street Journal actually proved what this blog has stated in that the communist Chinese have been using their shipping to move all these Islamoterrorist supplies and people around the world. It just so happens in this Obama targets Iran scenario being set up, that China was fingered selling raw missile manufacturing supplies to Iran as it filtered through banks in New York.
Gee imagine that the Rothschild controlled banks in New York laundering money.

I suppose it was just a dream too in Cliff Kincaid noting that our non tax paying Timothy Geithner of the US Treasury was on the New York Fed banking board and the Chinese speaking, Chinese living banker serving on the Gang of 30 meant to keep the Chicoms buying up massive Obama debt.
The Chicoms are currently worried they are going to be stiffed for what the Iranians owe them as Anglo American banking will shut down the money supply. That is called blackmail in China is not so Oolong smart in giving away their Earl Grey tea secrets when the British were planting a new crop in Darjeeling as the bud to command the high prices.

This is all international mafia accomplishing crimes lesser mules end up in prison for. Obama gets to be President, Geithner gets to head US Treasury and march, march, march the stories are marching pointing all the fingers at Iran.

As the above photoshop notes, Persephone has been replaced by a Pelosi Obama Shahab signed, sealed and ready to deliver for Birdie's prophetical eclipse.

There are many things in this which one relishes. The foremost will be the day all of the worst comes into being and all the Birdie supporters realize just what they did, that they installed someone far worse than their hated George W. Bush, that those 1000 dead people's blood in Gaza is because of their vote for Obama, that the mayhem and bloodshed soon to descend is what they are responsible for as they were so holier than thou berating Bush 43 for "doing something" they demanded done.

Perhaps it will be David Letterman standing with his little boy in their Connecticut mansion yard watching a mushroom cloud puff up over what will then fast becoming what was New York.
Toddler Letterman will then ask, "What is it Poppy Dave?"

Dave can then proudly reply, "Why my boy, that is just my Obama vote working it's monkey magic in the pants wonders" Dave frantically dials his big shot friends to find a jet to flee to Paris and safety, leaving all the Obama voters to die like he left the Philistines to die in Gaza.

But even in that Obamamania moment, there will be a silver lining in the cloud and I will thank all the Obama voters for voting for Barack, because it means my girl, Gov. Palin, and her entire family will be safely tucked away in hick Alaska along with the rest of us hick Americans tucked in our nowhere America safety.

Happy days are here again
Obama's blue skies have mushroom clouds again
We'll all sing Karl Marx and cheer again
Happy days are here again.

agtG 318

Obomba Iran

Obomba & the Maoists