To understand Bruce Marks, mix a cocktail of George Bailey from It's a Wonderful Life, played by Jimmy Stewart, Michael Moore and Al Sharpton with a brainiac economics mind and you pretty well have what is a Bruce Marks. To explain it, Bruce Marks is the good guy running out the snake oil salesman by a mob tarring and feathering him, using his own press and selling his own brand of snake oil.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have been shaking down major corporations for years and Bruce Marks is doing the same thing.
Marks mark though is getting predatory Penny Pritzker type lenders to cough up billions or millions which either collapse the lenders or causes them to become "partners". This money is then apparently loaned by Bruce Marks to 'po folks' via Marks, NACA or Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America.
Mr. Marks in getting corporations to fork over this money has done terroristic things in hounding people like Michael Moore does in their places of work, communities and homes. Marks is the busy body who mails nudie pictures of the woman who is having an affair to all the neighbors to clean up his town's morals.
The woman commits suicide, but no one seems to notice as she is a slut.
This is the angle of Capital Research Center in Marks was putting the screws to companies under stress, causing them to loan money to risky ventures and with Marks taking his loaning cut, set off the iceberg which caused the financial Titanic which propelled Obama into the White House.
Is Bruce Marks a nasty, mean person in his terrorism? Yes he is.
He is though the exact person who should be leading World Net Daily's tea parties as Bruce Marks would get the state governments to not accept Obama money in bankrupting America.
This is the problem in Bruce Marks in his boogey men are the mid level financiers. He has not uttered any words about Bill Clinton starting this mess, Barack Obama profiting from this mess and all those trillions pouring out of the United States into Europe and what the top flight New York financiers in Rockefellers plundered from the poor and from American investors.
That sort of looks like someone with deliberate blinders on working for someone named Rockefeller and Rothschild powerful in nailing the competition while doing Ralph Nader good.
It appears Ms. Malkin and the group not exactly liking Bruce Marks are part of this sub right wing financiers who back people on the "right" and who do not like Bruce Marks rapidly increasing share of their fleecing market.
So while this George Bailey is saving people from Potter's Field plots, he is also burying a few people in that same field while running a multi billion dollar loan operation.
While no one has been reporting on this, the stories of people hounding bankers and financiers in "we know where you live" is right out of the Bruce Marks terrorism handbook he is so proud of.
The problem in this all goes back to Lincoln's "too many pigs for the tits", or in French, "trop de porcs pour les mésanges" (I sort of like that as it sounds more parlour room conversation swank), in all of these people were performing economic terrorism on America.
The Europeans were taking their trillions, the Rockefellers their trillions, the Buffets, Soros and Marks their billions and then little weasels like Obama were being paid off 2.5 million. It all added up in these people who all have their angle and all of have their agenda were just like Michelle Malkin and Joseph Farah sucking money out of American finance for their own reasons.
It is all sort of the snake eating the tail, because Farah goes after Marks, Marks goes after the mid level banks, the mid level banks front money to the people who publish Michelle Malkin's books and she along with Farah are after Marks. The complete mid level circle which neglects those crusty Soros and Buffett types who are the bag men for the Rothschild and Rockefeller cartels, who never get a mention in the story.
One would think if Bruce Marks was genuine, he along with perhaps Joseph Farah would both be asking loudly in joint effort, "Just how is it that these Rockefeller, Barclay and Rothschild fronts were not just in America, but all through the world were buying up Bear Sterns to little pieces of the Balkans at fire sale prices?"
Think about it in these elite, using American money they plundered, went in and bought up trillion dollar assets for a few million, which in a few months are now worth hundreds of billions again, and, Americans literally are in this check kiting scheme run by Ponzie Obama and Huckster Geithner are being left holding the entire debt.
Now why is not the entire story being investigated, published and linked?
I have heard Rush Limbaugh actually link part of this in the money flowing out of America into European accounts, so these people all know and confirm in parts the details appearing in this blog.
Of course, the reason is they would all be crushed if they bared the fang at the elite.........the same elite in the money flow which sets up and funnels money into all of these types.
Newt Gingrich or Gingrinch which I often misspell in typing is already at the head of this in dusting hisself off in as predicted in getting ahead of the Conservative movement in "warning" Republicans that the right will split off and start a 3rd Party in 2012.
Now recall folks, Newtie does speak a great deal of fact when it suits him, but Newtie was also the same guy quite silent as Bush spent all this money, same Newtie who was cuddling with Hillary Clinton, same Newtie of Newsbuster's worship who Newsbusters never outed at the Republican Convention in sitting there yawning on public camera like a lard hog showing how boring McCain was.
All of these people certainly believe in the things they are doing, and all of them whether knowingly or unknowingly are simply running in front of the bulls.
Obama just ran in front of the staged problems Bush initiated and won. He is no different than Bruce Marks in being just another communist organizer all taking their piece of America until there is nothing left.
As Bruce Marks is being targeted by the paid right, then he is bothering people on the second right financial tier. It is everyone biting each other as Obama marches on without one story exposing America had 1.1 trillion extorted from it for Obama to look good like the trillions more Geithner buy optioned on world stock markets.
That money will join trillions more already in European banks.
One would certainly think that World Net Daily and Bruce Marks would both join in demanding that money back as Americans could not only buy their own homes, boost the economy, pay off debts, set up their retirement in splendor and retire if the now 6 to 9 trillion Obama and Geithner have stolen from the Treasury in less than 2 months.
Nope not one word. Not one word that Obama lied to the poor in promising them 400 dollar stimulus checks along with Pelosi and Reid, but somehow that has now dropped to 250 dollars and is now only going to retired and handicapped people.
The po folks as far as published reports never got a dime from Axelrod Inc. as promised.
Bruce Marks might be doing some good, but he is sowing as much evil like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. It all comes around in full in time.
Today's hero is tomorrow's terrorist.
Apparitions in life just do not happen in the circles of power. Someone breathes them to life for their purposes and their profits.
c'est la manière qu'il disparaît (that's the way it goes)
agtG 239, 271
Buffalo gal Malkin
Capital Research Center