To explain the misspeak, Birdie has been on a this crusade to cut the United States nuclear arsenal, because he deems America has too many nukes in a nuclear dangerous world.
I will just point out the facts:
Of the nuclear arsenals of size in this world, Iran, China and Russia, they are all pointed at America.
The only arsenals of size not pointed at America are America and the Israeli state.
If the entire world is pointing their combined arsenals at America, perhaps America requires a few more nukes to even the battle situation out.
America is having problems supplying bullets to full fire soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is no way America can manufacture enough bullets and bombs to kill North Korean mobs, Chinese mobs, Russian hordes or Islamic hordes.
So it is either be defeated or use nuclear weapons to kill huge number of enemy combatants in a war.
Nuclear war is a saga of 3's. The first 3 hours of strikes. The following 3 days of prowler counter strikes. The 3 weeks of radiation poisoning. The 3 months of starvation and pestilence.
The nation which has a large arsenal in this either rules after reaches stalemate and her people survive invasion due to the fact that more nuclear bombs will not be produced after the first 3 hours as the infrastructure will be wiped out.
Remove nuclear weapons and nations start using conventional troops to leverage and the next situation one has is nuclear war.
Birdie Obama is a fool. Nuclear arms have kept the world safe from world wars. Removing that cork will allow the fizz of world war to escape into the world again.
Nuclear arms scare nations into acting restrained. Their generational cancer to radioactive poisoning makes them the only real deterrent to wholesale war.
Take the nuclear cork out and biological, nano and chemical warfare follows as they are "clean" and much more deadly than nuclear fallout.
If Sam Cohen's method had been used in the Pashtun to route bin Laden in neutron warheads polluting the region, the entire 9 11 aftermath would not be now happening, including a nuclear Iran.
Kill the little tyrants with their weapons of choice and then one does not have to kill the big tyrants who are using their nuclear arsenal to kill you.
Finally, as this blog alone noted to all the idiots from Mitt gee agree with Obama when he is good Romney to Birdie Obama, ignored the answers provided here in how to stop a nuclear war.
If Birdie Obama had invested in America the now 6 to 9 trillion dollars that Geithner has sent to European financiers in various nefarious and overt forms, in building as was advocated survival shelters, America would be in recovery and an economic boom within 5 months which would lead the world, and have paid off a huge chunk of debt.
Nuclear survival shelters with a large nuclear arsenal means other nations will not attack America as Americans will survive, along with infrastructure, to fire back indefinitely at nations using nuclear weapons with American nuclear weapons.
That is how one stops nuclear war and nuclear use of weapons and does not fall on a fools Obama errand in Prague.
Prague in the oracles is said to be a heap which is ploughed by oxen in the coming years after a nuclear war.
Obama has just lit the fuse for the destruction of the people cheering him today at Prague.