I fully realize Kim is a murderer who blew up South Korean politicians in a plane in the past , kidnapped people and he starves his people, but his kids don't rape women in mass like Saddam's did as far as can be known and all they want to do is go to Japan and be Japanese for awhile.
There is nothing wrong with that in the least, no more so than he looks like Roy Orbison and should be strumming up to Pretty Woman.
As world leaders, Kim isn't that bad of a guy. He certainly is no Ahmadinejad nor Mugabe in thuggery. He is just one of those charismatic Khaddafi of Libya types which the world really needs as the Obama's are so faux and boring that all he does is rape America's economy.
So I like Kim Jong Il and know he could be dealt with just like all the renegade, rabid, generals under him in North Korea, because Kim has Christian roots and does not persecute Christians. He is just a pure communist like his generals. He honestly is one of the few pure commies in the world and shines above the fakes like Obama and Castro.
Kim just wants respect as much as anyone does in his nation. I have witnessed enough of the minders Kim puts on foreigners who visit North Korea to know, he, and his people are good sorts if you just are equal to them and treat them with respect.
I mean Kim danced with that ugly, fat, old Maddy Albright and behaved himself for a very long time. Just imagine if Hillary with makeup on a good day showed up with her hottie lezbo assistant. Kim would probably plant his side of the DMZ down to peace roses for a dance and kiss on the cheek.
Yes that is satire and meant as no disrespect to President dictator Kim, but it is couched in the fact that North Korea as has been explained here can be dealt with so it stops having the need to poke a stick at Japan and America to get some attention.
If I were advising someone with brains in the US State Department, I might send me over there as I actually like these people in the north and the south without lusting after their kimchi pots.
I would tag along my man Heinz Ward of the Pittsburgh Steelers as he is part Korean, a few leggy military gals, maybe a hundred thousand pounds of America beef and give a big ole rodeo parade and bbq for Kim and the leadership.
I wouldn't expect a thing from Kim except not to kidnap the military chics and for him and his leadership to just listen to a proposal which would be:
First, a Kim Victory Garden would be expected to be planted by all North Koreans with seeds donated by America to help feed the people.
Second, swine, goat and poultry operations would be set up in every community to help increase the people's protein level, the manure would be used to generate methane which would provide cooking fuel and lights.
The manure turning into compost would help build the Korean soils.
Third, I would ask Kim to allow American missionaries to send funds to build more Churches in every community which would also act as hospitals, emergency shelters and distribution centers.
No Americans would be allowed on the soil except Franklin Graham, as even I have had enough of these fat, balding looser white males from America going to 3rd world states and marrying the pretty 18 year old starving girl, which pisses all the locals off.
The North Korean missionary service with Kim would run these communal Churches.
Fourth, I would point out that the rule is ruled by money and more is done for good or harm around the world with money than with bombs. Bombs cost money and sit there costing money, while money when created, generates money and more power.
I would ask Kim to use means to open up his monetary system to create a banking opportunity for Chinese and Japanese capital to flow in, in enterprise zones.
These zones would employ Koreans and bring in a great deal of wealth to North Korea in using South Korean worldwide commercial contacts.
The purpose of this would be that wealthy North Koreans would become lazy and never rebel as they would want to protect their DVD players.
Fifth, I would point out that North Korea has watersheds and rivers which with foreign investment in minority control and Kim control could harness hydro electric and water for irrigation which China would pay dearly for.
All of this would give North Korea the basics of caring for it's own populace which would care for itself in a green way. It would cost North Korea nothing and develop the nation with foreign capital and in the end sell hydro power which it has back into China.
It does not settle the South Korean issue, but it could be pointed out that in a generation, North Korea would have a peaceful, advanced, disease free and Christian populace which might be the type of state South Korea would envy and want to join by a vote.
Of course in all of this, Kim and the leadership, including military get a major cut out of the profits as just like Obama getting his multi million dollar book deals, Marxists on top do get the cream.
This all can be worked out as it needs to be worked out for the obvious reason, North Korea exploded a dud nuclear device, then has had 2 horrid duds in rockets. Kim will not like being laughed at worldwide and will then act out more in aggressive ways.
Give Kim a parade, tell him we love him, think he is cool, even if sometimes he acts not cool and go on from there.
The major issues then can be worked on after asking Kim how he would take the above positions and improve on them so they would be implemented.
The major issues being North Korea exporting missiles, nuclear materials, technology and their massive counterfeiting presses churning out dollars.
Given the choice between Kim and Castro, Mugabe, Ahmadinejad, I would choose Kim over Obama's buddy list for the reason Kim is a cowboy who has more western ideology than 3rd world Obama.
I don't have to trust Kim, like his generals or believe a thing coming out of North Korea. I do though have to put forth a plan in North Korea's interest which they would accept as it is in their interest.
Christians with money, obey the rules and make a good citizenry. Kim understands all of that. America just needs to agree with Kim and stop focusing on these defunct weapons North Korea has problems with.
If America would stop focusing on those damned German rockets they inherited, then the rest of the children in the world would stop thinking those were the premier toys to make them adults.
It takes a little God Inspiration on this side of the Pacific too in dealing with a North Korean John Kim II who is playing this game completely better than the Chinese, Americans and Japanese.
Obama is in bed with people he can't deal with and leaving Kim outside looking in at the orgy, who America can deal with.............because Kim doesn't want the orgy. He just wants to be Kim in 1950's John Wayne America style as he isn't a Castro whore for Soviet money, isn't pretending to be an Obama Marxist, but has remained pure to his cause.
America really should get this straight as there are too many areas Obama is getting it wrong and millions of dead Koreans is not the answer American needs.
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