Saturday, May 2, 2009

The 4 Eyes of Obama

Whenever one combines the idiotry voting for a blasphemous male who calls hisself the messiah, one gets idolatry, and when that idol initiates massive spending which will heat up the economy which is naturally constricting, one gets inflation, and in order to pay for all that debt, uneasy nations like China require more guarantees for their bond purchases which drives up interest rates.
Those are the four "I's" of Obama, idiotry, idolitry, inflation and interest.

It will probably surprise Bible readers as much as Obamaniacs that all four of those things are warned against in the Bible for the dangers they pose for any society.
Whenever you have the mob deciding what is best for it's whims, instead of what is best for the next generation in spend now and pay later, compared to a penny saved is a penny earned, you have a mass of idiots rejected God's chosen leaders and installing a King Saul.

God had an honest warning from the Prophet Samuel when the Israelites, who are our forefathers demanded they have a leader just like the other nations in a king, instead of a divinely appointed Judge to govern them.
God said, "You have a king and he will tax you, he will take your best men for his armies, he will inflict upon you servitude."

That is exactly what one gets when one starts listening to the weakest voices in a mob who are afraid and too stupid to make decisions for themselves, and want a leader to do it for them.

It gets even worse when absolute power is handed over by the mob to a idol who allows hisself to be called a messiah and pictured often with a halo around his head by his maniacs.
The Bible warns of an antichrist who will change times and seasons, when for thousands of years things have gone quite well on historically proven doctrines.

Barack Obama is in the process as the mob refuses to admit in stubbornness they are wrong and are just hoping "that he does something or anything as they are afraid", when the fact is that in 18 months if Obama does nothing this will in economic cycles fix itself as expansion will occur again, for the simple reason, things break, things wear out and new people need new things, so a demand occurs and voila, jobs are created.
Birdie in this has ruined, and I WILL REPEAT THIS OFTEN AND OFTEN UNTIL THE PUNDITS START REPEATING IT, Birdie Obama RUINED the George W. Bush recovery by deliberately trash talking the markets and scaring people.
George W. Bush had this fixed on 450 billion dollars. Paulson for all his good, bad and ugly with Bernanke had the economy stablilized as of January 2009. (For the FACT of the matter, British finance as of early 2008 had stated that the natural constriction in the markets was stablizing and that both American and England would be coming out of the recession by August 2008.
It was only by nation rapists like Warren Buffett and George Soros, and the deliberate economic attack on America by the central European Axis which was ignited in French banking, that this Obama meltdown occurred to install him and rape the world's economy.)

George W. Bush had 350 billion dollars in that account he handed over to Geithner, but Geithner was down to 25 billion within a month. No one has explained where all this money has gone under Obama.

So with the idiotry installing an idol, who is spending massive amounts of money into massive debt, the next situation which follows will be inflation.
This though will not be just any type of inflation as by all accounts, Obama has 1 trillion for his cronies, 1.1 trillion for the IMF which is his campaign promise to give a trillion dollars to the "poor" (in reality this money will go to 3rd world despots who will loot it like Geithner has done and it will all end up in European axis banks.), another 6 trillion in Geithner market manipulation and added to the 350 billion which Obama plundered from the Bush trillion, that is 9 trillion dollars in debt.
Think of it if tomorrow in your town someone showed up and started dumping a billion dollars on every one's lawn. Think of them doing it every day until you had no room in your house, your garage, your lawn and even your banks were so filled with money that they couldn't lend any more as there was such a surplus.

Everyone would have so much money they would quit work and go on buying sprees.

Money would be so cheap and plentiful that it would be easier to burn cheap money than buy fuel to keep warm.

Businesses selling cars would say, "Look, my car is worth more than all this money I have too much of already, so I'm going to charge a billion dollars for a car, a million dollars a gallon for gasoline and a hundred thousand dollars for a tire".

That is the inflation part of Obama spending which is going to be worse by a dozen times in what people thought was bad under George W. Bush, who actually was saving them and it was the financiers who were raping their accounts.

Now return to the mysterious stranger dumping those truckloads on every one's cheering lawns. The guy looks allot like Birdie Obama and it is.

He though isn't giving this money away. He is borrowing it from your enemies. Your enemies in turn without your knowledge are taking as collateral your jobs, your children's freedom and future and your homes.
They though see all of this cheap money they are lending Obama and say, "I don't see any American working, don't see any production, don't see Obama paying me back, so I need a higher interest rate".

Obama says sure as he is sticking the bill to Americans.

The problem children is as this money you have in your accounts get "cheap", meaning instead of 1 gallon of gasoline for 1 dollar, you will end up paying 10 dollars a gallon.

You think though you have a enough money and all of a sudden you fortune won't buy anything, so you start looking for a job, and there are no jobs as Obama sent the remaining jobs over to China and India.
You then go to the bank and beg them for a cheap loan, but find out from the bank, "Sorry boys and girls, your money is cheap, but Obama is taking so much money out of the banks in giving it to you along with paying for Chinese interest that it is now 23% interest, which means that it cost you under George W. Bush, 3000 dollars a year for a one hundred thousand dollar loan which you could pay off, now under Obama's hyper interest and inflation, that same payment is 23,000 dollars a year.

This is the same trick the Rockefellers pulled in the 1970's to ruin the American farmers and run that independent breed off the land to replace them with the piglet voters of Barack Obama looking for tit to suck on, instead of growing their own food.

All of this welfare was designed to slowing create an Obama voting block, where he will now add 30 million illegals to forever elect hisself president as he can like Chavez change the Constitution once he lets the illegals vote.

Those are the Four I's of Obama. The responsibility is on every single person who cast a vote for Obama or did not cast one for John McCain to slow this down.

One can not violate Biblical Laws without catastrophic affects.

idiotry, idolitry, inflation, interest

The lesson is complete for today. May God bless your understanding through Him. In Jesus Name. Amen
