Friday, May 1, 2009

A gun in every room and a thousand rounds for every gun

Birdie Obama has actually been better for firearms sales than the 9 11 terrorists when American women woke up and realized that the military, federal agents, police and relying on someone else to have a gun, only got a box cutter slashing your jugglar as your plane flew into skyscrapers.

In events which just make me smile, because it is the source of all the "gun segments" in someone at BATF has been alerting, warning and telling the liberal media that guns are pouring off the shelves, since Barack Hussein usurped the White House.

As of this year alone, Americans have purchased enough firearms and ammunition to supply the Chinese and Indian armies combined.

All of this reminds me of the Indian occupation of yesteryear when the Brits outlawed all gun ownership in India to keep the natives "peaceful".
Peaceful was what the Brits wanted, but when a man eating tiger or leopard started killing hundreds of Indians, then the British would declare an amnesty and scores of guns would find the light of day from under floors, in attics or the barn to go on a beat to hunt the killer.

An armed society is a polite society, I beleive researcher Gary Kleck once noted. He said in the wild west, people left their doors unlocked, women were never raped (saloon tarts would be attacked, but average women had no fear of attack) and people were extremely polite, because every man was armed and every woman had a knife.
Bad men did kill each other without respite, but they never dared touch the Citizen as what followed was an armed posse, a lariat, an horizontal branch and a good old west justice lynching to save the taxpayers money in a trial.

It heartens me in this dark age of Obama in his turning everything good into evil and evil deeming it good, to see this volume of firearms pouring off the shelves and into American homes.
People never seen to ponder that this is not just rural people, but the people who are buying guns in mass are firefighters, police, doctors, lawyers, politicians and those soccer moms who suffer from jungle Obama fever. These people see crime and know the fact of the matter is that when 9 11 comes par dux, just like the last time, police seem to disappear and are more concerned about gathering their wife, parents and children and protecting them.

9 11 was a wonderful praise for New Yorkers in behaving that day. They acted like complete asses afterwards in affairs to fraud to get at that money being doled out, but on that day they behaved and acted the part of true Americans.

The advent of Obama has real Americans acting true to the core again. The record number of firearms and ammunition is a testament to the eternal Covenant that the Second Amendment is.
The majority of police officers have no fear of armed Americans, and rely heavily on them, and expect them to actually police their neighborhoods as those same armed neighborhoods are keeping them and their families equally safe.
One armed cop is one armed cop, but 50 armed neighbors is a militia which bites hard.

There is nothing like the electric feeling of gun fire in the distance in nights of mayhem as one listens to it progress. The progress is always checked as when there are armed Citizens they check a mob every time.

The purchasing of firearms is the ultimate check and balance to this draconian dictatorship looting the American Treasury. One of the most pretty checks is the Ruger Mini 14, so named, because it was built on the M 14 rifle design after World War II when NATO came up with that ghastly .308 cartridge and has now replaced it with the M 16 in the .223.
I realize the common book on the military style rifle is the more expensive AR 15, which is the semi automatic version of the M 16, for accuracy, but I have a love for Bill Ruger's little pet.

I have never been a big fan of large clips, because in most cases one never faces 300 armed murderous thugs, so if one can not eliminate the thugs trying to murder you with a dozen rounds and a few back up clips, then one is firing too much, which reveals your position, and the fact is humans either hunker down and soon loose fear of rapid fire or those who have been in combat, simply pinpoint the fire and with one shot eliminate the shooter.
Tactics always indicate there are ways to thread a bullet to a thug, whether they are hiding behind walls one can shoot through or their feet are exposed as they stand behind vehicles.
There is medicine for each self defense position instead of the Los Angeles Police, spray lead and pray an officer hits something.

Rugers are handy rifles. They shoot well and just feel like something which belongs in an American's hands. They are made in America, by Americans and for Americans. Price is too high as everything is now, but apparently Republicans are not interested in putting a bill forward to out Democrats in creating a Gun Welfare program where the government as it always has historically helped purchase or given firearms to Citizens who could not afford them.
Chuck Schumer would squirm over that one as would all those Stephie jugs Herseth Sandlin would in her blue stuffed dog caucus which pretends they are firearm owners friends.

I still hope that recipients of the 250 dollar Obama bucks, will all go out and purchase some firearm with it. I know of someone who purchased a single shot shotgun with room to spare as a grand stimulus investment.

For most Americans though we can be thankful for our competing 9 11 terrorist in Birdie Obama in so terrorizing Americans that they are buying plenty coup of guns and ammunition to arm Eurasian armies.
The nice part about this is, that Americans in locking and loading just might keep America from being invaded by the Eurasians by all the deliberate betrayal Obama is dousing America with.

Seeds, food stocks, guns and ammuntion in 2009 as the ticket items of growth, the exact same items which in 1765 were in demand in the Ohio Valley.
The terrorists then were Indians, British, French and Spanish empires.

Full circle.
