Friday, May 1, 2009

Obama's of a feather

You know the stuff under a bed, that kind of rolled up piece of grey matter, of lint, human skin, cat fur balls if you are Dave Souter?

Now you know the mites which feed off of that?

Now add to that the excrement of those mites, being fed on by mold, bacteria and fungus, producing their own poop?
David Souter has to look up in life to fungus mold excrement for the low life he is.

David Souter is like Stevens on the Supreme Court in being frauds. They were appointed by Republicans who expected honor, character and upholding America Law, and instead they formed the Hugh Hefner Taliban duo, what one rape of American Law did not think of the other slimed a worse vote into.

Souter was behind the "government" aka globalists stealing American Citizens homes for shopping centers.
Souter was behind every debaucherous decision the Court handed down from Al Gore's attempted theft of the 2000 elections to the butchery of children and the sodomizing of them.

So it is only fitting that this traitor to America that he would hang around the whore house long enough for President Bush to leave office and then notify pimp Obama to make sure another lunatic leftist would be certain to take his place.

Americans expect more of Justices and frankly except for Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Roberts, it gets nothing but weak as water fairies as that make Tinkerbell look like the Arnold.
It is easy for Breyer of Taliban Law and his ghoulist cohort Bader Ginsburg to be globalists, because the entire DC patricians support them. What is manly is being Clarence Thomas in standing up the hordes and telling them like a true Prophet the things the wicked children do not want to hear.

That is the problem with Justice Kennedy in being weak and wanting to be liked. That is the strange problem of this odd Dave Souter, as if one looks at the Court, he is a traitor to Americans, but when he tried to cuddle up to Breyer, Stevens and Ginsburg, they wanted nothing to do with him. Souter appeared to have a stench even the liberals couldn't stand.

So Dave sat in his dungy little apartment, too scared to jump some DC power chics bones in matrimony, too timid to be a man and too weasel to even phone Barack Obama for a mansexual date, and was miserable in Washington as one of the most powerful and traitorous people in American history.

Souter therefore is betraying Americans in stepping down so a worse traitor can be installed by Marxist Obama. He will go to his New England dampness and dropping "r's" to soothe his savage breast that being stoic and stupid is where he fits in best in no one liked anyone in that part of the country..........unless of course you are a sheep, goat, chicken, turkey and dairy cow. For some reason Souter's people like critters you get something out of.

I sincerely hope, and honestly if I wanted to invest money to loose, would like to buy the property around Dave Souter and then put up a 150 unit trailer park and fill it with Mexicans and whatever else in border busters I could have John McCain dig up for me.
I believe I would provide them with goats, ATV's without mufflers and unlimited gas so they could scream and roar around Souter's house 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

I would put an aborticide crematorium next to his house and let the soot of his law settle on his lawn as the scent of his legacy filled his nostrils daily.

Opening up a gay night club and scenic Souter Park in back would just about fill it to the brim in Souter then could listen to radical gays who hate themselves, beat each other up all night and scream while they had intercourse.
Get a good rain and all those condoms would come a floating by Dave's gutters, he could collect and whatever he could ponder to do with them.

It is a pleasure watching a weakling sulk away back to the forest duff he rustled out from with all the other wood eaters he was spawned from. David Souter has left his legacy in:

Birdie Obama's of feather, fock togethter.
