This blog just loves the flat world standard of patricians who try to rake up racism on everything that is associated with Obama as some kind of trump card that will silence the GOP from pointing out the facts that when dresses like a ghetto ho, then that is what they are defined as.
If someone dresses like a Lady, then they are defined as a Lady.
Apparently liberals at some media site are all in a tiz with that odd Meg McCain who thinks she has anointed herself as pallbearer the Republican party to transform it into the Obamacrat party under hisself, along with bend over boy Jake Tapper, that Republican bloggers had used the terms of:
“A typical street whore.” “A bunch of ghetto thugs.” “Ghetto street trash.” “Wonder when she will get her first abortion.”
in describing the Rome venture of Malia Obama, also known here as Queenie, because this is an arrogant, haughty child who mirrors her parents in thinking they are better than other people and they deserve adoration like God.
For a reminder to liberals, you created this little monster in Malia by calling her sperm donor a "god" and picturing him with ridiculous halos about his head.
To examine the GOP comments of "a typical street whore".
Is this correct? Well Muchelle Obama dressed her daughter up in a peacenik sign grunge t shirt to appeal to modern dope heads and Tom Brokaw Woodstock dope heads, all with her sperm donor's sanction.
The selling of another human, especially a child, for any gain whether monetary or political which Birdie and Muchelle did to this 11 year old is prostitution. Queenie who thinks herself a queen is on a street selling it which is typically where one finds street whores, so in that the Tapper queery is off base in that definition of Queenie is spot on.
A bunch of ghetto thugs : We see Queenie and a black male with dark sun glasses like her, baggy clothes like her, bling, showing muscular prowness to intimidate those around them in a menacing way. Yes that definition fits in thug and ghetto.
Ghetto street trash: Once again, they are on the street, proven whores, pimps and thugs. They are emulating the refuse of any civilized culture, so the definition of Queenie and Bling fits.
Lastly, Wonder when she will get her first abortion, is on par with the concern of this blog in seeing a young woman who thinks she is better than others. Her entire world is built on a false identity of her parents advocating racist and hateful things.
This is an 11 year old girl and her parents can not control her in she is dressing inappropriately in too short of shorts for a girl her age, dressed as a political whore and in the company of someone who looks like Gangsta Rap which degrades all humans in base ways, especially sex.
What an 11 year old child is doing with an adult black male is something a responsible parent would not allow, because 11 year olds have nothing in common with 30 year olds.
So in concern of wondering when she will get her first aborticide event which her parents promote in one of the first things Birdie mandated was the genocide of black African infants is legitimate, because we are not speaking of Jenna and Barbara Bush here whose parents nor grandparents allowed them to dress like street prostitutes nor keep company with dirty middle aged men.
This blog really hopes that the liberals keep speaking about this issue in trying to brand the GOP racists as all it does is expose what pedophiles the liberals are as supreme racists.
Any normal person would see Queenie is a rocket out of control and she has left the launch pad. A normal unguided teenager is a hand full, but one who thinks she is royalty because her parents tell her so is the one mirror image of the Kennedy clan fiascos of self destruction.
I for one do not want Queenie knocked up by some old pervert at age 13 her womb scarred by an abortion, so that when she reaches 23 and her 5th abortion that all her babies come out at 5 months and cost a million dollars to try and raise while people who behave themselves have to pay for the Obama misguidance.
Queenie is not the only problem, her sister Sasha known here as Solven as the child is so bored with having the world at her feet, it will cause her to medicate like her old man with coke sooner than later to get a thrill in life, is another shattered life in the making.
Sloven at least dresses like a child yet, but after the Obama's had her in Ghana, that child was so terrified of black people I have no idea the scarring she is dealing with as she apparently never was allowed around them before.
So the difference in this is Conservatives seeing a major problem in the making and making exact notes, as in not telling gay people to go kill themselves in war or sex in enabling them, as Meg McCain is all patricianed up seeking to be validated in her failed daddy's socialism, compared to liberals who want to use 11 year old girls as political whores and think it is appropriate to have children acting out as adults without the experience.
There are many reasons why children are called children, are not allowed into combat, not allowed to perform operations and not allowed in society to be pimped or to have sex as it warps them.
Jake Tapper is warped for judging this story from his liberal racism, pedophilia and bigotry as normal people see this as a child in trouble and that is what these comments are spot on about.
It is about caring for children not being cared for by the Obamas.
.........and as for the propaganda of the right wing having a race problem, maybe the problem is in the left wing enabling failed minorities to shackle them into slavery by using their votes and like half white Obama tossing them off the boss after he gets that vote.
You don't vote for socialism, failed Mexican, failed African Marxist policy if you are a Conservative.......and as far as I can tell the Mexicans are here because of GOP policy and blacks never went back to Africa because of successful GOP policy in freeing them.
Minorities have chose the GOP for freedom, but are enslaved by Barack Obama policy.
So let us have his debate with whining Meg McCain, the twerp squad led by Tapper and the entire liberal horde as pictures do not lie and Conservativese are the one protecting Queenie more than her out of control parents, Glutton 1 and Glutton 2.
A Noel Sheppard patrician