The nation rapists in Warren Buffett and his ilk are back again now stating there needs to be a second Obama stimulus, exactly as they were telling the world before the first robbery occurred that there would be a needed second if not third trillion dollars to be handed over to them.
The reason the first stimulus did not work is because it was not intended to work. It was a series of kickbacks to Obama voters, enslavement of states taking on unemployment benefits from federal rosters and a way of funnelling money into the Obama Pelosi re election coffers in 2010 adn 2012.
I desire people to picture this in if you need fuel to stimulate your car to run. Would it work if you were putting it in the trunk for later use?
Would it work if you were putting it into the radiator?
Would it work if you were putting it into the oil fill........the power steering.........the window washer?
Would it work if you were dumping it on the windshield?
Of course it would not and yet that is exactly where Obama has been dumping this stimulus money and Warren Buffett KNOWS this as does everyone else, and as the criminals doing it are not going to tell the world of the crime, why is it that not one person of the right is explaing this beyond this blog?
Are the people on the right in powerful positions stupid or part of the crime. It is either one or the other and no other explanations.
This criminal extortion of funds from the United States people is not going to stop unless it is stopped by the American people who just do not seem to care. It is a truly shameful thing that the people who are supposed to be the trusted voices in this on the right are not explaining the simple to a groups of Americans who just do not seem to be able to put this together.
I advocate an immediate freeze on all TAPR and stimulus spending. I advocate the immediate indictment of Barack Obama, Tim Geithner, Larry Summers, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Arlen Specter, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Warren Buffett, George Soros and a host of unnamed co conspirators.
I advocate the Secret Service be mandated to seize all funds and return them to the United States Treasury, whereupon they will be invested in proper forums to stimulate the economy of the United States for economic growth in employment and business.
I advocate that when these nation rapists are found guilty, the US federal courts confiscate all of their booty and return it in individual checks to every American family which will be at least in the half of a million dollar range.
As this blog stated before that scoundrel Noel Sheppard booted me from Newsbusters, people being given their money back in that sum (It will be more.) will be able to pay off their debt, have money invested in their retirement, schooling for their children will be paid for, their medical needs taken care of and as a net result, this will eliminate the need for Social Security, Medicare, Department of Education and every other welfare state shackle now costing trillions of dollars.
See it is so simple. Take money from the billionaires and trillionaires who stole it from Americans, give it back to Americans, and each American family then being rich will be able to take care of themselves.
Now why would Noel Sheppard of patrician Newsbusters not want that continued message of Conservative law and order with economic freedom filling the minds of Americans?
I guess only an Obama patricina voter might know that.
These robbers are not going to stop unless stopped. I choose not to indict David Rockefeller for the simple reason he would be a problem and it would be more expedient to keep him around to fix this problem his mentor in Europe created in a few months with his minions as trophies in prison than in trying to unravel this immense scheme.
One might as well use the mule which ate the garden crops for winter food to plow the garden, rather than tie him up and have Americans do the plowing again in vain.
That about sums it up, but I do long for the day of God's justice as it would be entertaining to see Obama's pitchfork mob use a little tar and feather on this ilk, including hisself to send a message that no more nation rape will be allowed.
Who knows, maybe it will teach Obama's children, Queenie and Sloven, not to be like their parents Muchelle and Birdie in being the gluttons they are.
Oh in case you missed it, in the Age of Obama in Ohio, 50 black thug teenagers attacked white familes on the 4th of July trying to beat the white people to death. One of the teenage white girls was shoved to the ground..........but in the age of Obama, it seems like in Chicago in Donald Young being murdered, that Akron police can not find 50 negro hoodlums.
The thugs were shouting "It's a black world!"
Imagine the worldwide coverage if this had been white thugs, beating on black families, shouting, "This is a white world", after the election of John McCain.
The liberal media would have been all over this and McCain would have had to apologize for something he never did.
Age of Obama, with Holder turning black election thugs loose in intimidating voters, to the ever present Obama threatening white bankers with pitchfork mobs.........Obama just causes white families to almost be murdered on the 4th of July.
Oh Obama Day.....
Oh Buffett Day....