Every day the saga Obama sags a bit more into the Twilight Zone from chichi photos of lustful Obama and lustful children in Rome to Obama's youngest in Ghana looking terrified of black people in the first time she appears to have seen them in her life..........
Now though we have the saga of Muchelle Obama, the fire hydrant model of Rome, has been poisoning not only hisself, the noted one, but the children Queenie and Sloven, and hosts of foreign dignataries, because her official garden she is taking credit for which White House staff is grooming for her, is filled with lead toxins.
The going rate tested was 93 parts per million where the EPA warns of two to three hundred parts per million to make you mad as a hatter in adults, but the fact is children should not be exposed to the levels Muchelle has been troweling in nor should pregnant or reproductive males........I would add if your brain is defunct as stuttering Obama's is, he probably shouldn't be having any more heavy metal ingested from smokes, his yuteful hash lighting up nor Muchelle's wheelbarrels full of lettuce.
Apparently the woman who overdoes chowing down on pie to create her humungous big butt grew over 70 pounds of lettuce. 73 pounds of leaf lettuce would feed an army and is a complete waste of seed and space in a garden...........great planning by the Obama's just like their stimulus is going tits up too.
In speaking of tits up, no one has stated how on earth this lead poisoning was alerted to. Perhaps it was the royal food tester went wacky or maybe his urine like a lead pencil was so thick he was able to sign his checks from 6 feet in a solid lead stream.
I digress.
What is beyond amusing in this is just like Al Gore's global warming scam, Muchelle Obama has now outed the communist liberals who have been trying to disarm Americans by getting rid of lead in firearm bullets and shot, along with making gasoline loose it's octane levels by getting rid of lead.
There were countless tests by lying liberals pointing fingers at fishermen, hunters and people who drove cars, because eagles had high levels of lead..........now it turns out it was liberals doing the toxic poisoning of the environment.
Take a guess where the source was that polluted the White House lawn?
It was liberal poop literally, in the Clinton's were using DC and east coast sewage which everyone knows is nothing but human feces. Apparently human sewage is filled with lead as it picks up toxins and is made into "compost". This sewage was all over the White House lawn which makes one wonder about the EPA in if this happened during the Clinton years, has had 8 Bush years to air out, and the lead is still so high as to poison Queenie and Sloven, then the EPA like all government bodies is so out of Al Gore wack that America is facing a real vegetable brain process as lead dulls the mind and like Andy Warhol it kills people.
So it was environmentalists recycling human poop to spread on people's lawns which was the source of this disaster, and, who but the rather unlovely and unintelligent Muchelle Obama gets the dim bulb idea, is cheered by dimwitted greens for growing so much lettuce it would bloat a cow, and big butt socks in a garden into heavy metal earth.
Sounds exactly like what Obama benefactors of the Rothschilds did in stealing Indian peasant farmer land which is loaded with poisonous heavy metals, and in turn sells them to the US and other markets poisoning millions of people in their parts per million.
No word yet if the Secret Service has arrested Muchelle for poisoning her husband or if Eric Holder will be investigating this, nor if DC child services is swooping in like on normal Americans in confiscating the children when parents are poisoning them.........and ignoring EPA warnings of lead poisoning in still scarfing down garden poison Muchelle is growing.
Maybe it is lettuce pie and Muchelle and Birdie just do not want to give up the addiction they have.
I doubt the Obama's have anything to fear as they stole 11 trillion dollars and have been committing high crimes and treason for months, and no one sees any problems with that.
Afterall, what is a little poison when it is just White House reporters invited to secret picnics served by Muchelle.
Maybe that is why the gathering was secret as the food was poisoned by slow death.
PS: Muchelle's hate listed Oprah once had on a guest expert who said women were the coldest of muderers in one wife served her husband hot cereal every morning laced with toxic poisons as she sipped her coffee and read the paper listening to her husband.
"Would you like some more dressing on your salad Barack? It is good for you."
Maybe we shouldn't be focusing on the husband in Rome with the teenage girls. Maybe it is the wife in DC who has a lawn boy living at 1600 Pedophile Avenue.
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