We who knew here in her more greener days know her now in these she masters now.
While I have yet to anoint this Lady, things about her are inspiring and that type of Inspiration looks very much to be from the Author of heaven and earth.
Gov. Palin has now proven she has a plan beyond Alaska in moving forward in a new direction across party lines.......not to create an independent Republican party, not to create a Conservative party, but instead her mission is to create an American Party in every form of who she is emulating the Spirit of in Ronald Reagan.
It was Ronald Reagan who took a scattered party of Sen. Barry Goldwater and a shattered party of President Richard Nixon and created a Revolutionary Party of Change which combined Christians, Conservatives, Patriots and Americans forged from both the Republican and Democratic parties.
Gov. Palin has now ventured upon the journey in breathing to life that American Party in vowing to campaign for Conservative Independents and Conservative Democrats no matter their location in America for the good of America and abandoning the patricians like Arlen Specter who can not find a party to stay in without betraying or a patrician like Jeb Bush who can not run over road kill Reagan and bury him deep enough in the bowels of the earth so this elitist crop of netherworld Obamacrats can rule as the European pansy dictators they esteem.
Granted Gov. Palin has invoked Newt Gingrich who is the most brilliant tactical politician in the past 50 years, who has advocated campaigning for Conservatives no matter the party, and this blog does not trust this yawner any more than it can throw him or Noel Sheppard his crowing patrician mouth piece.........but good ideas become brilliant ideas when the servant of them is a Lady as capable of Gov. Sarah Palin.
In previous posts, I have likened Mrs. Palin to Esther and other Biblical characters, including the American secularists George Washington and Ronald Reagan, but the feeling I have now for this Lady is she is every bit the heart of God in King David whom God chose.
Time will prove her, but this one is moving like a Solomon through the waters of the world making her own wake. She interests me more and more with proving she is thee force which has Democratic liberals quaking by instinct in their loafers.
Gov. Palin can indeed gut the Democratic party of it's vicera in the putrid ranks and the rotting Dukakis head in Washington, leaving those tossed off the Obama bus Reagan Democrats to finally have a leader who understands their situation from Detroit auto workers to those millions who are finding out day by day that their attempt to prove America was not a racist nation any more, by being conned in voting for Barack Huxxxein Obama.
Gov. Palin is the answer for these millions of voters who are starting to look for a Reagan honest answer to America's problems to make up for their horrid mistake in trusting this Marxist lying Obama.
There is a blacklash building among Democrats and the last thing they will want is the leadership which followed Obama into the abyss, the pied pervert Obama or their failing trust in a Hillary Clinton who has not stood on her own ground, but is running around doing Obama's bidding in trying to re install a dope dealing lunatic the Honduran people threw out of office protecting their Constitution.
David in exile and hounded by the elitists of King Saul, had gathered to him numbers of discontented good people who were of valour of every race, creed and color. They were people who loved their nation and were passed over by a King's ruinous policies.
Sarah Palin whose name means Princess in a God given name is filling this greatest of all Biblical heroes. Time will be her measure, but in these days she measures now, I see God's Wisdom operating in this and God is the One Who lays down the ruler.
Ouch.....this is so good it hurts.
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