Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weighing in on Homosexuals in Combat

I really get perturbed about the politicization of moral issues, especially when it comes to the United States military on either promoting political generals like Wes Clarke, affirmative actions generals like Colin Powell or what is being pushed by Birdie Obama in "Don't ask don't yell" par dux.

To set the record straight on this without any pun intended, a military is designed to destroy nations and legally kill masses of people in a violent manner. There is no other purpose for a military. That is what it does.
A military is comprised of units of usually 20 Soldiers who are trained to react to situations which are life threatening and to die without thought. This is why the world has used group brainwashing of young testosterone filled males for years who think they are invincible, because they die readily on command.

Once one understands that first and last absolute, that unit is the groundwork of the military just like a secure family is the foundation of a nation.

This chain of command then goes up to battalions, corps, divisions and "armies" such as Patton's 3rd which was infamous. The entire structure from communications, police, quartermaster supply, intelligence, combat Soldier to the cooks and people who empty latrines all are vital in each does their job as the entire operational unit depends on each single person.

Take for example in the homosexual issue, in changing this to, "I'm a vegetarian and I won't eat meat", as the definition of serving in a combat unit.
Consider the ballistics now in REAL fact in the REAL world. Humans can survive adequately eating tofu and grains, but under stress or hard work, such as combat, a human can not just take in enough protein to live. Humans are protein oriented and not cows being able to consume 30 pounds of grass per day to get that protein, so God made us multi purpose in diet in being able to consume stored amounts of proteins and fats which are concentrated in animal flesh.

If you have ever seen the Jews who the Germans worked to death in World War II or beheld the American POW's of Vietnam, those were humans who were deprived of protein and they starved to death.
In Vietnam the fun was we were fed cabbage soup for a month and then a pumpkin soup for a month, which did good for the lack of toilet paper, but we all came back looking like John McCain's ghost in warmed over dead.

What this means is simple, if you have people who define themselves as vegetarian in the military as their sole purpose in life, then those people will after a few weeks be unfit for combat in literally starving to death. If a vegetarian cook stops serving meat to the entire corp, the corp will be worthless and soon be killed by the enemy as not up to fighting strength.

This is why you define Soldiers as Soldiers and not by choices in food or sex.

That unit must work as one mind of the General in command. It can not be distracted by Soldiers posting blogs in favor or against Barack Obama. It can not be a group of 1000 Soldiers each deciding one wants to wear pink underwear, one wants to wear Levi's, one wants to wear khaki, one wants to wear jogging shorts etc... They must all be the same, so they can in combat or in transport recognize the other for safety and combat readiness.

In that, a unit is no place for mixing sexes, because they constantly are having sex. That also includes lust interests in homosexuals who are pairing off or in groups and straight people pairing off in groups, because it either divides the unit strength in prejudice or it divides the unit so some "get shot" and some do not in weeding Soldiers out.

There are many secrets in the US military which are never spoken of. My Uncle who is a decorated war Hero before he was wounded and went through hell in Korea, related that he never appreciated having blacks in his unit, because they always would hang back in combat and let the white Soldiers get shot.
Now that is a fact of the Korean War which is never spoken of as the world marches to the merry combat. It does not state that all black people are cowards, but it stated a trend in a politicization of the US military by liberals which in Korea got numbers of white Soldiers dead and wounded.

Families were never told of this, but in that where is the justice to those families who buried their loved ones because Washington was promoting a political objective instead of a military objective. Dead Soldiers are dead Soldiers and black Soldiers caused this in Korea and following wars. This is one reason I dislike affirmative action Colin Powell in he was a paper pusher who put his men in danger, was an idiot in getting wounded, and his policy let Saddam's military escape.
This is what happens when one politicizes combat units.

This all leads to the gay issue which has no place in the military. If a person is defining themselves as gay they have no more business in being in the military than a prostitute as neither are in that military to be having sex.
I do not expose a great deal of the real military of the United States as I protect her for the combat troops sake. I have a neighbor's daughter I know who in speaking with grapevine sources of the national guard units which go over to the Middle East was busying f*cking 30 to 40 guys in her unit and other units. This is not isolated in the mixed non combat ranks in there is always some Suzy Rotten Crotch being a tramp and making it hell on other women serving.

No one ever mentions Gulf War I when all those pregnant women came streaming out of the military. They weren't being knocked up by husbands, but were impregnated by whoever they could get laid by as this peacenik corp was getting out of the war zone in the most expedient way possible.
I personally know of a flap in the Air Force who is now in Colorado who while serving in England was given over to a black non com officer so he could f*ck her into line as the husband could not handle this shrew. This went on for almost a year until they came back stateside. The woman's response to me in asking her about it was that she couldn't stand black men, but did it anyway.
Lots of stories I will not relate, but the point is this debauchery in certain aspects of the United States military raises hell, raises friction in units and makes America a less secure place, because people are not being Soldiers, but politicized whores.

I don't care what other militaries do in having sodomites or effeminates in their ranks. My concern is the United States military which has increasing numbers of flaws in it which are only going to be exasperated by sexing up the military more.
You can not divide the US military or it will be conquered. Everything from sex to politics must be checked at that door when you get the crew cut for the military to perform at the level it is meant to perform at, because there are no closed doors in foxholes and the last thing any commander needs is some lust spat among armed Soldiers trained to kill and the last thing Soldiers need is a commander trying to force sex on them.
Vietnam had too many fragging incidents involving malcontents fired up on racism and dope, America does not need a further stoking of insanity, because some gay people think it will validate the entire group if they just get to have a chevron on their sleeve that means open target for terrorists.

That in the end is what this is about. These gay people are suffering a great deal from psychological trauma. Some see it as validation that they will be finally accepted inside their own psyche if they have a uniform on, but all it will be is a greater emptiness as that uniform is not about sex, it is about killing people which creates an even larger thing for the human to deal with. Some though are there to commit suicide as the HIV suicide ranks were overflowing with gay people getting infected to end their lives.
None of that is responsible as a nation in enabling people with problem, telling them not even the military has discipline and boundaries, and giving them weapons or telling them to go out and die before they have dealt with who they are.

Look, I'm all for gays creating something like the Boy Scouts, without the boys as I don't want any more children around Barack Obama types out of control. Some gays can control themselves, but just like in a straight crowd there is some low self esteem female teacher preying on teenage just does not expose people to their temptations when they are struggling. Let there be a Gay Scouts for uniforms, let them learn strict discipline so being gay isn't how they define themselves so they can have something to belong to and with specific Christian counselling let them then learn to deal with a weakness like each of us has a weakness to overcome in Christ.

The military is there to protect the United States. If the specific gays were interested in that instead of being gay first, they would be serving and the eunuchs which all Soldiers are supposed to be.
For the last reality check, you don't see fighter planes having sex, you don't see frigates having sex, you don't see 5.6 mm cartridges reproducing and having baby bullets or having orgasms in the military.......and for the cold hard facts, Soldiers are no different than bombs, bullets or any other ordnance, including MRE's of potatoes and chicken, because everything in a military is to be used up and is expendable, including Soldiers, that is why they are not called people after they put on a uniform, because a Soldier is nothing more than a bullet in military doctrine.

In that humanity, Americans have unlike Russians, Chinese or Iranians, have sought to civilize warfare in protecting US Soldiers which are invested a great deal of expensive training. The Chinese instead like along the Korean border used up their soldiers in such quantities that US Soldiers literally on artie units broke down as they could not deal with killing thousands of Chinese soldiers as fodder.
The Eurasians do not deal with gay soldiery, because they kill everything off as there is no serving those nations, there is only going to die which is what these soldiers are only meant for.

If you want to be gay, that is your choice, just like being a sex pervert like Hugh Hefner. Neither one belongs in the military as the military is not about getting laid. It is about laying out graves for other nation's soldiery to die in.

This should not even be an issue among gays if they loved America as much as they say they do, but instead they are listing sex first and trying to put a uniform on to validate which has no validation. This is not anything about being pro or anti gay. This is about the defense of the United States of can not have a United States is California is in bed with China, New York is in bed with Canada, Texas is off masturbating itself and Minnesota is selling it to the Russians. As it is ludicrous to define American states by sex, it is equally ludicrous to define Soldiers by sex as both are in service to a nation.
Those who have warped this so out of shape in not being able to deal with sex that torments them have perverted the military in it's only purpose, to defend America by destroying other nations and killing piles of enemy people.

There is no sex in that, so deal with that issue which is first and last in the United States military.

