The new Mrs. O is pictured as Emmanuella Louisdor of the J'8 Junior Summit, apparently just like pedophile Yassir Arafat bringing along little Lebanese boys to sex up on trips, the G 8 leaders bring in their own harvest of nubiles to indoctrinate into the ways of global government.
Ms. Louisdor is embarrassing and any Gentleman would not be encouraging a child like this as she is Stevie Wonder out of her mind. If she could have crawled inside of Obama's pocket, she would have been his new monkey to rub for good luck.
Points to make about the photo are this child leaning into Birdie, the obvious enraptured expression her face revealing the wetness in her nether parts, her hip cocked into Obama and him absorbing the sexual overture, shoulder cocked upward in affirmation of her being accepted and the most telling sign in she is mirroring Triple XXX Obama in body posture.
Obama looks like he just got stroked and he indeed did in this 3rd world dance which he is responding to. It is an ugly event to see a dirty old man of almost 50 encouraging a child who thinks she just has been chosen as the next wife of the jungle lord.
For reference to the problems of this check out the obituary of Steve McNair of the NFL.
Who would have ever thought though that the Obama musk which Muchelle found so stinky would just be the sewage dump nectar of Europeans and little black girls.
Yes it was Europeans as apparently while everyone was looking at Barack Obama's erection.......oh yes, for liberal press attempting to explain away the series of Obama photos leering at children in Europe as they never happened like his bow to the Saudi King, just what was that bulge in Obama's slacks?
Come on and explain that one away you liberal enablers of this pedophile.
But the following photo is an exclusive as at least one old white gal was giving her own salute to Birdie Obama.

Yes it was Frau Angie Merkel with no seam line to explain the definite nipple hardening of a woman aroused by the Obama musk. It certainly could not be the water, but it must be the stink of Obama which has numerous people sniffing up the Obama trail and getting hard.
I liken it to some people who like limburger cheese, which for those who know the stench of it, it smells exactly like rotten bovine calf poop. Most normal people recoil at things which smell rotten as if you ever had a dog, you know eating rotten things get them puked up on your carpet in a half hour.
Stench is a way to ward off healthy things from eating things which will kill them.
In this, normal people literally recoil from all things Obama by instinct. As this blog noted though, a reporter sitting by Obama had no trouble with a blow fly or common sh*thouse fly, but that fly just swarmed Obama like ..........well he smelled like the current wife Obama says in he stinks.
Limburger Obama though attracts people who like the smell of things nature attracts in maggots and worms. Amazingly, Angie Merkel gets aroused over this repulsive smell. Obama it appears is like smelling a porno movie for some people........they just can not help themselves.
This includes the entire White House press corp.
Perhaps all that is necessary for Sarah Palin to convert the Obamaniacs is to put limburger cheese odor into an auditorium, wear a gas mask, and let the Obama voters drool over the association of the Obama musk with her.
In any event, we now have seen the photo of the new future Mrs. Obama in this child which Obama is allowing to rub up on him and he is rubbing back by arching his pelvis in a certain 3rd world come on of a little lower my child.
I guess this does have a bright side in at least the new Mrs. Obama, even though it is statutory rape, dresses not like a ghetto vomit or a fire hydrant..........although Muchelle did look rather fetching today with a veil over her head while lurking about the Pope looking like an undertaker ready to harvest the big check.
What kind of pervert enjoys and encourages a little girl to lean into him?
Ponder that one for a bit........
As the answer is pedophile Obama, as THERE IS NO DOUBT OF THIS YOUNG GIRL'S AGE AS HE KNEW IT and he knew what she was doing and he knew exactly what he was doing by his expression.
rub a dub dub
obama in a tub
and who do you think they might be
his erection, angie's nipple
little girls he can tickle
all away cross the atlantic sea
Post Script I never would have utilized the photo of this child of the J'8, except for the reason to show what a pervert Obama is in encouraging this youngster. Parents have to be warned as well as grandparents to keep their children away from this perv as seeing is believing....or will make Obama's enabling press have too many photos to deny.
obama in a tub
and who do you think they might be
his erection, angie's nipple
little girls he can tickle
all away cross the atlantic sea
Post Script I never would have utilized the photo of this child of the J'8, except for the reason to show what a pervert Obama is in encouraging this youngster. Parents have to be warned as well as grandparents to keep their children away from this perv as seeing is believing....or will make Obama's enabling press have too many photos to deny.
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