Pervert Barack Huxxxein Obama before hanging around Pope Ben at the Vatican was floofy poofering about how the world had averted an economic catastrophe.............
Apparently Obama the pervert is taking credit for something, but it is probably time to remind readers the facts of this "salvation".
For the facts, the old world Rothschild financiers along with American Rockefeller cartel globalists stage this economic attack on Anglo American finance, to ruin it and displace it so they in central Europe of the German, Italian, old Hapsburg and Greek dynasties could revive their old unholy Roman Empire and rule the world as the lone superpower.
This axis has been busy trying through Obama to isolate and destroy England and to fillet France off from the west, and put her into the European sphere of vassal statehood.
All of this was initiated in France against America for this specific purpose. Saddam Hussein's bribery money started in France, it was in France the first housing meltdown started and to install Obama the second meltdown which engulfed the international monetary world was set off in French embezzlement.
For the record, it was and is the international robber barons who were in all of this. They in Europe and America gobbled up the investment groups for the expressed purpose of the Bear Sterns types were trading in debt, which was a way to steal middle class money in their buying houses, stick the middle class with that debt, illegal Mexican housing debt in America, 300 million in Obama campaign counterfeit debt via credit cards, Chinese communist banking debt and then make Americans pay for it all twice in the bailout and three times in more stimulus nonsense whose money is not even being spent until years from now in bulk.
American banking was completely and is completely sound from the cartel crooks at Morgan Chase to the biggest target in Bank of America, which was an independent southern bank which got roped into bailing out the financial groups and got stuck with a major bill.
All of this is a Ponzi scheme and shell game which simply put was initiated in Iceland as a test lab for it, graduated to London and then onto New York. None of this money has disappeared from these nations, but instead it all flowed out of Anglo American banking groups and into central European banking.
This international cartel never was in danger of collapsing. They had just rigged this to gulp so much money out of the American and British banking systems that the credit or the ability to borrow money from small companies was dried up.........THAT is what was staged to get Sec. of the Treasury Paulson to act as that would have shut down commerce in America, and therefore the world.
For the record, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Sec. Paulson and Fed Chair Bernanke SOLVED THIS entire axis attack on American banking with 350 million dollars by December of 2008.........and that was with a 2 week tantrum delay which cost American investors trillions of dollars by Nancy Pelosi who should be indicted for that, all so Obama could get installed into the White House.
I will repeat, this attack on America was solved by Bush 43 and his financial appointments, but Barack Obama on axis orders went on a rampage and restarted the collapse of the American economy in deliberately strangling it.
He has put choke holds on the American auto industry which is necessary for recovery and he has put choke holds on American independent banking which has never been in trouble.
Obama's Keynesian economy is shrinking on his purposes. The only two nations who are in real trouble are England and America, and this is by design. The central Europeans are doing just peachy as is Russia. China is in a contraction, but that is their own doing too as instead of putting money into trade and infrastructure for business they have instead been out buying up oil, metals and US debt.
There is not going to be any growth in the American economy for this year or next year as it is designed to put the hurt on America and England.
Those multi trillions of dollars though which are in the 9 to 11 trillion range now Obama dumped by electronic transfers are running for the most part into European banking. The Europeans will use this money as their balance of trade reservoir to supplant the dollar with the dollar and make their Euro one day the currency of exchange in a new type of shell deposit scheme where they take no risks, but the Euro rules.
So with Americans having been robbed of what appears at least 20 trillion dollars in this past year by Obama and his cartel benefactors, Americans now on rationed health care in being told to die on command by Obama, Obama destroying the American insurance industry or his own Obama insurance, the auto industry gutted, banking strangled.......just what did Obama divert when he had his murderous hands around all of this and this is his doing?
Pervert Obama is the cause of all of this as this was settled, solved and America in January 2009 when Bush 43 was still President was starting to expand and come back to life. Obama killed that and has been busy sucking up all expansion money by creating massive debt which only benefit the cartels who print American money and Chicoms who are buying that debt.
So Obama is taking credit for saving the world which did not need saving. All he did was extort and embezzle trillions of dollars via Tim Geithner into the vaults of central European banking. That is American's money rightfully and it was stolen by this bunch of crooks.
Why do you think Obama is a on tear going after Swiss banking? It is because the Swiss are the last free banking system where Americans are hiding the last cash reserves which are a threat to Axelrod Inc. Obama gets his hands on that money and America will take a generation of slave labor to get enough to even start a revolution again.
That is why they are making this incredible debt and why they are after the last cash reserves.
So Obama is the Pied Pervert leading the world into the abyss and telling everyone the world has been saved. The world is only going to be saved when a real American President points nuclear missiles at this axis and tells them to turn over those multi trillions to the rightful American owners or they will be finding a nuclear deposit in their black forests of greed.
Barack Obama is nothing but a money laundering pimp for the godfathers of international crime. It suits him as what is more fitting than this pimp sexing up 16 year old girls in Rome while he meets with the Pope acting like he is a moral human.
What he is is a clone of the Rothschild order who manipulate the same thievery and murder on a worldwide scale.
Pimp Minister Obama........he has so many adjective descriptions now for his perversion that Birdie or Babs depending on which way he is swinging this week just can not keep up with mansexual Obama.
Oh did you see the little black girls in Rome all wet in their panties with jungle fever for Triple XXX Obama? All tyrants have their deluded small minds to stroke their small appendages.
Day might come when Obama trades in big ass Muchelle for his deluxe tan European courtesan, but remember Birdie, just like in banking, Muchelle is more no deposit and no return, as old checkbooks just don't fill in the blanks when you are tearing out new stubs in a virginal binder.
The tides of temperament change Barack Huxxxein Obama. Tyrants all get cheered, but eventually the masses rise up as they figure out the betrayal and...........
what ever happened to Mousillini.