If these people really understood how precarious and precious America is in this world, they would find apologizing a reprehensible action and exile the ilk doing it toward off shore exile.
There was a time in Jefferson and Madison disarmed America that America had nothing of a Navy but gunboats, which were rowed boats with a cannon which almost capsized the boat when fired and militia which Democrat Madison found out after declaring war on the British Empire in 1812 which ran away and got the White House burned.
America entered that war a pipsqueak compared to the armada of the English fleet which prowled the world seas unmolested.
It needs to be understood that America had at that time no line of battle ships, as in 74's or 64's in ships which mounted that many guns.
Congress had commissioned several frigates by God's Grace which were 44's and would be destined to amaze the world in the leading Constitution and United States would wreck havoc with the British 38's.
This pip squeak Navy with no backing would prowl the English ports terrifying the English in the Wasp and Commodore Porter's, Essex, in his epic Pacific raid which was the ruin of British trade.
Porter would only be defeated by a lying British officer who promised not to attack the undergunned Essex in neutral waters and did.
Imagine a world with no trade with China, none with Europe, hostile empires in Canada with invading armies, Mexico of the European empire looking for what it could steal from America, and American ships rotting in Boston ports not bringing in anything to America in trade to make money.
That is what America faced as one of the many vassal nations of the world. America didn't have to apologize for anything, because America was blamed for it all and brought to whip for anything at all.
Except for the Grace of God and a few groups of men now tragically forgotten to history, America would have ceased to exist and been nothing more than what Barack Obama has opened America to in rapine from the European axis.
Oliver Hazard Perry on Lake Erie to T. MacDonough on Lake Chaplain is what kept the United States northern frontier from being the invasion route for the British Empire.
What would you think of American bodies washing up on shore from battles?
How about the British fleet anchored in the Chesapeake?
What about Baltimore and Washington, DC attacked with foreign troops and armed militia fleeing while the British regulars advanced?
Does any of that sink in how precarious and precious a gift America is in what it means to do everything possible to protect the sacrifices of Americans who fought, were maimed and died, just so Americans can vote for a Marxist and throw this all away.
Once America is gone, she is going to be gone as no one is going to be coming to undo what Barack Obama has done.
I would really like to honor a Soldier who is in Oklahoma now, but I will for that family's security have him remain private. This Soldier knew what it was like to be out there all alone in World War II in the days following the Normandy Invasion. He went out every day alone stringing telegraph communications wire as the front line facing the Germans.
His daily position would afford his commander the reassurance that the American advance was secure and their lines were secure, because if the wires were working and he was back, that meant that the allied front was advancing and Germans were retreating.
America owes everything to these people who made America the blessed superpower from God. The greatest shame is history has overlooked these Heroes and now lists "white guys as black Presidents in Bill Clinton with more history space than Abraham Lincoln and thinks pissing in a White House toilet in being Barack Obama makes you a historic hero".
I would that there was space to relate the real stories of real Heroes to remind these people existing in America the difference there is and how vital their sacrafice is.
Do you really want America to go back to being neutralized, equal to nuclear Russia, awaiting for a terror attack from Islamocommunists so that the Chicoms can invade and those Latin American communists Obama is best friends with will invade and American women will be raped and men their heads bashed in just like in the 1830 to 1890 period when thousands of Americans perished against the Indian Empires.
You people have had it way too easy in thinking this all just happened and that it is ok to apologize for any of it.
You are about to find out the difference though.
There is a vision of George Washington who saw 3 great attacks coming on America in the Revolutionary, Civil and a war which is on the horizon now.
Biblical prophesy points to this happening to the House of Jacob which America is a part of with western Europe in England, France, the Dutch into the Norwegians, all peoples Barack Obama seems intent on destroying.
Our forefathers worked, suffered and died for all of this, and now a group of brats has voted it all away.........see the globalists found you don't overthrow America by force, you instead hijack their legal system they trust in and pass laws to steal their money, savings, health, good food, education and freedom, while installing a British subject who is loyal like the Rothschilds to the European order.
There is a reckoning coming the Bible predicts and the justice in it is people will be searched out and judged as individuals. I'm completely all for that justice as I'm on Jesus side and I'm not vain enough to even think He is on my side.
Something is beyond experience in a few hundred men on water, facing cannon balls as big as their heads with nowhere to run or hide, but they never ran nor hid........they just stood their American ground out of love of country.........a country just a few decades old.
I would as Patton said of Eisenhower that he was an American.........I would that America had a majority of Americans for what faces us now that it has been voted away.
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