Triple XXX Obama though via ABC lying propaganda is denying he assaulted this young South American girl.......just like David Letterman was not assaulting a 14 year old girl with rape and impregnation jokes.......just like Obama was not sporting an erection which must have been meant for Nic Sarkozy.......just like Barack Obama was not assaulting Carla Bruni Sarkozy........just like Barack Obama was not feeling up US soldieretters in Iraq........just like Barack Obama was not bending at the waste in bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia to check out the King's package.
Barack Obama is a beast as there is no other word for it. He is out of control in his sexual urges without the excuse of being some billy goat in the rut mounting everything from hay bales to fence posts to jack off on.
This blog published the infamous photos of Obama with his hands in his pockets what looked like he was jacking off in masturbating......with the continuing evidence there are no excuses any more or doubts. It doesn't matter what comes out of Barack Huxxxein Obama's mouth, does not matter what passes over the well lubricated lips of Charlie soap dropper Gibson or Brian bed sheets Williams nor the White House Gibbs babble, as one picture can have doubts, but when it is a continuing series of pictures showing the same overt perverted sexual positions Obama places hisself in.....he is gone from being a sodomite in using gay males to now becoming the Pedophile Prime Minister of America in degrading a 16 year old child in Rome.
This is now the face of the United States of America and all Americans, because the majority which was so pleased with themselves to be voting away their racism they still have, jumped the curb and chose a sick, pathetic, gluttonous sexual pervert. The same prick that is forcing the White House chef to make cherry pie to scarf down to both the Obama's big ass proportions is the same prick just like serial murderers and pedophiles will graduate to one day molesting children if he has not already in his past.
We know for a fact that Obama's crushing mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, who admitted in print that the he was a pedophile in he and his white wife raped a 13 year old girl under their protective care repeatedly.
All the sociopathic evidence points to the fact that Barry Soetero was cut down, isolated and molested by this same mentor. The same Barack Obama who was lording over gay men in Chicago to validate himself in one of them was later murdered in Donald Young and the other in Lawrence Sinclair was made a political prisoner to try and silence him, has in his revenge on his cold fish wife, now progressed as Theodore Roosevelt studied to the next perverted level.
President Roosvelt stated that the petty thief in the east would in the wilds of America become a bank robber. The person who quarrelled would become the heinous mass murderer. Barack Obama fits this pattern and is acting out in this degrading manner in first he was leering at Carla Sarkozy which by instinct she kept this beast at arms length.........then pervert Obama was telling male sex jokes about he and Brian Williams.........and now it has degraded to Obama caught at least twice using visual assault on women under his position in Rome.
The petty pervert of Chicago now backed by nuclear missiles and Secret Service has unleashed his small dick in public to degrade his wife Muchelle in the worst possible manner in having an erection in public over a 16 year old child.
The press is now complicit in this in enabling Barack Obama in covering up his known homosexual perversions coupled with adultery on his wife, and now is covering up what the world can see in their Hitler lie. This enabling is an extreme danger for young boys and girls who this pervert will act out upon sooner than later.
This has placed the Secret Service into a horrid position as what are they going to do when Obama acts out? Sacrifice a child, because it is Barack Obama?
This has to be stopped now and Barack Huxxxein Obama the pedophile pervert must be called into criminal legal accountability. This is no pass on Special Olympics verbal assaults on children. This is not going to be fixed by denying what the pictures prove, because the prisons of the world are filled with pedophiles who did not do what they are convicted of on the evidence.
This is as serious as anything the American people have faced as there is a lurking child molester in the White House who apparently has nothing but sticky pants pockets and sticky chairs in the Oval Office and Air Force One.
ABC news and the rest of you perverted trash protecting this pervert in Obama are just as guilty now as Barack Huxxxein Obama.
Shame on you, you disgusting refuse of sexual predation.