In warcraft, one always uses the enemies strengths as their weaknesses. If they "WON", then give them the rope and let them hang themselves on their own haughtiness as they over extend time and again beyond their supply lines.
To explain this, I ask readers to remember just what it was that brought down Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton?
Think now for a moment as I give you two words in their destruction in being sex and money.
Remember the kickbacks in beef trading, the piles of money they took in, and of course Bill and his gay don't ask don't yell, along with his enjoyment of others smoking his cigars.
It was money and sex which got the Clintons and when they made their big push for communist health care, America rejected them and Clinton only accomplished after that what Newt Gingrich passed in the Contract with America.
Now come to the current Obama tenure in his exact follies of money and sex. His first act was to make perverts "normal" in a mandate. He has been plagued with perverted sex issues from his surrogate David Letterman choosing pedophile impregnation as a joke and the strangeness of Obama dallying with little girls in Rome being exposed in photos of what was festering in his mind.
All the time this was going on, Obama never got caught in his own million dollar sell out book deals, but instead was robbing America blind and Americans are waking up to Obama is a thief and this is not what they voted for at all in Pelosi Obama.
So the polls are plummeting as smug Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi all think this is some game they are in control of yet as they "WON".
This blog exclusively explained from the start that Americans weren't voting for Obama. They were voting to make themselves feel not like racists and voting their frustration over high gas prices and Iraq being a kill zone. They were not voting for Obama nor Democrats........Americans were like the majority always does voting selfishly for themselves as a herd.
This is what Democrats have overplayed in they do not realize that the fury against George W. Bush has just shifted to them with Obama leading the way in Obama's poll numbers are getting worse by the day..........and they are not going to get any better with half a million people more on unemployment each month.
As Rupert Obamaniac Murdoch noted, the trend is turning and when it comes Christmas and Obama spent 11 trillion dollars and wants trillions more to "fix things" with 11% stated unemployment, people are going to revolt.
(As a side note, the data on unemployment never reflect real unemployment as America usually trends about 10% as elderly, people in rural sectors and those listed as "employed" but not receiving unemployment are never counted. America currently is around 18% unemployment and that is going to reach into the 23% range by the end of the year. That is going to really get things hot for Democrats who just shot the pig and fed the pork to the chickens next door.)
So people have to understand the foundations of what Obama just did in running up incredible debt in robbing America which is infuriating Americans as Independent whiners flee Obama in anger now at being betrayed.
This is the trap which Obama ran like a baboon after sex into. While these dolts in Congress were stuffing their pockets in greed along with the kickbacks to their cronies, extorting money from banks, the auto industry and now hospitals for all this communist policy of Obama, they are now being crippled by perverted sex issues with Obama leading the way to the abyss.
What do they now intend to push? Why making all the border busters numbering 30 million "American Citizens" as Obama now fully intends to never leave the White House in 2012 or 2016.
I alone noted this people in the Obama's sold their Chicago mansion, signalling explicitly they were never returning to Chicago. They intend to be Prime Minister for life just like Robert Mugabe and Hugo Chavez.
Consider does Obama go home to Hawaii or Chicago? Not in the least like any other President who was always either in Texas, Maine or like the Clintons on some golf course or West Indian get away.
The Obamas are either in the White House or Camp David exclusively. They are sending the message that is their property and they are not leaving ever as they overthrow the American government they fully intend to change to a dictatorship.
So the key to their power is border buster Mexicans. The problem in this trap is Americans have awoke to the pillage and lies of Obama, and just when Obama needs to cement his deal, millions of Americans who are looking for jobs are having Schumer telling them more illegals will be taking more jobs and be given American Citizenship.
On top of this, the illegals are bankrupting the medical, schooling and public housing while Americans paying for it all suffer horridly.
Do not buy into the BS that illegals only take jobs that Americans will not work at, as if the illegals were not there, these robber barons would have to pay higher wages to attract Americans and then Americans would indeed do the work. Americans are not lazy, they are sloven and very bright and they are not going to work for peanuts while billion dollar corporations rape in the profits.
This is what like all 3rd rate burglers Obama and Axelrod Inc. now have constructed in their own trap. They should have pushed the illegal bill first to secure their power scheme, but instead they were stuffing their pockets in piracy and rapine, pissing Americans off, and then went on to be sex perverts not just mandating things into law, but sexing up little girls in Rome.
Now when Obama needs his illegals that he left in Mexico to be shot up by drug gangs until the present, Schumer thinks he can dust off the issue and pass it with ease.
Most of the liberal states are in a meltdown from Ohio to California to Virginia with illegals. Americans there are in a state of absolute hurt. So how long do you think it will take for Stephie Herseth Sandlin, Byron Dorgan and these other fake Americans to start to feel the heat and know for certain come 2010, that whether they vote for illegal Obama voters, they as the Obama party are going to feel the full fury of the voters?
Illegals are concentrated and not spread out enough yet to work on local elections and that is where Congress is won and lost yet. Democrats when they should have pushed this first instead of looting the treasury, now have this as the pivotal issue in which they will be remembered and judged on.
This is the trap which needs to be sprung as this is the pivotal point in the utter ruin of Obama for he is doomed if he does and doomed if he doesn't over the border busters now. The illegals will be the focal point on ruined Social Security, rationed health care, housing prices dropping, no affordable automobiles, no jobs and massive debt..........all at the direction of Barack Obama.
So now as this card is set and must be played, it is time to have a good Obama smirk to enjoy all of this from hisself being the most intelligent man on the planet ever.
Liberals always misread the public and always get their polices butt backwards, because they are a self deluded and greedy bunch of perverts..........they are too busy stuffing their pockets full of cash without ever figuring out the police are coming and escape is cut off.
Democrats have just screwed the Obama pooch, and the hilarious thing is they do not realize that these Mexicans once they piss up the states they are overrunning, they will return to Mexico for the life there as they are not going to stick around working as slaves for Obama taxes.
Ain't that a pisser for Obama..........and ain't life grand for Americans.
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