Africa proves one things, that is what black people look like when you put them beside British Indonesian Barack and American Norwegian Michelle Obama as they stick out like lights in the black night sky.
No news though if Harry Smith has had to revisit his psychiatrist along with millions of other Obama voters in the shock of seeing they didn't vote for a black guy in the White House, but that real black people are really black. Valium prescription for Harry Smith, line 7, thank you for being a Walmart shopper.
The above picture is priceless in the content of Obama too scared to return to Kenya where he can legally be arrested as a British subject, came to Ghana, home of the slavery hub where in all probability Michelle Obama's family was shipped out of like Oprah and thousands of other blacks into America by slave trading Arabs and more aggressive black tribes like Barack's Luo who ran blacks of their Kenyan lands and shipped them out to the Americas to die.
Obama being the ever perverted husband is obvious in dragging Muchelle to Ghana and talking about slavery in she was just getting too uppity in wearing those heals higher than the mahdi Obama and dressing as the big yellow fire hydrant.
Obama lusting after little girls in Rome has now played the ultimate card by Muchelle's expression in, "Look here baby, my people brought you out of Africa and if you don't start making room for my harem of wives named Brian and Chichi, I will just dump you off the Obama boat where I picked you up from."

The most deliciously face though in the crowd is Sloven Sasha Obama, clinging in terror to her mother's arm, with an expression of, "Mama keep me away from those black people........I look like I'm black!!!!!!! You told me I was white!!!!!!!"
Yes that offers up the new Michael Jackson question in just what are Muchelle and Birdie doing to their skins in peeling it as among black people they look as white as their British and Norwegian ancestry speaks, but among black people........well their daughters Queenie and Sloven both are black, and yet the couple Obama are white.
Missing from the entourage where tribal leader Obama is telling them black folks trying to mob him to get back was Grandmother Robinson, who has been looking as black lately as the overworked governess of the 4 Obama children show her to be on slave wages living in the deluxe apartment in the sky.
Apparently Gram was not about to be left in Ghana as her summer tan has had her mistaken lately for being black as black people are........and the smart Chicago lady has stayed on the Obama boat, so as not to be detained as an African.
What was priceless in this was Obama using slavery to keep the old ball and chain Muchelle in line, in lecturing Africans and the world about African corruption. This from the Robert Mugabe of America in being a Marxist thug auditioning to become occupant for life of the White House.
No on election thug in world history has stolen more money that 11 trillion dollar man Obama.....not even Saddam Hussein betrayed his own Iraqi people by giving Iranians the vote, but Obama is about to commit treason and turn 30 million Mexican imports into new Obama voters so he won't need those pesky black folks anymore.
The only bigger robber in history is Baron Rothschild and Obama is working for him.
No news though yet on Queenie Malia Obama if Barack found a nice 50 year old pervert like himself to auction his daughter off to as he was pimping her with Muchelle in Rome.........because hey, "When in Rome do as the Romans and when in Africa, sell your little girls to some old pervert as their virginal bride".
Maybe that is why Sloven is so terrified in Muchelle just told her she is going to meet her new husband who just bought her for 3 pigs and an old Sears and Roebuck banjo.
That face of terror in Sloven is just too good to not post twice...........no boredom on that little girl's face now is there in being afraid of "them black people".

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White Michelle and Barack Obama
Whiter slave trader Barack Huxxxein Obama
PS: Was it not west Africa that the BBC said a new coke pipeline opened up into Albania and Kosovo by Obama narco communist friends in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Honduras just as Obama's election theft was in place?
Obama wasn't arriving to take home his cut now was he in Ghana?
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