There is now a sport of rapine in America which was infected into the masses by the Obama snots who turned it loose on Sarah Palin. They are serial rapists of individuals with no thought of their human prey they devour.
What has brought this on was my listening to news feeds from various sources concerning a football player named Brett Farve who has decided to come back and play football again at age 39 for the Minnesota Vikings.
The Vikings are in dire need of a quarterback as they have not had one since the 1980's. Their current one is an Obama junior junior in being so stupid at the game of football after a lifetime of practicing at it, Tavaris Jackson should be sued for malpractice in playing football.
Into this has strode Brett Farve who is one of the greatest quarterbacks in league history. He owns records, he is tough as a bantie rooster and he is a nice gentle man.
That is why this blog is investing the time again in defending someone who is a multi millionaire in he is a nice person and the world deserves to know the Brett Farve story.
I have touched on this at Newsbusters in defending Mr. Farve, but let this set the stage.
Brett Farve is a person most of us always wanted to be. He was athletic, talented, good looking and he had it all in life. The Angels smiled on Brett Farve often in his career in his passes which should have been picked off ended up touchdowns for his team.
Around 5 years ago though, things started going human for Mr. Farve.
First during the season his beloved dad passed away. I watched him on that evening when he played the game for his dad to honor him against the Oakland Raiders and he had another phenominal Farve night in completing passes no human could.
The did not make it to the Super Bowl though.
In that period, his beloved wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. She fought it. Brett supported her and thankfully she is still alive and well in the Farve family.
Following this, Green Bay who Mr. Farve played for, got rid of the entire team and left him with no blocking, no one to pass to and no one to run the ball. He was beat to a pulp in that year and the 3rd leg of his chair was gone in all the things that he used to support who Brett Farve was all of these years.
Into this John Madden and hosts of other pundits kept drumming the drum about Brett Farve retiring when he was not talking about retirement. It all came to a head when Green Bay's front office literally pressure Mr. Farve out the door in his being a Football Hall of Fame sure inductee.
It was like Winston Churchill being dismissed by the British after he won World War II for them, but worse as the English never beat up Churchill first.
To this the reporters have made snotty Obama sport out of taking shots at Mr. Farve, in the same way if some beast stood outside a rape crisis center and told women they liked it and deserved it coming. (Sounds a great deal like Camille Paglia and Noel Sheppard does it not.)
Here was a man who did his best for Green Bay and they humiliated him. They still blame him for an interception in the league championship game against the New York Giants, but as I have pointed out.............hey where was Green Bay's defense? Where was their blocking and running game so that Mr. Farve didn't have to be put into a position to throw hail mary passes which got picked off?
This is what I was listening to in feeds coming out of all places North Dakota. Forgive me but I thought it was the MINNESOTA Vikings Mr. Farve was playing for and not the North Dakota Vikings.
What filled me with disgust was a person on a FOX radio station in Fargo actually said he was pulling for the opposing team's linebackers in the first series on Friday. What that meant was he was advocating another human being be harmed to the extent they would not be able to play football.
That is pure Ed Schultz commentary equal to Al Franken in calling for Republicans to be assassinated. It is disgusting and it is what America in a large part has been degraded too in people so unhuman that they think political rape is sport of women and actually voice that a father of children, a wife overcoming breast cancer, should be physically harmed because they are so lacking any compassion that the human Brett Farve had reasons for what he did.
Reasons in which he has never blamed anyone. He did cry once which I even had enough of, but considering the emotional strain he was under, most people like that FOX DJ would have wet themselves and gone fetal position while sucking forever on prozac.
There is a meanness in America that is foreign to God. It makes absolute enemies out of Americans of all sorts and absolutely attempts to destroy them all like they were Adolf Hitler. There is no reasoning in them. They are pure beast now and worthy of the broad sword of the Lord to sweep them away.
I instead pray that this good gentle man in Brett Farve comes closer to the Lord Jesus and finds in time a new venue to grow in Spiritually as his body ages and his playing days close. That is the correct way to behave in public and private.
I would that Mr. Obama would repent and confess the Truth also, for the sake of the children he is turning into little monsters with the assistance of his wife and mother in law. One does not misbehave as an adult when there is the responsiblity of children to set an example for.
So with that, the world has another brick in the wall of the Obama snots being quite harmful to another human being who has done nothing to them, but the hatred they have inside of them is just too great that it must be vented upon the innocent.
I'm told that when people die in this world, that they feel all the hurt they do to others from that person they harmed soul. That is a fitting retribution and Mr. Farve and his family require that balancing as much as Sarah Palin and her family do.
God's will be done.
PS: The reason the Viking cheerleaders are featured is to expose that they are in dire need of someone in that state to find women who do not look like Muchelle Obama.