It was delightful as it was all sorts of things like a time converter to whatever my imagination could be led to. As I broke it down, I noticed how much craftsmanship was involved like in the old NASA Apollo days. You could actually fix this thing. It actually came apart and did so easily.
It was never meant to be thrown away. It had sat in the weather for at least 35 years, and without any problems to speak of, the old aluminum and brass coated screws came out, and get this, the steel had not rusted.
It is strange to touch the things one forgets as the modern age deluges everyone into thinking this is how it always has been. America for fact not that long ago was not a throw away society with things built to break. Things were built to last, with parts which lasted, and when they wore out, those parts are what kept auto companies, appliance companies in business, because their repairmen their parts kept the company going.
There was on need for clunker welfare so Warren Buffett could get steel for Chinese cars, which just like in 1935 Japan in buying up used American scrap is not going to use that metal for cars, but in a short time will be using it to make bombs to murder Americans.
That got me thinking in how the mid 90's how the Clinton administration undertook a policy to tell Veterans to just go off when they were old and die. It was transformed in the last of the Bush years with the same euthanasia policy of telling distraught people to go home and commit suicide by tortuous death.
This policy is now expanded under Obamacrypt and the immortal words of Sarah Palin in her terming it exactly as death panels and a completely evil thing.
Books and movies were written about this from Soylent Green which was a wonderful read, but not such a wonderful movie with Charlton Heston I believe........unless that was Fahrenheit 451, which was a great read too by Ray Bradbury. Movies rarely capture good books.
One movie though which fits Obamacrypt to the tee was of the 1970's and one which filled my mind with interesting problems and solutions. It was Logan's Run, starring Michael York and Jenny Agutter.
The movie was simple. It took place in a domed city after a nuclear war. In order to create a perfect society, people who were handicapped never made it into society and everyone upon reaching 40 were terminated.
Of course, people were not going to be marching off to commit suicide, so the government told them they went to some wonderful place and killed them all.
There were "runners" in this and Jenny Agutter was a runner with Michael York who was a sandman sent to kill runners, but was undercover as Logan to discover the underground network the runners used to find sanctuary.
A sandman in Logan's Run had one job and that was to put people to death or sleep permanently.
People do not quite understand that that is exactly what Obamacrypt is about. The influences now to tell people to go commit suicide whether it is gay people in HIV suicide or the one foot in the grave policy from the Veterans Administration is by the Soylent Green first step.
To put it even more ghoulish, have you ever noticed in retirement homes how people who can not pay the bills somehow always are the ones being coughed on by sick attendants and die within a few months?
A few degrees cooler for an old person, a blanket taken away, germs coughed on the elderly and it is amazing what a nursing home can free up in bed space as they help things along.
America though in Obamacrypt which asses like Stephanie Herseth Sandlin or Barney Frank going home and staging "meetings" about are not addressing is, "What of this rationed care which the VA has already espoused and put into practice? What happens when this reaches the figures of a million Americans?"
Consider that long and hard in your family member being told, "Sorry that German diabetes medication at $125 a vial is too expensive to offer any longer. You must now go home and decide how to deal with your end".
Dying of heart failure, diabetes, kidney failure, intestinal troubles and cancers is not an enjoyable thing to be around. Diabetics have a sickening sweat odor and no one looks good while dying. It is distressing and for the record, people do not just die easy. It takes weeks to months for bodies to shut down and burn out.
So now we have a million people with soiled beds, rotting in smells, all stacking up in our communities and hospitals won't be allowed to take them as Obamacrypt has rationed the money.
The government has already told Veterans to die for the good of their country. It will not be 10 seconds before the papers are released, (Ezekiel Emanuel and others have already put this into writing about the need to only treat people they can get a profit back out of in taxes.), that advocated Sandmen coming to your home and murdering someone in tortuous death throws.
It is a given that someone in some family is going to see their family member in this horrid state when this comes into law, and will botch the thing. They will be arrested, a great cry will go up about something to be done, and instead of caring for the sick poor, Barney Frank and baby butcher Stephie Herseth Sandlin will offer up and push a bill for Sandmen to come and inject some salt solution into your loved one for a heart attack, after they take a bottle of sleeping pills.
Obamacrypt isn't going to spend money on morphine to let people die in peace, they will do it cheap and slaughtering. I would wager that in time they will just inject an air bubble into a sick person to cause a massive stroke and forgo even the saline.
This is where this will head America. People are going to be told to go home and die without any recourse. Bearick Obama has brought the law of the jungle to America and the fit will survive, but the hangers on in society will be legally murdered just like Terri Schiavo was.
THAT is why Terry Schiavo was important to the American Republic, because it is not the offering up the one for the good of the many, but a Republic is the protecting of the individual's rights even when they are not able to rise to protect themselves.
America used to be a place where you fixed cars and where you fixed people and did not terminate them.
It all makes one nostalgic for those days of delight and hopes and dreams. When Jenny Agutter was a vision of Joan of Arc, when Heather Menzies and Gregory Harrison were on the television version of Logan's Run.
How beautiful Heather was in those years. One could almost hate Robert Urich for marrying such a woman, but then one loved Bob as much in his hunting and being such a great guy.
Now as I look back though, Richard Jordan, the original sandman is dead of cancer, Farah just died and that wonderful Robert Urich succumbed too.
They though in Rockefeller torture treatment at least had the hope of treatment. Americans are coming to the time when Logan's Run will be a reality when sandmen from Bearick Obama come and murder the sick in their beds.
We are already being told to die. It will not be that long in this evil system that the Obama government will show up murder Citizens who are too much an eyesore in taking too long to die in the wonderful world of Obamacrypt.
agtG 260
Die for your country Veteran, before Obama's sandman cometh