Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Little Things

Some of the most memorable and cherished memories I have in life have nothing to do with the adoration of masses of people or accomplishing things which change the world.
What matters most to me are the little things in life.

One of my little things was sitting on an oak savanna as the world went by in my supposed to be bow hunting deer. I detest stand hunting as it seems a waste of time and I dislike still hunting as for eating things I move too fast. It is probably why in those forms of hunting I do not succeed often as I am always more interested in what is going on under my feet or next to my shoulder.

It is a most delightful thing to sit in the wilds and have the wilds forget the human is there, to start coming to life again in going about it's business. The little shrews in their tunnels of leaves squeak and attack each other for territory like superpowers. You get flashes of them in their grey black coats in creatures so ugly they are cute.
Robins or chickadees will light among the branches next to you, studying that hulking mass that is not moving and you can see them perplexed in studying you.

It is all good for testing the heart compared to doctor's treadmills as one moment one is smiling at shrews and the next a buck decides not to follow the trail you are setting, and instead comes to you to nibble on berries you thought were pretty, but never dreamed would have a deer in your lap. Pulse rates are 150 and the deer comes unglued in finding out what it has stepped into as it bounds away.

For what is coming to America, I suggest the little things be taken advantage of now for the times when there will not be time for holding a parent's hand or giving an extra pat to your dog.
It is one thing I school myself on in I will never not pet an animal of mine, because I will not look back in regret after they are gone in sorrow wanting to just touch them again.
The time in life to show affection is when people are alive and not when they are dead.

One of the oddest situations I had in life was when my beloved Uncle was dying from brain cancer. Quite a few people came to say good bye and he said his good byes, but when it was time to go.........he didn't want to be bothered with people any more.
The ones who did not come, did not come because of fear in his dying as he meant so much to them. They instead wasted their time in coming to his funeral when he could not enjoy the affection they had for him.
That was selfish and shortsighted as I found out that people who are dying in many ways heal the people they are leaving behind. It is one of the greatest gifts a person can ever be given.

I wonder about Bobama the dog if he sits castrated in a kennel as he never goes on vacation, and who it is that takes care of him.........or if he is a chore for one of the girls, instead of the family friend he should be.

I collect a great deal now of what people throw away. I fix the machines and restore the animals. I marvel at how the things of no value have greater and growing value with me as time passes on.
I wonder at how God knows exactly the cripple or damaged thing to give me to delight me. I do not like new or pretty things as I have too much concern in their not being new. I have instead in my possession an old cake pan I use constantly I had to tap into shape, that the owner who is now in a retirement home, had apparently tried to saw through with a knife several times.

It suits me as it has character and is in this world to be enjoyed.

I do not understand people who have their lawns clipped to the last blade as there is nothing in them left alive. I do not like houses that are so clean one can eat off the floors as where is the dust or the spiderwebs to make it feel at home.
I still ponder my Grandmothers house I was so astounded by as a child. She had papers stacked on her couch so that it was an adventure trying to set as it was always lopsided and hurt. Her world makes me smile now decades later........just like my little Auntie's 4 room house that most people could now fit into their living rooms.
She had a coo coo clock, and, her with her ancient sisters always reminded me of china dolls in being so small and fragile that if you looked too hard upon them they would break.

They never hugged me and they never said BOO to me, but I fondly remember the study of them in the little things they were.

Sometimes people find out in life they go through periods when each day is only worse than the last. Their souls shatter, Spirit drains, thoughts scatter and they become a fractured human trying to survive. In those times, they withdraw and start watching the strange events happening to that person they are detached from in them.
POW's gain this advantage in life in shattered lives. It is then you hang onto the little things which seemed to not matter at the time.

For when that time comes, gain a few more little things to hold onto by finding them now. You will need them for those long moments in between prayer.

Construct the castle now from the little bricks for the time one needs to retreat into you.

God bless
