Sunday, September 13, 2009

The tan that rocks the Cradle

Stereotypes are interesting things in Americans are lectured continuously how bad they are. In a continuous publishing spree, one can daily find information that Jews are all holocaust victims and that black people are all in poverty, yet in that stereotype which is fed to the masses, nothing could be further from the facts, but those stories are part of a propaganda scheme by the liberal elite to gain footholds for their elite members while preying upon the less fortunate in those same classes to promote more of that stereotype.

Bearick Obama and his two advisers, David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett are exactly the least Jewish and least black of those stereotypes and yet they are both promoted as Jewish and black.

Mr. Axelrod never imigrated to Israel, never fought in one Israeli war and has nested himself quite a multi million dollar fortune promoting issues and candidates who have done nothing but prey on the very people for votes to enslaving them in order to enrich themselves.

Ms. Bowman Jarrett is the classic case in point in terming herself black, when she and her family have done nothing but marry themselves out of being black, while using the black race to promote their own interests.

What makes Axelrod and Jarrett unique is they are both watchers of the left who skulked around the landscape until they could find a protege to implement their political policies through in the quite vacuous and programmable Bearick Obama.

If I were to use the following family descriptions of, international traveler, government service, MIT graduate, serving on dozens of boards, medical, corporate and educational, the royalty of a state in placement and serving Bill Clinton's White House.........would you consider that I was speaking about the Kennedy family or some "black" person with no Washington experience like Valerie Jarrett?
The person and family I was describing was Valerie Jarrett's. I found information that Ms. Jarrett is a great niece to Washington power attorney Vernon Jordan who is one of the biggest thumpers in Washington, yet the press on Ms. Jarrett is that she has no connections at all.

Now why on earth would all that information be hidden in a stealth candidate like Valerie Jarrett?

To put it frankly, Valerie Jarrett is either a stalker of black men in America or she is a agent of ascension for select leftist blacks or tan skinned blacks her order seeks to rule America by.

I would ask you if over 15 years ago you had noticed a young person in California while you were at your home thousands of miles away, if you would keep tabs on someone you had never met, and then search them out to elevate them when you got to the White House?
This is exactly what Valerie Jarrett did with Van Jones from 1993 onward it is reported.

Does it not make a bit more sense now in how Bearick Obama and Van Jones both were afforded book deals in being nobodies for large sums of money?
The same group which Valerie Jarrett represents was grooming these men just like they are grooming other changelings for their service.

None of Obama is by accident. As he was casting about Chicago looking to validate hisself, it would be Valerie Jarrett who appears to be his little voice with devil horns sitting on his shoulder whispering to him, "Michelle Robinson will make a nice connected catch in knowing Jesse Jackson and being a ward chairman's daughter for a rising star of the left".

The control that Jarrett has over these two, I'm surprised that Obama doesn't have her face on his teleprompter and Muchelle doesn't have her tattooed on her big butt.
Jarrett is their psychological mother and it appears more that it is more Uncle Bill Ayers as surrogate daddy with David Axelrod as vaterland steward.

In studying Val - eire Bowman Jarrett, the something which makes humans human is missing from this processor going on in her head.
This is the woman who treated marriage like a plug and tolerate mode on a computer. Her references in a Vogue interview to a man who was the father of her daughter are telling.

When asked about the William Jarrett, she like a historical footnote stated, "He was a physician. He passed away."

The daughter of that plug and play named Laura simply stated when asked about that odd cold fish statement said, "Yup that sounds like you, Mom".

One starts to formulate the conclusion that all of these Obama followers are all malformed psychological children of shreetard mode. For explanation, a shreetarded individual is based upon the retarded or non growth of the human empathy emotion in viewing themselves or their group as the only humans and the rest of the world objects of no value.
Shree being an Indo Asian name fittingly for Obama's monkey in his pants is an Indian demonic entity.

This same mindset is again and again projected by Bearick Obama. It seems odd that since Ms. Bowman Jarrett had a stable home of two parents that she would exhibit defused obamatron psychology, but then she is a product of her child development specialist mother, Barbara Taylor Bowman, who is another very well connected tan skinned woman whose experience was nothing like the lowly estate of a black person like Clarence Thomas.

As Val - erie Jarrett is now the most powerful person in the White House, and has stated she has "fixed" both Bearick and Muchelle Obama, perhaps it is time that a Dr. Phil to Congress start investigating this strange woman whose biography does not match the little non connected black woman the world is being told she is.

If Vernon Jordan were this blog's my uncle, this blog would make note of Uncle Vern as he is like the black David Rockefeller, and David Rockefeller just happens to be Ashkenaz like David Axelrod in their birds of a feather flocking together advancing and taking care of their own.
The people who literally control the leading legal, media, energy, health, education and Washington establishment are who are the benefactors of Bearick Obama.

You do not find them on a kibbutz on the West Bank growing peaches nor in Illinois filling feed sacks for Monsanto as one is led to believe is the life of Jews and blacks.

Bill Clinton picked the astute Vernon Jordan to save his presidency. His niece in Valerie Jarrett is now running the White House.
That is power beyond what even Martin King was even dreaming of. The question is why is it hidden and nothing apparent is transparent in people not being at all what the stereotypes they are promoting for others they are using and advancing over.

It is now the tan that rocks the white, black, brown and yellow skinned American cradle and rules them all. One would think that would be trumpeted achievement and yet this group of connected Marxists is silent to it all.


agtG 305

Uncle Vern in the New York Times

Ms. speaks about the dead Mr.

PS: Another interesting fact in pervert Christie Hefner of porno is friends with Val - erie Jarrett and has been a major supporter of Triple X Obama from the start.