Monday, October 5, 2009

The Dudley Don't Rights

It is amusing to see liberals who celebrated generals off the reservation attacking Bush are now scorning McChrystal for going off the reservation in calling Biden one dimensional tech warfare as Chaos - stan. (Wow just like Val - erie Jarrett, with that sexy little slash in the olde skirt name).

It is interesting that Obama summoned McChrystal to Air Force Olympic Defeat in Copenhagen and McChrystal still has his job. I told you people that McChrystal was Rockefeller connected. This is their war and they want the Afnamistan booty call prize, which it seems as European opium prices have dropped that perhaps the old Delano lines of imported heroin traffic might be looking to switch America from coffee, cocaine and tea to opium, heroin and sigh.
Whatever the case is Obama needs help and this blog is there to assist the Prime Minister as usual in pointing out also to his Obamalings that Obama if he were intelligent wouldn't be screwing the poodle on this Afnamistan deal.

Ok here is how Obama should have played this. Biden is out cocking off as usual about knowing how to fight wars and poor kool aid. What Obama should have done is instead of managing Afgnamistan for defeat in his little war to keep terrorists over there, he should have just announced in a White House briefing that the Biden Strategy would be invoked with tech warfare, but a scaled back McChrystal plan as "he has been told there are enough Soldiers on the ground and he is drawing down numbers as the American people wanted".

So now you have Biden, McChrystal and the American people to blame and your hisself to blame. So if the policy works, hisself takes credit for it all. If the policy fails as you intend, the in 2011, you fire McChrystal for a "rethink" and invite Joe Biden into retirement by placing stories all over the puppy press that Biden is to blame "as this was his area to handle" as Obama tried to fix the economy and health care.
Also the American people being reminded that they wanted troops drawn down, are on the hook for guilt and are not going to vote against themselves in 2012 or against Obama who will say he will fix things again.

That is what FDR would have done as FDR was a twisted political prick who was a genius. Obama in comparison is a bone head. He mismanaged this completely and is now in so deep that he is going to be blamed for any outcome this comes to be that is bad and if McChrystal gets his troops, he is the winner and Obama is the sloven politician loser.
If McChrystal does not get his troops, which only adds to the bloodbath, then Obama gets blamed for the dead and gets no cherry pie for the victory loop as he procrastinated sending in troops and scolded McChrystal.

Obama is a novice and has no idea with Axelrod Inc. in how to play at multi dimensional political warfare. For him, Afnamistan will overtake him as will all of his other bungling now for a growing heap of decomposing compost Americans can believe in as it all smells like excrement.

Afghanistan could have been won cleanly and mopped up, but now anything which comes out of that Obama war is going to look disjointed as Obama punted like he did on all other policy. There honestly is no way out of this situation now for Obama as the Rockefellers are plotting against him. If Obama fires McChrystal, Obama looks even more frantic in not knowing what he is doing. Obama wants to treat this like an after dinner smoke, but his entire basement is on fire from the ashes he has been flicking through the holes in the floor.

This blogs concern is for the US Soldiers as they are in horrid danger as the slug fest McChrystal is promoting is not the complete answer in the least. His Vietnam policy of flush and give up territory only wastes America life.
So the Obama war is now being run by one person who wants to manage a controlled failure and the other who wants to mange a controlled implosion of Afnamistan.

Those liberal globalist kids, what are you going to do with them, besides give them all affirmative action law degrees and put them into some law office where they snort dope and sex each other as their occupational careers, as none of them certainly do not belong in fighting a war.

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The Dudley Don't Rights, got to love them leftists.