All of it involves the 1981 trip to Pakistan by Birdie Obama which all were focusing on passports and Muslim things, but none had an interest in cordite, kynoch or beaters.
To explain those three words one has to be from the old English school where such sweet burning smells, ammunition and local hunting parties all meant the fun of a lifetime in experiencing things the Raj, British Royals or select Americans ever partook of.
There is something blissful about arising in the amber cool of dawn to the dull rustling of a house servant visiting you with sweet tea and perhaps paddy or millet in goat milk to brace oneself for a hunt.
The wet dust filling your nostrils of dew covered morning, the shiver of dawn, the dogs, the beaters huddled in their rag garments and the thrill of seeing a Kipling day is something which would stay in ones mind past Alzheimer's.
The reason for the journey down memories past is the completely uninvestigated fact that Barack Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama was the guest of noted Pakistani citizens in 1981. The family was Chandio, of Muhammad Husan Chandio, who were the largest land owners in the region of Larkana, which happens to be the base of the Bhutto clans which ruled Pakistan.
While in Larkana, this 20 year old boy named Barry was given a partridge hunt as was reported in the press and overlooked. This is a world of poverty where such nods are of special notice in the land of the raj.
This was the world of the Brzezinski manufacture of his muhajadeen fighters, the same Brzezinski who would tutor Obama at Columbia University, and the same muhajadeen with Sheik bin Laden who were fighting the Soviets under Ronald Reagan.
It is reported that the Pakistani benefactors of Birdie Obama were told to look after the child by CIA operative. For the reality, Pakistan, if one was in power, that meant either British MI6 or the American CIA was connected to you, whether your nation hated the Anglo's or not.
So child Obama ventures into Pakistan like his mother would often, a hot bed of CIA, Soviet and Muslim intelligence agencies. He then is treated to a partridge hunt which no one has ever asked about, which is quite interesting in how many fowl he bagged, what type of smooth bores he used and how the once in a lifetime honor from Pakistan actually went.
Odd is it not when in 2008, Mr. Obama conveniently forgot this major hunt in his honor when appealing to the NRA, sportsmen and 2nd Amendment advocates.
Nothing more apple pie than going on safari and yet Obama instead insulted this group with his Bible and guns quip.
What might make this all connect a bit more is the knowledge that Obama had a benefactor who was Saudi oil OPEC funded in Dr. Khalid Al Mansoor who contacted a Percy Sutton, who represented Malcolm X as his lawyer, to write a letter for Mr. Obama to gain admittance into Harvard.
That Obama bow to the Saud King now takes on new proportions as one understands the royals of the world.
The old Hapsburg dynasty and other royals in Europe are the ones with the British who are the upper level pecking order, who have their funding run by the Rothschild banking cartel.
This is who Obama was bowing to when he went on his summer rock tour to Berlin.
Into this money chain comes the Muslim oil money, led by the Saudi royal family, who just happen to be the epitome of Asian royalty as they are the royal keepers of the Muslim faith in their shrines at Medina and Mecca.
The Saudi family would fund vast projects for Ronald Reagan in bringing down the Soviet empire, one of them being the funding of the Afghan war. This is why Sheik bin Laden was skulking about Pakistan as this was part Saud Muslim operation.
All of these rich Muslims have been bed with American foreign policy in a giant CIA interconnected web of various CIA divisions.
This is what is at the heart of Bearick Obama in his coming to New York as somewhere in this the mix of international Marxists like intelligence control Bill Ayers wed to black Marxist Frank Marshall David, all started melding with OPEC financing, Ford Foundation in Stanley Ann Dunham and her boss, Mr. Geithner who is now the Secretary of the Treasury's son, found in Barack Obama a son, who with the British socialist manifest in Barack sr., all launched Barry Soetoro, dope head being interdicted for, to a Muslim society which was throwing hunting parties for him treating him like royalty.
Constantly in this one finds cropping up homosexuals or bi sexuals, from Frank Marshall Davis, Occidental gay mentor, Professor Lawrence Goldyn to the gay Columbia connection of flaming faculty to the then meeting with Bill Ayers who wrote of homosexual activity.
All of this seems to revolve around some rich, gay international males club, who somehow admit a rather repeatedly rude, stupid (Obama's writings of the era which have surfaced do not apparently make any sense and have spelling mistakes.) and belligerent Barack Obama into the highest of circles of intelligence, Muslim and gay groups. None of that can be by accident and it appears like the Keynesian pedophile elite groups to be a globalist society in which Barack Obama had an admittance card no one questioned.
Was Obama a chronic lair like his mother Stanley Ann, and somehow led people to believe was Malcolm X's son as that rumor has surfaced, meaning was Obama the original source in rejecting both Lolo Soetoro and Barack sr., for his fictional "dream of his father" that might have included Frank Marshall Davis in his mind as sperm donor?
Tall tales amaze the dope head culture, but there is something more to this as CIA operatives in Pakistan just do not vouch for a 20 year old dope head on a visit no more than the Pakistani elite roll out the royal hunt club.
In that the mystery is still to be solved, but as Barack Obama is hiding a raj type hunt which is literally bigger in that aristocracy than any Nobel Prize the masses win, there is the rub to the story of the black partridge hunt in Pakistan.
This all speaks of intelligence operatives being groomed and the same heavy hitters in Europe and the Saud family who greased the wheels to Mr. Obama's 2008 presidential theft in America, are the genesis of the trip to Pakistan. Large hitters who had the Rockefellers who oversea Ameriaca, deaf, dumb and blind that they had Mrs. Clinton offered up to humiliate her.
None of Barack Hussein Obama makes any logical sense, he is a changeling of different origin who the elite specifically groomed. The one question this blog wants to know is about that Pakistani hunt as that is where the lies are laid.
How many raj hunts did Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton or Richard Holbrooke ever receive?
None is the answer.
So the question is why Barack Hussein Obama.
The black partridge