The Cabana boy was the child who was hired to dress up in little swim trunks and the snide humor was they were either servicing fat old rich women or balding old rich men, preying on such teenagers.
If one examines Bearick Obama, he is a classic red light beacon for any sexual predator and much of his world stance is equal to that group of children molested as children, who then went on to be sexual perverts preying on other children.
Not to rehash past information, but to set the foundation, we know for fact that Frank Marshall Davis repeatedly raped a 13 year old girl. He was a sexual pervert and bi sexual. His forte was to troll for white slumming married women and sex them, while humiliating their husbands.
We know that Barack Obama used drugs, drank alcohol, all from the table or hot dog cart where Frank Marshal Davis sold these items.
We know that Mr. Obama related in print that after one diatribe leveled at him by Mr. Davis stated, "I never felt more alone in the world".
All of these measures are the classic pedophile, homosexual motive of operations in befriending a child, becoming larger than life in their eyes, indulging them with narcotics, breaking them down to isolate them, and when that brainwashing if complete, initiating sexual stimulation and graduating it to full contact sex.
This is what John Maynard Keynes was part of this in English socialist society and transplanted that into American academia.
We know that from photos in Occidental College when Mr. Obama left home, that he was definitely in the "gay pose" in grooming his feminine side.
There was great anger in Mr. Obama in being abandoned by his parents. His surrogate then became the angry black sex pervert in Frank Marshall Davis.
Obama would build upon this abandonment as he advanced upon the mainland to make it a "black issue". He would complain of a bad grade from a professor and link it to race.
A female classmate would berate him in reply stating, "It's not always about you".
Mr. Obama would be mentored by gay Professor Lawrence Goldyn, and in this infuse the Davis black issues to ignite the black power, as South Africa would become the new fund raising card for the civil rights movement which had gained all the legal advantages it could.
South Africa would be like the March of Dimes against polio. Polio was cured, but the march of dimes continued on as it does today still gaining funding. A racist political agenda achieved in America would be taken offshore with an interest in a white Arab black boy named Obama looking for an issue to attack white people on in America.
This Obama would then transfer to the gayest university in America, Columbia in New York. Once again living off campus with Muslim males.
This homosexual exploitation is not limited to the English intellectual Oxford group, but Mr. Obama has these events dripping from his family.
Barack sr. married a child as his first wife after 3 days and buying her for a few cows. Stanley Ann Dunham was a 17 year old girl when she was impregnated.
In reports which have surfaced, when Ms. Dunham informed Barack sr. she was pregnant, he retorted, "That baby is not mine!"
It was well known that Stanley Dunham was a "flirt" with all the boys, and apparently that reputation was she was giving out the milk without anyone having to buy the cow as Barack sr. found out too late.
Mr. Obama's brother fled England and is now somewhere in America after being chased by the police for assaulting young British girls.
The Muslim world which Bearck sr. belonged to is a pedophile ground. Rich Muslims run a thriving importation business out of Indian in purchasing children for their "needs".
PLO chairman Arafat had platoons of little boys he kept for his sexual exploitation.
It is no secret that the Muslim religious leaders have an even larger problem than the Catholic religion had with molesting children.
So this quasi world of mixed intellectuals, sexual perversion, mysterious money appearing and admission of seemingly "nobody" into the midst of the elite is the world of William Ayers and the ring absolutely true to the encounters which Lawrence Sinclair exposed in twice being pursued by Bearick Hussein Obama for sodomite sex.
The "gay pose" as Barack Obama was often found in in college photos of books held to his breasts, the same manboobs he flaunted on display, are signals of "I'm one too".
Straight people do not pay attention to the gay dress codes from butch, dyke to lipstick lesbian to the boy toys to the old men, but from the jeans, flannel shirt and work boots come on to street toughs, there is a gay earring flaming about the streets of America as calling cards in plain sight.
One has to understand that Frank Davis was of the slumming pansy crowd of Chicago, who used white women and serviced white men. In "gay" circles, it is well known that one does not have to be "gay" to go out as an affluent male and have a gay male perform oral sex on them, because the wife would not do the job.
This blog posted a Columbia question and answer page instructing students there on gay male sex in that anal sex is not preferred by all, but that oral sex was preferred along with male on male masturbation.
It is vital to note Lawrence Sinclair fits the first oral category and that Reggie Love, "flossing" his teeth with Obama in the same bedroom watching ESPN fits the second coded category.
This blog exclusively noted Charlie Gibson in his gay interview with Bearick Obama compared to the Mr. Chips interview with Sarah Palin.
Mr. Gibson was sending signals in laying in his chair, shirt open and legs apart. In gay terms, what this blog never went into details with, that overt scene was covertly telling the community that showering had taken place, with no soap dropping, but mutual sudsing up having taken place.
Mr. Obama would build upon this in "joking" about rolling over in bed with NBC anchor Brian Williams. That is something a straight male would never bring up, but Mr. Obama appeared to be marking territory and outing Brian Williams and other reporters who are members of the club.
As I have noted repeatedly and the stories are now coming out about the pedophile and predatory nature of David Letterman in really redneck seduction of young girls in his employ, this Chris Matthews joking about leg tingling is not a joke. Mrs. Clinton outed as a woman that dykes could f*ck is of this rather Greco Roman wrestling clan of the modern world where playtime is not always the golf course, but pillow talk.
If one researches the old Greek histories, it was common practice for these teachers of the Obama circle to have sex with children. The common law was though that in sexing children that the pervert had to then reward the child as they grew older with placement and advancement.
If one examines Obama, his career rise mimics such Keynesian type advancement of one of their proteges.
I desire at this point to bring up a writing from Obama's Columbia days to prove something about what Barack Hussein Obama is at his essence.
Mr. Obama in 1983 published an anti American rant concerning nuclear arms policy which Ronald Reagan was successfully implementing. This is one of the mismatched statements he created and I will take it apart to examine the internal mind of Bearick Obama.
“When Peter Tosh sings that ‘everybody’s asking for peace, but nobody’s asking for justice,’ one is forced to wonder whether disarmament or arms control ensues, severed from economic and political issues, might be another instance of focusing on the symptoms of a problem instead of the disease itself.”
First, we see Mr. Obama introduces a "SONG" which speaks about peace and justice in the world. This subject is chosen by him because of his internal conflict and his feeling that mass injustice has been perpetrated against him.
He links this to the largest issue he can find to give his internal hurt meaning, in the nuclear arms issue.
Second, he now links his nuclear heart to not just the issue, but that the hurt Obama heart requires money and politics to cure his plight.
Third, Mr. Obama confesses that he is suffering from a disease that only money and political power will cure.
That sounds a great deal like someone who usurped and entire nation to get into the White House.
It also reveals how Mr. Obama in wanting to be aborted at birth which is his base driven attitude has left America bare to Russian, Chinese and terrorist nuclear attack, as he in transference yearns to abort America by nuclear procedure.
To fix Mr. Obama's statement which should not meander as it does, it should have been crafted as this:
“When Peter Tosh sings that ‘everybody’s asking for peace, but nobody’s asking for justice,’ the issue which requires examination is whether the melody of disarmament or arms control is a song which can be conducted when severed from economic and political issues. This reasons then it might be another situation of focusing on the orchestra warming up while the fat lady is already singing.
Mr. Obama is vacuous as Bruce Chilton in his religion rants in lacking all understanding of the Kennedyesque "ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country".
There is a measure if one begins a thought, one continues with that thought process. Mr. Obama begins with songs and speaks of diseases. Instead one must utilize as I have fixed his incorrect statements by crafting the entire thought for the reader in familiar musical tones.
Mr. Obama on arms control sees the problem as America in finance and politics, but Mr. Reagan correctly assessed it was western spending and political superiority of western freedom which would destroy the evil empire of the Soviet Union.
Mr. Obama though as noted, is in catharsis in this piece he wrote, a catharsis as deep as the maniacs who voted for him in 2008. His admission is the fact he has an internal disease which has no cure, but the burning down of the American hospital and replacing it with an Obama crematorium.
Bearick Obama has been a jack let out of the box, meaning people become who they are when they afford to themselves power and money.
Note Mr. Obama has not lifted a finger to assist his African family, but has indulged to excess his family's gluttonous needs which are psychopathy. Nothing is filling that empty hole inside of them, and as he swings in pendulum to lusting after Carla Sakozy, then little girls in Rome, then female US soldiers of tan color, shower interviews with Charlie Gibson, flossing with Reggie Love in bed, bed cuddle jokes with Brian Williams, a rather out of control pattern emerges as the lost Obama can not find hisself sexually and the more money he spends in bankrupting America, only creates a bigger panic in him, because as this blog predicted, the real problem is going to start building when America rejects this abandoned child and Junior Obama starts acting out like the 10 year old he is.
So from Hawaii to California to Pakistan to New York to Chicago to places yet in the closet, socialite Bearick Obama appears to be the Cabana boy joke who was the toy of old perverts and is now toying with those he deems toyable to his swinging fetishes which keep changing.
The more I witness of Bearick Hussein Obama, the more I conclude the original diagnosis was correct in Mr. Obama belonged living in that little tool shed on a pineapple plantation growing Maui Wowie in between the pineapple plants where he could only do limited harm to hisself and only one state.
Cabana boy Obama