See, I have been telling people here that a massive fuel jack in prices is about to come rolling down the pike, that is going to make the 4 dollar a gallon gasoline look like cheap prices, because one has to remember George Bush invested just 1 trillion dollars to save the world from a great depression, but Bearick Obama has now dumped at least 12 times that amount, which means 12 times the inflation is coming down the road for Americans.
Okie dokers in using a little Nebraska slang for those patrician Nebraskan Obama voters like Buffett and Sheppard, we now know that just like in 2008 when truckers were going bankrupt that mass shipments were being loaded onto trains.
Trains are doing a thriving business yet and are about to be the only way shipments can be made cheaply in the next years.
On recall too what Buffett is investing in after Obama gutted the US auto industry, was in Chinese cars that union owners of General Motors were forced to import, and that good economic terrorists, George Soros, is calling for his Chicom slave masters should be world leaders, with the trump card that Soros has been betting against the Dollar in making a fortune, well that is even an Obama composed sentence Obama can understand.
See it all so clearly as this blog has laid it out. Minnesota energy producers in Big Stone II, collapsed a billion dollar coal fired plant, because they knew Obama was going to raise carbon taxes and because coal prices were once again going to go through the roof just as their plant was coming online. Energy from coal is going to be too expensive to produce, all due to Obamite attacks on everything that moves.
So of course robber baron Warren Buffett trading on insider information he has in forming American energy policy with the White House he is feeding information back to is going to buy a new train set, because he knows this is going to be a trillion dollar revenue earner for his little 34 billion Dollar in stolen Dollar investment.
All of these signs all point to a energy and economic disaster is coming, along with a very scary war brewing the Middle East, as in nuclear polluting war, as there is massive drilling in fields in the American sphere, but no massive drilling or pumping in the huge fields America produces. The reason is those fields would turn America back from the brink of an Obama 3rd world state and into a solvent nation superpower again.
One does not invest in rail unless one knows the trucking industry is going to go tank up, the airline haulers are going wings up and Americans will be going tits up.
I want to point out to Citizens that Mr. Buffett and Mr. Soros are BOTH Obama backers. They tutored Mr. Obama and have insider information on American policy, and are moving before the markets can move on this insider information.
That is illegal on both Obama and his cronies part as in jail time.
To the point, as this blog is predicting by God's Grace what is coming, this means this is an engineered 9 11 style attack upon the United States again raping the American Citizens of funds. All of this rapine could be stopped with sound policy, sound energy and sound leadership, but instead Obama, Buffett and Soros are strangling America again deliberately for their power and profit.
These are crimes against American humanity. The theft of American savings. The inflating of prices, the rape of the US Treasury are all traitorous, thieving offenses, no different than any other 3rd world despot.
There is nothing romantic nor charming about this. This is highway robbery and Americans are being set up for the con again.
These robbers could not be doing this if the American people would start raising hell about this, demanding their money back and the arrest of Butch Buffett and the Obamadance Kid.
*Last note: I visited a well being drilled by Houston, Texas.........yet wells are being drilled in Texas again and pumping, and no sweeter, finer and beautiful green tinted high grade crude one has never seen (Except for that beautiful Sarah Palin Alaskan sweet crude that refines itself).
The American oil barons know what is coming in the Buffett rape of America, gas prices are already moving up, natural gas and propane went up 23 cents since August.
This is an American survival issue as the poor can take no more of this as they have nothing more to exist on.
May God bless the Good in His Name. Amen
Butch Buffett and the Obamadance Kid