Lolo only got a used jungle fever tramp and Bearick Obama, and Mr. Karzai got a country through Obama intercourse elections.
All of this though highlights what America has to look forward to in 2012 elections as Joseph Farah will not have to publish None of the Above par dux to help elect Obama, as Mr. Obama will now implement the Afnamistan strategy in the Presidential elections in America just as he did in Illinois Congress and Illinois Senate races in his opponents like Mr. Karzai's will simply withdraw from the election.
Yes Americans, the Obama you have in the White House has never faced a legitimate election in his life. John McCain was a product of leftist election tampering, so in his entire career Mr. Obama is the first 3rd world candidate to reside as tyrant in the White House.
What is interesting in this is to follow the Obama Afnamistan election process.
The Afnamistan election results were the result of hundreds of dead American and British Soldiers, which revealed over a million illegal votes were cast for Karzai just like millions were illegally cast for Bearick Obama.
In seeing this Obama election under Richard Holbrooke's direct supervision, the world cried fraud and new elections were warranted.
Mr. Karzai refused to unrig the elections a second time, and after a flyover from Hillary Clinton the weekend previous, Mr. Karzai's opponent then somehow with tears in his eyes, announced he was quitting the election as it was all fraud par dux.
To this Barack Hussein Obama, calmly announced with his blow fly bug eyes look at the American White House that Obama's Afnamistan Cold Sore War had a legitimate elected President according to Afghanistan law.........when no elections had taken place.
Yes Bearick Birdie Obama, American Prime Minister messiah, said that with a straight face and there were no puppy press reporters rolling on the floor gasping for breath from laughing so hard.
Free and fair elections with no one elected, tis the age of Obama, and by amazing oil dripping donation coincidence Jimmy Carter has not weighed in with one iota of Nobel Prize consternation for the electoral process of Afghanistan.
Oh my, the United Nations just love this new world order of political elections too.
This blog called for the firing of Richard Holbrooke previously due to the electoral fraud in Afghanistan. Since that time, Mr. Obama has had Mr. Holbrooke trying to bribe government employees in Afghanistan who were resigning over his inept policy and now the world has seen Obama sanction fraudulent elections by having no elections.
Goodness you Obamalings who were complaining about George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, do you not see that Iraq had actual elections and even the Palestinian Philistines had elections under Bush 43 which were real, whether one liked the results at times or not.
Mr. Obama has now put the American stamp of approval on election fraud in 3rd world countries worse than Jimmy Carter certifying communist fraud in Latin America.
This is the biggest disaster possible as now every Muslim sees their vote does not count and the only alternative they have is terrorism.
As stated for this vomit turn of events, Mr. Holbrooke and now Mrs. Clinton must be fired as this is their policy they screwed up royally on the direction of their boss Prime Minister Obama.
That would be the correct thing to do.
If this though is how Obama deals in elections as is his pattern, America has a huge problem awaiting in 2012 as Obama and ACORN will be stealing another election and then simply like Mr. Karzai have the opposition withdraw from the race and declare hisself dictator.
I have warned the Charlie Rose crowd giggling about Joe Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson stealing elections, the fraud John Kerry perpetrated in stating he was winning in polling over Bush 43 and now this electioneering of Bearick Obama, that this is not a joke when it comes to a nation being raped by Mr. Obama.
If Americans figure out that 10 million GOP votes vanished in the 2008 election, and start adding up the fraudulent way in which Mr. Obama gained victories in Illinois and how his Democratic governors who knew what he was up to in Eliot Spitzer and Rod Blagojevich were arrested by the federal government to silence them, then the free election process is going to be mobs in the street backed this time by the US military and intelligence services who have already had enough in being slaughtered and bashed around by Axelrod Inc.
Barack Obama has to be held accountable for teaching Muslims that the terror bomb is the only option they have as the American ballot box is no solution at all.
Sheik bin Laden will have a field day in propaganda on this one as will the Obama TalEEban.
At the least, Mr. Obama must face Congressional hearings of impeachment for implementing and certifying election fraud to send the message to the Obama Mooselum world that America does not condone this.
Obama does not have to be impeached on this, but Mr. Obama is now a world leader who must be reigned in before the entire world gives up on elections and decides the bullet and bomb are the only way to achieve mob rule results.