Matt Drudge today had a legitimate feature in photos which show Bearick Obama in a physically malnourished, skin stretched and literal jaundiced yellow tone.
As the Obama people are more concerned in getting the word out that Obama is not chain smoking and that Mr. Obama was reported recently in noting his emaciated state as "skinny but he is tough", this has progressed to where there is a significant medical problem.
Mr. Obama noted months ago in the gluttony of he and Muchelle that they had to watch their waists due to the cherry pie they were consuming in volume, but this reaction in thinning Mr. Obama is something out of the normal range of body or state of mind.
If this is physical, this means Mr. Obama is gravely ill in suffering from a cancer, a diabetic condition or an intestinal affliction which does not allow the absorbing of nutrients.
As noted, Mr. Obama is either stressed or has stressed himself to the point he is appearing yellow cast and that means his liver is failing.
If this is self imposed, then there is the matter of psychological problems in the anorexia category, a sort of thin girl screaming out inside of the fat man Obama.
That being the case, Mr. Obama apparently has an obsession that if he can just be that thin good looking person again, that America will love him, which is psychologically delusional insane.
With ex President Clinton appearing in Virginia for Obama candidates and drawing only enough people to stand in an office, and Aaron Burr Biden in upstate New York for an Obama Congressional candidate and drawing only 200 people to a free event, where most of those are press.......and where Sarah Palin drew 20,000 people, it is as Democrats lamented in this Obama era in "promising free pizza can not even get Democrats to come out to an event now".
This blog has been the lone voice calling from the start for medical tests for Obama, when Axelrod Inc. has only been interested in getting on Mr. and Mrs. Ed, in going to the whip, when the Obama's are in no state to be in any race.
Recall the exclusive finding of this blog in the Obama's having a marriage discussion wit the press in the Oval Office and not the family quarters and Muchelle's remarks literally had their marriage as a miserable balance as she warned off young people in shattering their dreams about marriage, this is not a happy nor healthy environment.
Mr. Obama either needs a full battery of tests, if he has not had them, and if he has had them to make the medical tests completely available to America, and yes this includes psychological examination.
All of this is for the reason Mr. Obama is spending money America does not have, is advocating nuclear destruction of peoples, has turned millions of Slavs over to slavery and into this he has his finger on the nuclear button, as he will not make up his mind about his Afnamistan as US Soldiers are in harms way.
If there are physical and emotional underlying conditions which are driving or hindering Mr. Obama to make correct normal decisions, then America must have the medical answers so that a valid assessment can be made by Democrat and Republican leaders in Congress with the full input of Sec. of State Clinton and Sec. of Defense Robert Gates for the invoking of the powers of ascension of the President of the United States.
While this blog is no great supporter of either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Gates, it would indeed find it acceptable that if the situation arose, that Mrs. Clinton could be an interim President and Mr. Gates could be an interim Vice President to set America on a course away from where the majority of Americans now judge America is going in the wrong direction.
Photos do not lie, but Mr. Obama does.
Once again, send Mr. Obama to the Mayo Clinic for a full battery of necessary physical and psychological tests and make those results immediately known to the US Congress, Sec. Clinton and Gates and the entire American people.
Phubat: Psychologically Undernourished Obama Trauma