This blog is no fan of international anything, whether it is the international house of pancakes or the international legal system.
Pancakes know no bounds and that is what war is for if nations commit crimes against their citizens or others.
In noting that though, as the adversaries against the American Republic have chosen leftist groups to supplant the authority of the United States and turn former Presidents into international war criminals, it is by those means as General Sherman noted, our enemies should be dealt with.
In that as this blog exclusively noted, the International Criminal Court, has opened a court inquiry into the mass murders in Kenya concerning the elections which caused the cousin of Barack Hussein Obama to usurp power there as Prime Minister in Raila Odinga.
We know that Mr. Obama was illegally electioneering for his Kenyan cousin in both campaigning there for Mr. Odinga and raising millions of dollars in the United States for him
The end result was Mr. Odinga lost the election, but turned loose his terrorists who beat, robbed, raped and murdered in the most savage means Kenyan Citizens.
1300 people were massacred and over three hundred thousand people were forced to flee the Rift Valley.
That is close to the population of South Dakota which literally became refugees with more people murdered than in Iraq.
There were no protests from the Democrats which Mr. Obama led in America over this crimes against humanity. Instead when Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily went to investigate Mr. Obama's birth records, he was the victim of savage abuse in being assaulted and threatened to the extent he had to seek medical treatment upon fleeing Kenya.
From published reports Mr. Obama's brother as this blog exclusively noted, was the official spokesman and "SECURITY" for the Obama family in Kenya, who was speaking with Mr. Obama often.
The links between Barack Hussein Obama and the mass murder, overthrowing an elected government along with a deliberate assault on a US journalist who was investigating Mr. Obama are all known facts of criminality.
Plainly put, if this was any reader conducting this type of assault on Keith Olbermann, had hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fleeing with 1300 murdered, the FBI would be bashing in their door and the puppy press would treating them as an equal to George W. Bush.
Yet when it comes to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, there is no investigation any more than his criminal behavior with Rahm Emanuel in purchasing an Illinois Senate seat for his crony Val-erie Jarrett.
As Rep. Michele Bachman can rouse tens of thousands of Americans to squelch a weekend stealth Obamacrypt vote, could not the same number of Americans pointing out to the ICC that criminal connection to Kenya and Mr. Obama exists and requires investigation by contacting the ICC.
Evil in this world only exists, because righteous people do not raise enough hell to make the noise demanding justice be served.
Hundreds of thousands of Africans are dead and suffering because of Bearick Obama. He should not get Nobel Prizes for being an unaccomplished tan man in being incapable of normal levels of effort no more than Bearick Obama should get a pass in international crimes just because he is pretending to be a black man in a powerful White House.
Mr. Obama wants this international justice, so Americans should rally to this and have the ICC investigate every aspect of Mr. Obama's life as an accomplice to the genocide in Kenya.
The ICC already is opening a case in the Kenyan crimes against humanity. All it will take is enough people demanding the investigation include on Barack Hussein Obama, and this criminal court will do the rest under Prosecutor Ocampo.
This is not about American Law or protection of the American Presidency. This is about US Senator Barack Hussein Obama involved in murderous activities in Kenya and as a person in the White House in contact with his Kenyan brother who was involved in Kenyan security for the Obama family, asking the question if Mr. Obama orchestrated the assault on American Citizen, Jerome Corsi while in Kenya.
Let the investigation start.