He leaves American Soldiers to be terror fodder in Afnanistan, because that is exactly what he intends to do.
Mr. Obama intends to exterminate the elderly, infirmed, handicapped and Special Olympics people in his death panels, because that is exactly his policy.
It is past time that people stop making excuses for Barack Hussein Obama in either being inept, stupid or a Marxist provocateur, because all of that eludes the fact that Mr. Obama is doing all of this damage to the United States of America because he wills to.
We saw the Obama's character early in the 9 11 Memorial when Muchelle Obama lied about being with her daughters and was instead having a good time at a political event attended by blacks.
Bearick in his infamous rose throwing at the Memorial action, showed exactly what he felt for the dead Americans murdered by Muslim terrorists.
The release of a Libyan terrorist for oil contracts with Khadaffi was but another prelude to the events which occurred on November 5th, 2009, in Mr. Obama allowing a Muslim terrorist who murdered hundreds of Americans at Lockerbie Scotland go free.
At Fort Hood, on a day when Americans were sickened by the actions of terrorism which took place there as the Hasan family was in having one of their own act out in this way in Palestinian extremism, Mr. Obama had been briefed and known for hours about the slaughter in Texas.
Yet did Mr. Obama, Valdasherie Jarrett or David Axelrod take one step to deal with this post 9 11 horror event? Not in the least. Mr. Obama instead went ahead with an Indian pow wow celebration, including 2 minutes of fun remarks and a "Shout Out" to Medicine Joe.
Ask yourself in the condition of 9 11, if you would ever think of President Bush offering a shout out to Billy Graham?
Remember his face at the Florida children's school in which he was shocked and horrified at the events. That is what a real American President reacts like as it is the instinct of an American to cringe when their own are harmed.
Barack Obama in dithering in Afghanistan showed the same reaction which was his first reaction in letting the Soldiers at Fort Hood wait for any news from the Zero just like the troops in Afghanistan are still holding out as they are being murdered.
Americans saw the exact reaction of someone who does not care for Americans, loathes the United States military and has absolutely no emotionally empathy or sympathy for Americans as his nativity.
What Americans saw was an Indonesian, a Kenyan, a disconnected former hop headed British sex pervert dealing with what mattered to him in political festivities instead of feeling the pain of Americans in Fort Hood Texas and the families scattered across the globe.
No one can understand what it is like to get news on television that mass murder has occurred at the facility you know people at and have family stationed at.
Think of the Soldiers at war in knowing what happened, searching for information on the live cable feeds and internet and instead they get minutes of Barack Obama cocking off and giving shout outs.
We bring you 9 11, but first a few fun words and shout outs.
That is what is void in Barack Hussein Obama, as their is absolutely nothing American in this person. Every time he gets his opportunity from mock salutes he has to be called on, to leaving Americans die in his Cold Sore Wars, Bearick Obama, drops his zipper and pisses on Americans as that is exactly what he intends to do.
I will repeat that in what Barack Obama did in slapping United States Soldiers and Americans around was his intention, because time and again that is exactly what he and blood camouflage Muchelle Obama intended to disgrace Americans.
This entire Obama administration is how they described Jews just a few weeks ago, DISGUSTING.
Barack Hussein Obama should be censured by the United States Congress over his crass pissing on all Americans over the events at Fort Hood
Obama the al Qaeda spokesman