I have an honest question for Obama voters...........
Just a second though as I can hear readers of this article already rolling their eyes and groaning, "Those Obamites can't tell the Truth as they voted for a liar!"
I have to answer that though with, "Obama voters do indeed know the Truth so much that it hurts and that is why they get so furious and emotional all the time. It hurts when George Bush beats Al Gore and they know Sarah Palin is a threat to there validity as liberals in she wins elections, that is why they stoop to such rapine tactics as they know they can not defeat her in a fair fight".
So the Obama voter does know the Truth a great deal deeper than people on the right at times, because people on the right rarely get as emotionally charged about their issues, but process on an intelligence level.
In noting that, I would like each Obama voter to answer a question in, "Do you really believe that Nancy Pelosi on her own was intelligent enough to write the stimulus bill to the health care bill?"
Now remember that is legislation approaching 5000 pages, and the Bible is not even that long and the Bible took 4000 years to write.
So do you think Nancy Pelosi is bright enough to have written those bills all on her own?
Even with help do you think she has written them on her own? Do you think that Max Baucus of Montana is bright enough to write the bill with Nancy sitting on his lap?
Be emotionally honest now, as you know Mr. Baucus looks as bright as buffalo cud being chewed.
I will assist Obama voters in reminding them of the Patriot Act. Do you remember how quickly that was produced?
Do you think George W. Bush was bright enough to write that on his own? How about Dick Cheney helping?
I know you answered correctly that they did not write Patriot Act nor did anyone in Congress when it appeared. I do remember someone like Democrat Gary Hart stating something that he and others were part of a long term group who actually wrote Patriot Act "for the good of America".
So Obama voters, in knowing Bearick Obama was not intelligent enough, nor any of his staff to write any bill, and he turned it over to Nancy Pelosi, and we know hopefully by now by her inept governance, that having majorities in all branches of government she still can not pass a thing, that she did not write the Obamacare bill either.
Ask yourself now, "If Pelosi didn't write this thing and someone else did it for her, why on earth would these Democrats be voting for it with almost 60% of Americans furious over it, and elections are coming in 2010 which will vote in a GOP majority?"
Now don't recoil away from this question Obamalings, because you know that you do not want the GOP in charge, and you have to stay with this to find the answer, because the question is, "After all of your sacrifice, work, money and selling your Truth for lies, why is it that Nancy Pelosi is ruining all you have worked for in an insane bill that will have you all powerless again?"
Ponder that for a moment as I have to put on some beef steaks.
Alright I have returned........yes I am fast, but a thorough finisher.
To assist, let us cast about for the answers in this why Nancy Pelosi would be showing no fear in leaving office to a life of being a housemaid, dressing in sexy leather costumes, baking cookies and singing to Stand by your Man.
Oh look, we cast into that deep dark pool over there and hooked a bottom feeder, it is called the Tom Daschle sucker.
Hmmm, I know he just lays there as you real him in, but notice how he did a great deal of things for the Clintons and ruined the Democratic majority too.
Where did Tommy end up?
Hmmmm, remember free car and drivers, a hot leggy blonde chic, a million dollar mansion, and oh yes, working for the medical rapine companies who are now writing the Obamacare bill for Bearick Obama.
Could it be that Tommy dickhead Daschle was heading a group for the medical rapine companies, AARP's new insurance industry and others who might have written Obamacare?
But what would be in this for Nancy Pelosi as she destroys the Democratic party again?
Could it not be Obamalings the same deal for her, Henry Waxman, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Max Baucus and all of these NeoProgs in if they vote for this deal, that they will get a massive million dollar deal in employment and their liberal Congressional benefits, if they get voted out like Daschle did?
Can this not be the reason that all these Democrats are pushing this insane Obamacare in knowing they will lose their jobs, because they are promised better jobs and wonderful million dollar car and driver perks, while all the work the Democratic faithful have put in is flushed down the toilet?
That is the only thing that makes any sense in this, that just like Tim Johnson promised Bearick Obama his vote for all things Obama, Johnson's little boy was given a federal job in return.
All of which is graft like illegal, in pay and play, quid pro Obama, gets Eliot Spitzer arrested and Rod Blagojevich arrested, but when you have sold your soul to the world elite who only use Democratic fright to gain more power for themselves, Tim Geithner gets to be Treasury pirate, but if you did it dear Obamaling voter, you would be in federal prison with Nancy Pelosi refusing to take your call.
So that is the answer to the pressing question in Democratic leadership has a much larger pay back from the medical rapine profession in the trillions they are going to be making off of killing Americans as you die slowly.
This blog has put forth sound fixes to health care for all and there are absolute better fixes than what is being pushed which will destroy the Democratic party.
The question is liberals are you going to allow the Obama NeoProgs to destroy all your work and then sentence you to death, or are you going to save your party and make your politicians start doing what is in America's interest.
Ball is in your court until November 2010.
It is now America 40 and Obama love in this tennis match.