I call this one the Pumpkin Queen as her blood orange dress and floofy poofer pleated bottom makes her look like something off of Hee Haw waiting to get her ass smacked by a board fence.
Apparently, Muchelle is either growing to giant proportions, her laundress shrunk her woolens or she is wearing her children's hand me down sweaters, as that puke algae green sweater is 5 sizes too small.
I suppose though Muchelle just had to have something to match hose hideous algae vomit green shoes she appears so in love with.........think they last appeared in her blood camo appearance.
What was the perfect accent to the Pumpkin Queen was Woody Allen's little brother, Niles Crane Allen from Fraiser. I keep trying to understand how grey blue slacks, match a burlap brown tweed, lavender shirt and purple tie, all topped by a fuzzy little floofy ploofer hair piece that looks like it was blow dried to incendiary temperatures.
As this was chef day at the cherry pie kitchen, what else could be more vomit inducing than a fat, sweaty man with no pants and Big Bird socks.
Perhaps I am not like most people, but when I have a chef preparing food for me, I have certain rules.
Rule 1: His kitchen is not the bathroom and he is not washing the salad as he takes a bath.
Rule 2: Naked is still naked from the waist down no matter if an apron is covering it.
Rule 3: If they associate with Muchelle Obama, they are maniacs and I don't eat food produced from lead poisoned gardens nor from chefs who are nuts and have sharp objects to crazy with.
Rule 4: I don't need any more rules after those three.
Goodness, are not there some regulations in this FDA, OSHA and Health Inspector era from Teddy Roosvelt days that half naked men should not be around food that is consumed by humans?
Where does the Pumpkin chef shine up an apple?
Where does the Pumpkin chef wipe his hands, when there is nothing between his apron and his derrick?
Can Bobama the dog eat all the food thrown under the table as guests see the Pumpkin chef walking back to the kitchen and everyone is mooned?
I just shake my head when looking at Muchelle Obama and do not know what to type. She is reverting to some 3rd world African costume constantly now. That monstrous orange flower is like having a flashing neon lights on her nipples. I cringe to wonder if she is going to have bone through her nose next or have some shrunken skull wound into her hair.
Seriously, people who do not have enough sense to know that purple and brown tweed do not match, wear pumpkin costumes or show up in a kitchen of hot grease half naked, do not belong in the White House, posting for photos or having sharp objects in their hands.
Once again I will try to help the Obama's with some simple advice.
Put the fat cook in black pants as black has a slimming effect (that is why Muchelle looks so fat butt as she is trying to look white all the time).
Put some 45 EEE silicon boobs into Muchelle as that will make everything else in her giant features look smaller, including her child size algae vomit sweater.
Put a fire to that ancient tweed coat Woody Allen's brother is wearing, buy him a nice white dinner jacket, and that will somehow at least bring his "found this in the trash" wardrobe into at least pass in the dark venues.
Man, the people who dress Muchelle and do the White House photography must really hate the Obama's.