Obama said in his radio and Internet address that the training designed to keep U.S. forces safe abroad prevented further deaths and ended the rampage at Fort Hood.
Note to the Obama* Ah Mr. Obama, that was a female civilian police officer who was shot herself, after hitting her target 4 times, after he expended over a 100 rounds, murdered and wounded a bushel of Americans.........if that is "safe" then it means your TalEEban will be slaughtering at least fifty thousand Americans in the next year.
Is this an Obama praise of Muslim terrorists or a taunt to tell American Soldiers to just lay down and wait to be slaughtered?
I digress as the real subject is we are so glad that Mr. Obama is Mr. Obama and not the least like Republican George W. Bush, who with his lovely wife, Laura, actually dropped everything and went to Fort Hood and visited the wounded there.
Certainly, we are pleased Mr. Obama was not like Republican Governor Rick Perry of Texas and going down and visiting federal troops either.
As stated, there is no reason for the communist in chief to go down and visit Americans at Fort Hood, because who does he think he is, George W. Bush in going to New York immediately after 9 11 and showing national support there.
I though have great hopes in Mr. Obama visiting Fort Hood on Tuesday, as somewhere in the region there are no doubt going to be tickets available, just like the previous week when Mr. Obama visited Pensacola Naval Air Station.
Readers will remember the exclusive broken here, as Mr. Obama promised the Naval people that his dithering was all important in letting them be terrorist fodder as he made up his mind, that not long after that bug eyed speech, Mr. Obama was off to his real destination of a Democratic fund raiser where Obama gave a shout out to a Democrat who called Republican Soldiers knuckle dragging Neanderthals.
Hey it was directed at all Republicans and most Soldiers are Republicans so you do the knuckle dragging math.
In any case, I fully expect Mr. Obama to jet in for a million dollars, look bug eyed as he seems to enjoy dead Americans, and then do a little million dollar fund raising. Perhaps he will give a shout out to CAIR. Hell he might even go visit that Maj. Nidal Hassan to pin a Purple Heart on him.
I fully expect though that Mr. Obama will top the event in Fort Hood Texas in before leaving the usurped White House he occupies in giving a full pardon to Nidal Hassan. That would be Bearick Hussein Obama par for the course.
Get your fund raising tickets Texans as Obama is coming to town with his wood a swinging and ready to give another one of his shout outs.
Obama's personal radio visit
PS: Has Bearick Obama had the decency to personally call all of these families three days into this?