This is telling for magical tits Herseth as to how much trouble the Democratic party is, as this baby butchering, federal election fraud, hose bag manipulative liar, was not one month ago telling her best friend on KELO propaganda Democratic television, Angela the 35 year old "has been" trying to look like a teenager Koeneke, how she was going to vote for Obamacrypt and was telling the world how much good this death bill would do for Americans.
First things first though, as the above photo line up shows how magical the breasts are of Stephie Herseth. Whenever Herseth is running for election her tits grow to huge size in tight little sweaters or apparently in marrying what they are riding in Texas.
When Herseth dupes South Dakotans, her chest becomes flatter than a Texas hard pan.
Getting back to the thing she found in Texas to marry.....
What on earth is that critter? I have seen illiterate monkeys with more intelligent expressions on their faces. Heck fire, Barry Obama looks more intelligent when he is throwing out SHOUT OUTS when Americans are being slaughtered at Fort Hood.
It is all amazing even more so, when one finds out this Texas roper actually reproduced with another woman. That is sort of like Ripley's Believe it or Not in trying to comprehend two women actually let something that looked like a weasel snake cross mount and impregnate them.
He must make one hell of a wife for the men he marries. Well at least until the old lady is done with baby making and gets child support for life as she goes off getting nailed by exotic males.
Herseth though didn't have a great deal to do in public with black males as book had it in DC. She liked hiking the ball it was said with octogenarian rich old fossil white lawyers she was employed by. Of course, that seemed to only get her a campaign fund to run for the House (isn't that called prostitution in a brothel when it is in New Orleans?), and then the old fossils were no more on the dating list.
It must be interesting for wife Herseth to attend Democratic functions and know that all the old geezers there nailed Stephie.
Of course, maybe his his David Letterman circles he is proud of it.
For those who think this blog is hard on Stephie, well this blog was not doing photo ops with her new baby to try and gain vote support. I mean Tim Johnson hauls out his breast cancer wife to get into the Senate, hauls out his brain to keep his senate seat, but Herseth hauls around her innocent new baby to keep her seat in Congress. A whore pimping her baby, well at least Tim Johnson only whored hisself to Obama in getting his kid to be a federal prosecutor.
I digress in all of this as Stephie is so interesting in her dirty laundry existence. The real story was the smack down when Michele Bachman took on the entire Democratic majority in her Capitol rally and Americans running around chasing Stephie Herseth Sandlin so scared her that the easy baby insurance of her Congressional perks was about to be voted away in 2010 if Stephie voted for Nance Pelosi's death panel, aborticide and tax the tumor bill.
Isn't that amazing in Obama Pelosi and Herseth were going to tax wheel chairs and pacemakers?
Maybe not so much as this blog warned it would come to under Obama his taxing methane produced from dead bodies, ash pollution in cremation and a ground water tax for Gram polluting the acquifer.
But that is all mute for a little bit now, even if Michele Bachmann has stated if Americans drive a stake through the heart of this death panel bill from Obama Pelosi and Herseth that it will not be back for 10 years. It has though to be done now.
What is clarion now though is Stephie Herseth Sandlin is in trouble, not in a motherly way as she can't even hold her baby on her lap without making the child look like a sack of sugar running out, but in trouble with the Obama she has intercourse with.
For Herseth to be throwing the Obama out with the bath water is a desperate measure as the dolts in South Dakota apparently have awoke to what the little whore who did has been up to.
It wasn't much of a fight as it usually is with NeoProgs in Michele Bachmann was standing alone against the NeoProgs, press, Obama and the maniacs, and when the dust cleared, there was Stephie Herseth Sandlin running for the corn field, or perhaps the Texas brush patch.
Guess it is time to inflate those magic boobies to size D again as elections are around the corner in 2010.
I didn't in the census note there were that many male lesbians in South Dakota to want the lipstick from the Obama piglets to keep voting for the Steph infection they keep catching on election day.
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