Poor folks would just put a small sack of beans on the forehead to allow the living to rest in peace.
With Nancy Pelosi pulling out ever trick in her witches bag of brew to keep her death panels alive, one is wondering just how many gold coins the Speaker is laying on the eyes of the Obamacare bill as a trillion dollar whopper must take a load of change to keep those draconian eyelids closed.
That all got me thinking in what Citizens could do to forever drive a stake through the heart of these intrusive government programs which have everyone enslaved to them while the executive, legislative and judicial, all have these Donald Trump retirement plans with massive wages and and health care.
The conclusion is, to make these hucksters live under the same poverty conditions they are making all Americans live under.
I would foment that all 50 states should pass by their legislature or by referendum the Quid Pro Obama Law. Why not name it have the Marxist and really infuriate the NeoProgs.
Here is the basic law:
Be it known that from this day forward, retroactive to those who served, and those who do serve and those who will serve, that the Citizens of this State hereby levy that no federal employee of the United States Government shall receive more than poverty level retirement benefits in payments.
Be it know that no health care plans will exceed the rationed care which Veterans receive.
Be it know that no government employee shall receive any medical procedures until after all Americans have received their benefits first.
This Law covers all employees of the federal government of the executive, legislative and judicial in elected and appointed positions.
Be it known that all moneys made from the date government employment began shall be returned to the US Treasury over the poverty level.
That would be a good start in ending all of these current 234 members of Congress who are millionaires from taxing and milking the US Treasury as their personal Obama hope chest.
It would end these nonsense million dollar book deals with all the proceeds returned to the people.
If a President, Congress person or Judge wills to leave government, then let them earn their living and pay all they care to for health insurance and retirement, because this is their money, provided the job was not a Tom Daschle cash in job working for Obama and the trillionaire medical pirates at the same time.
In this, America would be in every state placing the full burden on these people who are making Americans lives a living hell by making them live the way we do.
Why should Tim Johnson of South Dakota get a wheelchair that costs more than more clunker cars when if our parents or grandparents needed one, they would not get the same service.
Why shouldn't Tim Johnson have to shop around and buy a used wheelchair just like everyone else?
Why shouldn't Tim Johnson get the same phone calls from bill collectors that the rest of poverty stricken Americans do?
Washington is not a throne of thousands of kings, who are no better than the rest of Americans. Put them under the same legal limits and I guarantee that government will not need term limits as all those leeches will be fleeing government for jobs which the rest of America are in competition for.
This blog wants Nancy Pelosi to face prison time just like every American who does not have the money to shell out for Obamacrypt. This blog wants Tim Johnson to deal with the real problems the handicapped face. This blog wants Bearick Obama to face inquiry into his Henry Waxman smoking habits and have Child Services investigating him on second hand smoke torture of his daughters.
These NeoProgs pass all of these draconian laws and it is time that they have to exist completely under them. Give them a good 7 years after they are out of office before they can get into private care again.
That is the start in this, because when the government patrician club has to suffer first, Americans will never have to suffer second.
This would pass in 50 of the 50 states in 2010.
If you have a better law, then put it forward. It is either that or have the government only meet once every 10 years for a week, as the US government which governs less is the best government for all Americans.
Post Script: The first time I ever saw coins on someone's eyes, was President Abraham Lincoln. They were silver dollars and there is something quite disconcerting in viewing a scene of Little Orphan Annie eyes.
It is this blog's hope that the death panels die and that Mrs. Pelosi lives a very long life hounded by the laws she passed inflicting upon her as Bearick Obama exists in exile in Albania.