It was an interesting first term for Barack Hussein Obama and here are the low lights.
Obama started his tenure off with the bad news that he is getting paid millions more for books Bill Ayers is going to have to write for him again.
The good news though is terror leader Ayman al Zawahiri has written a book too in “The Morning and The Lamp" or how to overthrow nuclear Pakistan for terrorists while Obama is bombing it. Now Obama will not have to sit by hisself at the Muslim writers awards.
The bad news was in January 2009 that George W. Bush had the American economy stabilized and growing.
The good news was that Barack Hussein Obama strangled that recovery in just a month, allowing him to pass a trillion dollars in kickbacks for his cronies called stimulus.
The bad news was that George W. Bush had stabilized Iraq before he left office and won the war there.
The good news was that Barack H. Obama had Iraq blowing itself up in just nine months losing it to Saddam's Baathist forces again.
The bad news is that Barack Obama didn't get elected to office, in his real name is pronounced Bearick just like his Marxist Muslim father's in both being British subjects.
The good news is Ovama the egg par dux is still in the Oval Office as the Constitution does not matter.
The bad news was George W. Bush had Afghanistan stabilized too before he left office.
The good news is Barack Obama made the elections fraudulent, imported thousand of terrorists from Pakistan, and killed off over 400 American Soldiers, and now he has a jihad war on again to fight.
The bad news is Sheik bin Laden is still alive.
The good news is Shmoozer Obama knows in 2008 how to kill Sheik bin Laden and he will be dead in early 2009 as Obama knows how to do those things.
The bad news is America has record debt.
The good news is Obama is spending trillions more in debt.
The bad news is Barack Obama started more new wars in Pakistan and Yemen than George Bush did, and expanded Afghanistan into a major war with terror wars inside America.
The good news is the Norwegians awarded him a million dollar peace prize.
The bad news is Bearick Obama was attacked by a blow fly which he killed much to PETA's chagrin, even if flies are not animals, but insects.
The good news is blow flies do not lie as they are attracted to the odor of death and with hundreds of Americans' dead due to Obama policy and Ted Koppel not keeping count, the blow flies will prophesy the coming truth.
The bad news is Americans have run out of zeros in Obama vacation spending.
The good news is everyone talks in trillions now and no one cares about the value of a dollar being worth a dollar.
The bad news is Treasury schemer Timothy Geithner lost hundreds of billions of dollars, put trillions illegally into the Stock Market to manipulate it and used stock fluctuations as a hidden tax on Americans.
The good news is all that money ended up in Obama benefactors accounts.
The bad news is terrorists saw an increase around the world due to Obama policy.
The good news is Eric Holder is now prosecuting the CIA.
The bad news is Obama attended the global warming Copenhagen conference meant to take over the world in offering a 100 billion dollar bribe to attendees and no action was taken.
The good news is hundreds of people around the world froze to death in the worst Arctic freezing of the world in 50 years.
The bad news is that Obamacare is not just rationed death for all Americans.
The good news is that Obama rationed death is also Obama bribing every Democrat in Congress with billions of dollars and subverting the Constitution over state protections.
The bad news is there are only 19 federal vacation holidays on the calendar.
The good news is Barack Hussein Obama has been on perpetual vacation flying around the world costing billions, and is planning his Indonesian family trip already.
The bad news is under Obama that America lost all the jobs created in the last decade with unemployment to be over 10% for the future.
The good news is Barack Hussein Obama is employed and the wife has employed dozens of people just to serve her.
The bad news is Teddy Kennedy died.
The good news is Teddy's dog, Bowbama jr. is in the White House still humping legs.
The bad news is Stephie Herseth had a baby and not an aborticide.
The good news is it is election year and her magic inflatable boobs will be back to entice South Dakota voters.
The bad news is anti Semitic crime pays.
The good news is Al Franken made it pay for Democrats in stealing a Minnesota election from American Jew, Sen. Norm Coleman in Minnesota elected Franken with more voters than people in the state.
The bad news is Mexicans have no jobs in Mexico and are coming to America.
The good news is Barack Obama is going to enslave them all as citizens to pay for all his health bills.
The bad news is terrorists do not want to be friends with Bearick Obama.
The good news is Obama is bringing them all to America and giving them American rights in court.
The bad news was ABC put on an Obama drama called V, about an alien invasion promising to change America.
The good news was ABC fired the people writing it and will bring it back next year as O, as in Zero of what is left of America.
The bad news is America had a Bush recession.
The good news is that Barack Obama made it a global depression.
The bad news is the world was in a shambles.
The good news is Barack Hussein Obama should have it all destroyed before he is impeached.