There was a man named Harrigan. Used to have a way of doin' things. I made him change his ways. A hell of a lot of people, Dutch, just can't stand to be wrong.
-The Wild Bunch
Sam Peckinpah is a man, a real man, who lived and directed movies with the reality of life and the harshness of what real men and women are, ladies and gentlemen, who when pushed will gut you just as quick as heathen British children in Lord of the Flies.
Barack Obama and his international ilk have a way of doing things. They are arrogant political bastards of the nations they feed off of and piss on the lower classes with their Al Franken harassing Senate GOP staffers and sh*t on the citizenry just because they can.
If you noticed though after the staged Christmas day Flight 253 massacre, or sorry, happy obamadays massacre, that Barack Obama responded to Dick Cheney faster than the terrorist, and in a few days actually started using the word terrorist and al Qaeda, where it was all "study and wait" with Nidal Hasan.
Sure there is Hayden of the military still making excuses and coming up with the "study and wait" dodge, but now Jarrett Inc. has been made to change their ways by the terrorists they have been cuddling with in now Obama is speaking of "unity" in America to stand up to this and not to have any more political debate.
This is the same railroading internationalist Obama who just months ago told the GOP to "Shut up! Because I WON!"
This is the same Obama who has been hyphenating America into factions to steal elections and drive through his Marxist Obamafesto all in DIVERSITY, but now that someone has made him change his ways, Obama is fleeing back to America to hide in with all these terrorist buddies of his in tow bringing bombs.
Tell me, Mr. Harrigan, how does it feel? Getting paid for it? Getting paid to sit back and hire your killings... with the law's arms around you? How does it feel to be so goddamn right?
How does it feel Mr. Obama to be so goddamn right? Getting paid for having the US military murder your policy around the world? How does it feel having Eric Holder and Nancy Pelosi sanctioning every crime you commit as religious doctrine in your all being above the law?
Tell me Mr. Obama as you cower behind your teleprompter, how does it feel you spineless trash in you being the reason terrorists are inside America murdering Americans you have been lying to?
Where is one policy, one national direction, one anything from Barack Obama that isn't Obama standing around with a finger up his a** grinning like terrorists in mass murder of Americans doesn't matter?
Where is the leadership? Where the hell is it from this Harvard communist organizer revolutionary bandit Obama?
"They"? Why, they is the plain and fancy they, that's who "they" is! Caught you, didn't they? Tied a tin can to your tail. Led you in and waltzed you out again. Oh my what a bunch! Big tough ones, huh? Here you are with a handful of holes, a thumb up your ass, and a big grin to pass the time of day with. They? Who the hell is "they"?
America needs ladies and gentlemen, and all America has is Dick Cheney holding down the American Doctrine and Sarah Palin standing in the wilderness warning judgment has come.
America has a bunch of liberal females, apologizing, spending money like whores with somebody else's credit cards, bowing like prostitutes, beating the children to a pulp in their t shirts and the transvestite Obamas not being able to decide if they want to cherry pie eat themselves to death before Rome burns or fiddle with the animals in their pants and die like Muhammed wondering where they were going to ejaculate their last day.
He gave his word.
He gave his word to a railroad.
It's his word.
That ain't what counts! It's who you give it *to*!
Yeah and who has Obama been giving his word to? Libyan Lockerbie American murdering terrorists. Syrian terrorists, Iranian terrorists, North Korean terrorists, "good" al Qaeda terrorists, "good" TalEEban terrorists, and what has it gotten America but death, dead, corpses and now terrorists INSIDE America murdering Americans.
Revisit it people from Obama's bragging in 2008 against John McCain in how he was the one who had the righteous jihad war, how he knew the way with his halo, how Bush was the idiot and Obama was the genius with off the boards IQ and how he had Sheik bin Laden in his sights and knew how to get him and no one else did.
There was a man named Harrigan. Used to have a way of doin' things. I made him change his ways. A hell of a lot of people, Dutch, just can't stand to be wrong.
And amigo Kenyan comrade who is wrong now? Who is the one making Obama retreat from Yemen in closing the US embassy? Who is it that is making Janet Napolitano put on her fat girl sensors again? Who is it that is making Obama do things his way?
Why it is Sheik Ossama bin Laden, without teleprompter, puppy press, Hawaiian 4000 dollar a night vacations, his wives dressed up like whores and without spending a trillion dollars every 3 weeks.
Who is winning the war on terror, because he understands it is a WAR, that it is terrorism on every level from Russian proxyism, propaganda and bombs? It is Sheik bin Laden who turned 7 years of George W. Bush victories into 1 sullen year of Obama massive defeat and retreat.
You boys want to move on or stay here and give him a... decent burial?
He was a good man, and I think we *oughta* bury him.
He's DEAD! And he's got a *lot* of good men back there to keep him *company*!
Too *damn* many!
[removes his hat] I think the boys are right. *I'd* like to say a few words for the dear, dead departed. And maybe a few *hymns'd* be in order. Followed by a church supper. With a *choir*!
You crazy bastards! *Both* of ya!
So where is Barack Hussein Obama in his Cold Sore War in his Afnamistan? Not one visit, not one salute, not one phone call on Christmas, not one autographed IPOD of all his speeches to the troops in how he knows who to win this war.
Just dead, piles of American dead for paper ballots in August, dithering for 4 months as now over 400 American are dead, and Obama coming up with a new policy which is the same policy he blew in March which George W. Bush handed to him in 2008.
It is not so much that Obama doesn't care about the dead. It is more he doesn't care about the living Soldiers and CIA agents in tying their hands to fight terrorists in he is creating the dead.
Hell Barack Obama can't even find his way to joining a Church for over a year in Washington and there is one right across the street from his greenhouse hot mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
We're not gonna get rid of *anybody*! We're gonna stick together, just like it *used* to be! When you side with a man, you stay *with* him! And if you can't do that, you're like some *animal*, you're *finished*! *We're* finished! *All* of us!
This is not now about sticking together unless one is a lemming following head lemming Obama over the cliff and Val-erie Jarrett plays her magik flute enticing all to die in the Obama abyss from terrorism, to aborticide, to rationed death to the extermination of America by Obama change.
I will not nor will I ever support Barack Hussein Obama, no matter if he becomes George W. Bush a minute from now, as he is like all immigrants in he knows nothing of what it is to be born American and to desire with all your life to protect the sacredness of Americans who are born to this life.
Obama has never sided with America. He has sided with Alinsky revolutionaries, Wright "goddam America" bigot, he is married to Muchelle a white race hating brat, Ayers is a terrorist control and has done everything in his power to Mooselum Brotherhood change America by political rope, so the communist Muslim Brotherhood can finish the job of change by hanging.
Obama has no idea what it is like to be an American. He only lusts for the coffers of the US Treasury to plunder to punish American success and have those Dollars validate hisself.
Hell, I should have been runnin' whores instead of stealin' Army horses.
While you was doin' all that plannin', me and Tector was gettin' our bell rope pulled by two... two, mind you, Hondo whores!
[starts laughing]
[laughing] And Pike was dreamin' of washers... you were matching whores... in tandem!
What's that?
That's one behind t'other.
That's right! That's what we was doin'!
Obama manboobs on Hawaiian beaches. Shirt open interviews with Charlie Gibson for the queernation nod. Obama being fought off by Carla Sarkozy Brunei. Obama puttin' the ole blackberry to use in chasing New York white socialite ex girlfriends, flossing with Reggie Love, Muchelle with her cleavage out with little children in her garden, Obama with that thang in his pants and rolling over in bed with Brian Williams.
Yeah who was matching whores in tandem Marxist sex instead of attending the Synagogue of Secular American Security?
Crazy Lee about summed it all up in this outlaw America which Obama now has engulfed in America with his perpetual crimes and terrorists are actually breaking fewer laws and have a greater appreciation of the United States than Obama ever has or will.
Remember the Bermuda million dollar a head terrorists who said, "Gitmo was much nicer than living in China".
Say it again Bo Hopkins for effect to the railroad men railroading America........oh that is right Obama voter Warren Buffett bought up the US railroads with loot he plundered out of US investors accounts.
Well, how'd you like to kiss my sister's black cat's ass? would you Mr. Unity?
I would suggest that Mr. Obama watch some real American script in The Wild Bunch, Big Jake, Patton and True Lies, but he wouldn't get it. It would just be better if Americans impeached this mistake of their fetish and moved on before there is nothing in the United States but an Obama nuclear wilderness.
The Wild Bunch