I thought I would provide a few headlines of what it is like in a world gone crazy over Barack Hussein Obama:
A brothel in Berlin is offering a 5 Euro discount to johns who can prove they rode public transportation or rode a bike before they get to ride a prostitute in a Berlin Obama green moment.
The brothel reports 5 new customers coming in daily for the discounted rides.
One contemplates how much revenue Obama could raise giving discount rides on Eleanor Clift, Peggy Noonan, Noel Sheppard, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Muchelle Obama.
An undisclosed United Arab Emirates ambassador had his marriage annulled as the bride and her family pulled a fast one in hiding her behind a veil. The woman had a beard and was cross eyed.
The ambassador demanded the court have the woman who was pretended to be her good looking sister give back the over $100,000 jewels and goodies he gave her. The court said, "No".
No report of any US Court actions as to why Barack Obama married Muchelle unveiled and liked what he saw when she was naked. EEwwww.
An undertaker in the Balkans revealed that people there want their dead relatives dug up for family jewels. One daughter demanded her dead mother be dug up to retrieve an artificial hip she paid for.
No word yet when Stanley Ann Dunham will be exhumed for Obama to use again for Obamacrypt.
A nun on Facebook had her ex boyfriend post naked pictures of herself. The 31 year old woman demanded the photos be taken down.
The problem is the ex doesn't want her to be a nun and Italians there swarming the site to view the nudes are all saying, "If this is what a Catholic nun looks like, I want to be a Priest!"
Perhaps Obama can put up a photo of Janet Napolitano on teh FBI page to lure terrorists to their capture as I am certain she has to look better naked than what she offers up now.
Dr. Richard Batista of New York has gone to court after his divorce demanding the kidney he gave his wife be returned.
Dr. Batista stated that for his kidney, his wife rewarded him by cheating on him and then filed for a divorce.
The doc said he would be magnanimous and settle for a million five instead of the pee filter.
No mention yet of what Michelle Obama wants back for that cucumber stealing her virginity.
Indian writer Aniruddha Bahal has won the "Worst Sex in Literature Award". His work involved a woman dropping her pants to reveal a swastika shaved into her nether fur.
Now we know why Obama has it in for the Indians. It is not the monkey in his pants let him down, but Bahal stole Muchelle Obama's wedding night seduction scene for Berlin Barack.
Roman Catholic couples now have a manual in England instructing a prayer they are to have before engaging in sex. This blog completely agrees with that.........
But it wonders what kind of different prayers Barack Hussein Obama utters before having sex with hisself, Muchelle Obama, Lawrence Sinclair, Brian Williams and the dead Donald Young.
A biology professor from Colorado tried to board a plane in Boston with a seal head he cut off. The man stated he wanted to study it.
The Obama government said he was guilty of a $12,000 fine, a $20,000 fine and could spend a year in prison for cutting a head off a dead animal protected by Obama.
The prof should have just mugged the system and said it was all about global warming and go a million dollar grant.
A 40 year old hacker from Novorossiysk, put on a 600 square foot screen in Moscow a porn film which snarled traffic up as people started recording the action.
The hacker was being questioned and faces up to 2 years in prison.
He should have put up a sex video of Barack and Michelle Obama. No one would have watched.
Mei Lan, the panda China took back from Obama in protest over Obama protests, has been afforded a Chinese tutor to teach her how to speak Chinese say the Chinese as she only speaks American.
These are the people Obama bows to?
Obama's Chicoms appear again in teaching animals in green environmentalism got it into their heads to teach a captive tiger how to kill it's meat again and put into the pen a 2000 pound bull.
The bull immediately trampled the white tiger as the cat had no idea what to do with live food as it was fed chopped liver all of it's life which was now geezer age at 15 years.
One wonders if Obama will put Muchelle into a pen with kobe beef to see if she still can put the death bite on steer with those chompers she has.
The British have found a great way to view the Olympics, they have BBC Olympics presenter Sharon Davies showing her nipples protruding during broadcasts.
The 41 year olds prominent nips have caused BBC to order camera operators to only shoot her from the shoulders up.
One wonders if the BBC can order the American press to only broadcast Obama's teleprompter as it is the star of the show anyway.
That's all folks. Tis the age of Obama.