Some folks need boundaries to keep them from chopping off their own heads and some people by Inspiration walk where no one has gone before in Thought and Solution.
I want to preface this with a question in, "Do the Kennedy's ever work or do they all have trust funds making them rich, and they just are spacetakers in life finding a niche to do something so they don't make picking their teeth their life's work?"
It is the former in Kennedy's in Old Joe budgeted their accumulated ill gotten wealth with legitimate wealth so the Fitzgerald babies could at least be rich enough around until Obama assassinate their legacy.
So if people exist in this world who do not work as they are rich, then the question is, "Why are you not rich?"
I know the answer and the excuse, so I do not need the answer, but desire to instead have you thinking on the lines that you are you and rich people are rich due to accumulated money.
I desire you long for a trust fund, because what I am implanting in you is a new philosophy to unseat Barack Obama and all liberalism forever in impoverishing America.
It might surprise you that in these bankrupt states and city times of Obama, that there are municipalities in America and states who have multiple billions in investments which most do not share with the public, but pretend that fund is not there.
Sarah Palin shared the oil wealth in Alaska, but few governments will ever do that. Most are in this old process of, 'Spend until it Obama hurts and then steal the public's money again impoverishing the public more'.
What if though there was a way out of this? What if there was a way that you or any American would ever have to pay a cent in tax again? What if there was a solution that Obama spending would never enslave anyone ever again?
Well there is, and it is as simple as Joe Kennedy did for his clan in simple planning.
Just picture the 50 states as Kennedy kids. Picture in the states even to your county, a different way of doing things.
What if your local government instead of looking for ways to tax you and spend money on those "necessary projects" which employ local democratic voters, that they instead were mandated to find ways to save money.
Now I do not mean Republican type cuts in government, which are necessary, but I am talking about your county and your state instead of when they get more tax money in than they have budgeted for, that they would save it in sound investments.
I want you to travel back with me to meet someone I admire as much as peaches. I love fresh peaches ripened on a tree as they are almost as lovely as blueberry pie, mulberry pie or mangoes picked ripe from a tree in India on a early dawn.
The person I introduce to you is "A penny saved is a penny earned", yes for American schooled people that would be Benjamin Franklin, for those in Obamite schools that name still would not mean anything.
Mr. Franklin over 200 years ago left a trust which was not that large, but large enough in his day. He simply left it to accrue interest for those centuries and when it reached several million dollars his people in his state were given that money.
Mr. Franklin invested a fund in simple interest banking which grew his beloved Philadelphia, bankrupted no one, provided countless homes and business loans and it grew, grew and grew.
If every state had followed what Mr. Franklin did, no one in America would be paying a cent in taxes. There would be no health care debate, no social security enslavement of Mexicans and no illegal problem.
There would not be any Obama wars. There would only be commerce being exchanged as America loaned money to it's Citizens and nations around the world becoming more wealthy.
I am not speaking of a forbidden usury of loan shark prices, but a reasonable return where it is not Rothschild or Rockefellers hoarding money, but American Citizens benefiting from that investment.
The principal would be simple even today in money would be awarded in not what was spent, but what government saved at the local and state level.
This money would be invested in community improvement in people buying homes at low interest rates to building businesses. The return would then not be spent, but reinvested on Biblical proportions of 90% served the community and 10% would go back into accruing the general fund.
Imagine as this built as it would in a state having a hundred billion dollars, interest would be 4% which is 4 billion. 10% of that would be reinvested in the same fund growing it at 40 million a year.
Most states do not have 4 billion dollar budgets which proves the point how much money would be floating around if this system was simply put into place.
This people is the same Denmark banking system which the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have taken the world over with. As it works for them, it can work for each of you, if your state and local government would just start looking at taxing people not to spend money, but to invest it for the purpose of growing a fund where no Citizen would have to pay taxes again.
The reason this should be put into a government standard of set rules is because most people can not handle money, which is proven by Obama and the Democrats. By placing this into the government system, controlled by the people, there could not be any dipping in additional funds etc... If more funding would be needed, it would Abraham Lincoln bonds which would start the process over again in more money in interest flowing into a state by commerce.
That is what US Bonds used to be until Obama broke the bank deliberately.
This does take some Benjamin Franklin God given Wisdom, well it is from God through me, but as I am not into adoration in this world as my reward is in another promise, I will say Ben got it from God.
Richard Nixon had a pooling of federal moneys and returning them to states. It allows a rich state like California to help advance states like Nebraska. California has bettered many American's lives by their immense capitalism which is now in trouble from this same Obama spending.
By pooling funds for an equal type share investment it would in Franklin God provided insight, keep a state like California from being overrun with the population from all the other states due to California having a better nest egg. By making this a 50 state investment, California in affording more funds would protect itself, and in reality by the products it produced would have a better market for them in the 49 other states.
With that simple solution, which is before every one's eyes, this Obamanomic problem America is facing, could start to be reduced dramatically in lower taxes in a lustrom.
Imagine an odd thing in California being so non taxed, a populace so productive in keeping their money, that voila California would be in times of war, lending money to the federal government, instead of China.
That all sounds like a pretty good system I would conclude to thinking people. It would be a measure which some astute Tea Party economically interested Citizens would like to use to liberate Americans from massive debt.
One does not have to Ron Paul tear down the system. One simply has to make the people running it, run it for Americans and utilize the system where it benefits all 50 states with money flowing in from other nations.
For a surprise, up until the 1950's America was thee largest lending nation in history. Yes Americans used to be the combined bank for thee entire world.
So this all will work, has historical precedent and that should be enough of a simple lesson in how to solve all of this nasty debt, Democrat voting buying schemes and Obama looting the Treasury for the European cartels.
Plant a seed and it grows to shade the ground, provide homes for all and fruit in due season while singing in the wind a song rustling at the Spirit in mankind.
Debt maniacs in charge of the zoo