The bandit appears like Hitler to have a great deal in common with Barack Hussein Obama and his policies as it was a nice afternoon in Austria, when the bank closed early for a training session of it's honest and hard working employees.
As the doors were locked, a guy wearing an Obama mask walked up and tried opening the doors. As they were locked, on can see the problem for the Obama bandit.
Next he had his gun out banging on the door demanding to be let in.
Bank employees at this point were trying to ascertain if this was some part of their training or if an Obama withdrawal was taking place.
As the situation escalated the bank employees started laughing hysterically at the Obama bandit, which in turn caused the bandit to become even more furious in not being allowed to rob the bank.
The end result was the robber fled to his car, which would not please Barack Obama as it was not a Warren Buffett Chinese bribe car or green car, but the bandit did get away.
A bank spokesman related the following on the Obama bandit:
"He wasn't very smart - the bank was robbed both last December and in January this year and we now have really tight security."
The moral of this story is when are Americans going to be like this Austrian bank which has been looted now of trillions of dollars by the real Obama bandit in the White House, and are going to call in the Tea Party employees and find more than a way to lock the door with a Scott Brown key?
Obviously by Obama's twin in robbery in Austria, Mr. Obama is going to become angry when the doors to the US Treasury are locked, and when he whips out this monkey in his pants and starts banging on the door and Americans begin laughing at Obama, he is going to go spastic furious in probably having spittle come flying out of his mouth as he stutters things without the help of his teleprompter.
The Austrian Obama though made his get away, but it is going to be harder for Obama as he never leaves home without 20 cars and 100 people who happen to be armed, and if he is in Air Force One, it will be even easier for the FBI to apprehend him.
See there is really no difference between Obama in a mask in Austria, Hitler in national socialism a lifetime ago and the real national socialist Obama of today. They all are crooks who think they can get away with stuff, all throw tantrums and when they don't get what they want they skulk away, and will return again...........even if the bank has installed more security, they still think they will get away with robbery.
I was wondering though is this tan looking Austrian Obama would be interested in being a part of a trade with the Austrian government in the Tea Partiers would give Barack Hussein Obama to Austria and America would get the Obama in a mask.
The Obama in the mask knows at least when the door is locked to eventually leave, while the Obama with the tan face paint just keeps on trying to rob the same US Treasury.
Until Obama can be programmed to leave the locked doors of America, let America trade for the Obama who knows to leave a locked door...........even if this one in the mask is not that bright by Austrian standards.
Obama in a mask