Numbers I just received showed the most lovely of states in North Dakota which barrels of oil, bushels of farm produce and agricultural machinery are even constricting now.
America has now been strangled by Barack Hussein Obama in it's last productive bastions and his choking of America on every front is now complete in Obama stagflation has set in.
This blog exclusively noted in industry in the last quarter of 2009 in purchasing stores that the business community was looking at their accounts and predicted correctly that money in the bank would be worthless as the dollar deflates and raw products will be the commodity which will inflate and be a hedge against Obama Stagflation.
This is vital to understand on the business front to predict coming trends and for people to differentiate in not dumping their finances in being cash poor as even if dollars deflate they are still going to need cash.
For the consumer, the vital situation is being out of debt in the coming period, because in a predatory society which is going to evolve for the next few years, there are going to be "deals" as people in desperate need will be dumping vehicles, appliances, lawn equipment at bargain prices in not preparing for this.
I do not advocate screwing people over, but JP Morgan was buying in 1929 and if you notice the Rockefellers in America and the Rothschilds in Europe were buying in 2008 in accruing massive fortunes for pennies.
Always remember that there are different economies and there are different stations of investment between business and yourself.
Indications are that inflation is going to run at least 15% for 2010 as Obama's oil numbers are going to keep driving up, which will drive up all other numbers as trucking costs increase as does manufacturing.
Once gain George W. Bush with the oil barons had this fixed in 2008 at crude dropping to around 70 dollars a barrel which crippled the Russians and terror states. Obama now has jumped oil to around 80 dollars a barrel and in my sources from the oil industry, they are speaking of crude reaching 100 dollars a barrel again.
So expect in the Obama stagflation spiral for you to be paying over three dollars a gallon for gas again.
In my Bastille, USA which I live, I have noted already a halving of activity in people already cutting back. It is not weather related, but it is a definite downturn. The retail sectors just do not have people buying after the Christmas splurge. That all starts meaning a stagnation of sales, which means hours are already being cut back on part time employees as full time employees attempt to hang onto their jobs.
I will also remind readers that Obama in his "stimulus" dumped all unemployment benefits on states by next year, so you are going to be responsible for all the Obama unemployed if your state was inept enough to take the money from Obama.
There is not going to be any hiring in America for the foreseeable future. Obama will hire a million people for his census, which will jig numbers and they will try and point to that to save Democrats, but those jobs run out as of summer as they are not real jobs at all.
There is not going to be any exports of any sort. One of the Fed execs was warning of perhaps a bailout might be needed for the agriculture sector which will be ruinous for America as what is America going to do import all it's food?
Obama and this cartel have virtually now destroyed Toyota America, as Toyota is closing two plants inside the United States. It was exclusive here in Obama was ruining the Japanese auto industry to promote Buffett China cars.
Ask yourself people in the Chinese were demanding a quid pro quo, does it not appear now that Obama in exchange for Chinese bond buying of his debt that Obama ruined US auto manufacturing and is ruining the Japanese auto domination to be replaced by China.
Does not anyone not see the lunacy of Obama policy in replacing the ally of Japan with no nuclear missiles aimed at America, with communist China aiming nuclear missiles at America?
The whole situation is wrong now. Obama deliberately did this. This is not by accident. It is by design. It is in fact criminal rapine of America and traitorous.
Over 20% literal unemployment, over 16% inflation, job wage stagnation, union control of employment in government funding, no energy development for Americans, and war. That is the policy of Obama. There is now denying this is his responsibility and his doing.
Barack Hussein Obama and his cronies do not belong in the White House, Congress or Judiciary. They belong in a prison up in the Aleutians imprisoned for the rest of their existences, stripped of US Citizenship as exiles to never look again upon the America they are in the process of destroying.
This is Obama Stagflation. May the meal of Obama's rapine make them all puke ghetto green for what they assisted in this assault upon Reagan's Shining City on a Hill.
God help the Good in Jesus Name. Amen
This is Obama's change he believes in, in his FU America.
Obama stagflation
Obama stagflation