That's plunderin' you and me
O B A, M A, crook
Obama mouse
He's in the house!
Obama mouse
What a louse!
He's there to steal
Every meal
So what' all the big deal........
I get so busy with listening to God that I lose track of time as this past week I was running errands and happened to notice an old lady next to me getting out of her car. I was quite shocked as she had this huge ugly black scab on her forehead.
I immediately thought, "My goodness that must be cancer as it looked so horrid".
It was then the Holy Spirit mentioned to me that it might be Ash Wednesday, so I turned to the person with me and said, "It is Ash Wednesday?" and they confirmed it was.
Having grown up some very heathen Catholics I am aware of the soot on the forehead, but I had never seen soot like this in my life. This poor woman looked like a chimney sweep. I could not contemplate any Priest doing that on purpose, unless he was given a big purgatory donation or the gal needed an visible sign to comfort her for a good confession. Although a confession like that would have to be Barack and Michelle Obama in size and length.
In God's Holy Ghost speaking to me, I have a constant message from Him in things are not going to be good for America or the other Israelite tribes. It all gets quite depressing as America is as pagan as when God divorced both Israel and Judah by a most deadly court called the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires.
It is quite depressing as I have great affection for America and the brother tribal peoples. To see all that God has blessed and all of the work hundreds of years of our forefathers and foremothers to just see it all crumble from rejecting God on a national scale is sadness.
While my eyes do not run down like rivers of tears, I mourn in the deepest cut of my soul for my peoples as it is such a waste like a person with all to live for, falling down drunk and drowning in their own vomit.
If America would repent, put God first, obey Him and be caring to each other, a great deal of this would still be removed. But when you see CPAC even promoting sodomy and booing Conservatives off the stage, it is a time of Lot being soiled in the debauchery of Sodom.
It is all so vulgar in Christ's Redemption marked by Ash Wednesday, Catholic denial during the Lenten season, and then you see Fat Tuesday and all that Carnival and Mardi Gras hedonism in drunkenness, women flashing their breasts for beaded necklaces and pure evil to party before the suffering begins that it simply produces a charlie horse ache in a moral person's soul, because when you know that Jesus suffered here on earth as the Son of God, was beaten, whipped, spit on, abandoned and crucified, it is disgusting behavior to take such a noble act and turn it into vomit and cum.
But then the Virgin Daughter of America in her chastity has been turned into the same whore. The government is led by thieves and Mr. Obama is a foreign bandit serving a European master, whose Shabbatai Zvi false messiah says, "Sin more, because the more you sin, the faster salvation comes".
George W. Bush was for God's reason, America's last best hope to stop what is coming. He did a sound job, but the damn has broke in the birth of the political bastard of Obama who God did not chose to set in the White House. He is a Saul of iniquity rejected by God.
The Holy Ghost speaks of very gruesome days ahead. I have sorrow for that in knowing it could have been peace instead.
It is my hope as the days languish that God in His Mercy helps elect Americans to the Congress and a David to the White House to like Gideon and Esther save America in our darkest of hours as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan were produced.
I make no secret of it, I hope this David is Sarah Palin in her being anointed for the work, as in God Almighty America is in dire straights and we do not have any time to spare.
I am reminded often of the one known from the womb in Jeremiah the Prophet, imprisoned in a miry well to die, rescued by an Ethiopian servant to the King and given prison bread in the Court until the bread ran out from starvation.
Christians born in these times will suffer like the sinner, as much as Christ suffered with the disciples in that heathen age as the good were scattered in taking only their lives as their only reward.
I regret deeply how America has squandered the moral efforts of millions invested by hundreds of years of work, all now for sodomy, abortion, whoredoms, dope and whatever else is more important in the majority Obama's heart that keeps them from being moral children of God.
A nation receives the leader they deserve. A lying, immoral, thieving political bastard is what America has with a cast of scoundrels.
My intercession will not stop this as no one's can now, no matter if it was Moses interceding for America himself.
Ashes to ashes and dust unto dust. It does not make any difference how much soot America puts on it's forehead for the inferno of sin in the heart has made the Virgin Daughter of God a trash pit whore.
nuff said.
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