The Vice President showed up unannounced at CPAC, following his daughter and had a stand ovation, because he was one of the few Republicans or Conservatives who stood up and took on Obama in the way this blog did.
Americans were desperate for anyone to have the stuff to do lay any leather on Obama in this fight, and except for Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, the cast was quite silent and the dolts like Jeb Bush and Bobby Jindal who said Reagan was road kill, that the GOP had to be like Obama and then side with Democrats were downright depressing.
What I most enjoy about Dick Cheney is he is like a tiger with the Obama fur ball. He comes out and stretches a paw at Obama and the little man goes berserk in responding to Cheney faster than he does terrorists.
Obama in effect views Cheney as a bigger threat than the Taliban, as Cheney appears on television and Obama dispatches immediate Joe Biden to rant about things without proof and then Biden promises America there will not be another 9 11 attack.........but by the next days is on CBS concerned terror attacks will come.
Sure the Obamites make this easy for a master of the game like Cheney, but one Cheney equals all Obama has and all Obama will ever be. If Obama had one ounce of Cheney blood in his veins he would be a leader, but all Obama has is hisself and his 3rd world Dunham leftism just shows what a bower he is.
I praise Dick Cheney a great deal, but I do disagree as he is completely wrong in "don't ask don't yell", because the military is not a sexual experiment. If gays want to serve America, there is no problem with that, but like women in gender not be allowed into combat, gays should be in either non combat or select combat units for men where sexual overtones will not be an issue.
This is not about race as it was in blacks as people can not chose skin color, but they can choose to have sex or not and if someone is defining themselves first as a sex act, that does not belong in the military, because there is only one definition there and that is Soldier.
I also know that Dick Cheney and the GOP have made a mistake in the Afghanistan surge in certainly all will back our Soldiers, but the asinine Obama rules of engagement in US Soldiers can't shoot terrorists who were shooting at them is ridiculous.
Patton told his Army in Sicily that he didn't want any German prisoners, but wanted his men to shoot them all. Patton stated, "I want you to be known as killers and get a reputation as killers, so the German run and never stop running, because they know they are facing killers."
McChyrstal should not be given carte blanche. McChrystal and Obama must be told, "The GOP supports our Soldiers, but by God we are going to protect those Soldiers from Obama policy and not allow them to be slaughtered".
That is what this blog is interested in, in protecting the military in it's mission and in protecting every Soldier.
None of that means I do not support Mr. Cheney, it simply means his old tiger has not met the sahib of me in not being a fur ball by God's Grace. Everyone in this game better get honed and keep testing the pattern as this isn't over with yet and I don't want a barely victory but a complete victory.
Mr. Cheney has laid the groundwork in this in like Rush Limbaugh noting Obama is a one term wonder why you voted for him. This declaration taints all Democrats for 2010 and ingrains in the American mind that Democrats are all losers so voting for them is a waste of time.
Richard Cheney is the elder statesman of the Republican party but his mission is deliberate in being the sledge hammer to the Obama crumbling walls, so the other GOP politicians can do the work behind the scenes and risings stars like Marco Rubio and Sarah Palin can take this to the next step of forming the Conservative and Latino wing of the GOP in women and Hispanic groups.
The very thing Reagan was building before the Bush 41 patricians destroyed all of his work.
There is a definite strategy in this and no one has spoken of it, and I see no reason not to, as the liberals can not stop it, so it is a pleasing show to watch with Mr. Cheney.
I do know that the liberal ranters in their Olbermann off camera moments do appreciate the skill with which Dick Cheney has done what he has been accomplishing in God's Grace, because none of them have pulled the various spews of before.
Each one of them would give anything if they had a Dick Cheney in the NeoProgs, but there is none there man or woman. Obama has sent out all he has, Congress has sent out all they have, the puppy press has sent out all they have, and all they are exposed as is nuttering fools.
The people holding the field are the veterans now in Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz, Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin and if Marco Rubio can hold his own, this is going to be most interesting as Americans love passionate people, and all of these people are passionate and not Obama voters hanging around in shame for that vote.
It really is something to have an Obama jumping like he is on hot coals with one word from Dick Cheney, one appearance by Sarah Palin or one show by Sean Hannity. Thankfully God makes this easy, but it makes for great fun.
They were called Bush Rangers, Minute Men, Tennessee and Kentucky Vols, Rough Riders, Nixon's Silent Majority and Reaganites in our history. They are back and it is pleasing to watch these God Inspired generational Americans at their calling and work.
The Grand Old Party who whose champagne is politcal blood spilt and whose caviar is the nourishment of the battle.
I have not yet begun to fight.
Amen to that.